Are America, and Trump, being played?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Are America, and Trump, being played?
21 Mar 2020 ~~ By Eric Georgatos

~~ Snip ~~
America has never been brought to her knees to the level happening right now, on Trump's watch. Not in the Civil War. Not in WWI or WWII, and certainly not at any time during the Cold War. Forty million Californians sheltered in place — by order of an American government official? Schools closed from coast to coast and restaurants closed in every major order of American government officials? And movements toward gun control and limited rights to gather — by order of American government officials? And nationalized health care achieved in important practical respects without the inconvenience of having to pass laws?
All of this to fight a pandemic of still unclear comparative seriousness that originated in anti-American communist China and is being cheered on, magnified, and roiled relentlessly by the anti-American left, including especially the MSM.
If this isn't a deliberate plot to take down America and every safeguard of American freedom, how would it look different if it were?
It feels increasingly like Americans are watching execution of a plan to take down America as a constitutional republic, and Trump as president, fed by a CIA-type psychological assessment of Trump that bet on his 'go big' instincts that are un-tethered by a deep ideological understanding and appreciation for what truly makes America exceptional and great.
One can almost picture the idea popping up in a John Brennan type's head: Pandemic! That's the ticket. There are a couple of generations of Americans who've dismissed God and faith; they can be counted on to be "frightenable" out of their minds by the prospect of a runaway disease and won't raise a peep of dissent against any action government might take in the name of caring for them. And Trump can be counted on to throw restraint to the winds.
~~ Snip ~~
We would have preferred to believe that no American Congressman would have been capable of the tyrannical abuse of the rule of law that Adam Schiff transparently engaged in to promote an impeachment and removal of the duly elected American president.
And we would prefer to believe that we would never see America in the condition it is in right now—paralyzed by fear and ordered into passive submission by actions of the American government.
And so we, along with millions of other Americans, are not sure what to believe about what is happening to this country in March 2020. It feels like we are being played.

Were being played by crushing the most robust economy in World history by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left. This national shut-down and fear mongering reeks of international CIA Psy-Ops.
It's the economy stupid.
This is the antithesis of What president Trump has done since his election of 2016.
We are seeing the shutdown of the entire nation, businesses are being forced to close, people are panicking, freedoms are being stripped away. Whatever the case may be, we are witnessing the total take-down of the American Constitution.
At the same time, the control of production and the control of consumption are perfectly aligning, which is resembling totalitarianism. A form of liquidation of America has begun.
To many coincidences have arrived at this one central point.
An attack on America.
"are" American Thinker a RW moron hack media source for bashing Democrats ?
Are America, and Trump, being played?
21 Mar 2020 ~~ By Eric Georgatos

~~ Snip ~~
America has never been brought to her knees to the level happening right now, on Trump's watch. Not in the Civil War. Not in WWI or WWII, and certainly not at any time during the Cold War. Forty million Californians sheltered in place — by order of an American government official? Schools closed from coast to coast and restaurants closed in every major order of American government officials? And movements toward gun control and limited rights to gather — by order of American government officials? And nationalized health care achieved in important practical respects without the inconvenience of having to pass laws?
All of this to fight a pandemic of still unclear comparative seriousness that originated in anti-American communist China and is being cheered on, magnified, and roiled relentlessly by the anti-American left, including especially the MSM.
If this isn't a deliberate plot to take down America and every safeguard of American freedom, how would it look different if it were?
It feels increasingly like Americans are watching execution of a plan to take down America as a constitutional republic, and Trump as president, fed by a CIA-type psychological assessment of Trump that bet on his 'go big' instincts that are un-tethered by a deep ideological understanding and appreciation for what truly makes America exceptional and great.
One can almost picture the idea popping up in a John Brennan type's head: Pandemic! That's the ticket. There are a couple of generations of Americans who've dismissed God and faith; they can be counted on to be "frightenable" out of their minds by the prospect of a runaway disease and won't raise a peep of dissent against any action government might take in the name of caring for them. And Trump can be counted on to throw restraint to the winds.
~~ Snip ~~
We would have preferred to believe that no American Congressman would have been capable of the tyrannical abuse of the rule of law that Adam Schiff transparently engaged in to promote an impeachment and removal of the duly elected American president.
And we would prefer to believe that we would never see America in the condition it is in right now—paralyzed by fear and ordered into passive submission by actions of the American government.
And so we, along with millions of other Americans, are not sure what to believe about what is happening to this country in March 2020. It feels like we are being played.

Were being played by crushing the most robust economy in World history by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left. This national shut-down and fear mongering reeks of international CIA Psy-Ops.
It's the economy stupid.
This is the antithesis of What president Trump has done since his election of 2016.
We are seeing the shutdown of the entire nation, businesses are being forced to close, people are panicking, freedoms are being stripped away. Whatever the case may be, we are witnessing the total take-down of the American Constitution.
At the same time, the control of production and the control of consumption are perfectly aligning, which is resembling totalitarianism. A form of liquidation of America has begun.
To many coincidences have arrived at this one central point.
An attack on America.
California's governor is a commie fuck.

Just sayin'

Are America, and Trump, being played?
21 Mar 2020 ~~ By Eric Georgatos

~~ Snip ~~
America has never been brought to her knees to the level happening right now, on Trump's watch. Not in the Civil War. Not in WWI or WWII, and certainly not at any time during the Cold War. Forty million Californians sheltered in place — by order of an American government official? Schools closed from coast to coast and restaurants closed in every major order of American government officials? And movements toward gun control and limited rights to gather — by order of American government officials? And nationalized health care achieved in important practical respects without the inconvenience of having to pass laws?
All of this to fight a pandemic of still unclear comparative seriousness that originated in anti-American communist China and is being cheered on, magnified, and roiled relentlessly by the anti-American left, including especially the MSM.
If this isn't a deliberate plot to take down America and every safeguard of American freedom, how would it look different if it were?
It feels increasingly like Americans are watching execution of a plan to take down America as a constitutional republic, and Trump as president, fed by a CIA-type psychological assessment of Trump that bet on his 'go big' instincts that are un-tethered by a deep ideological understanding and appreciation for what truly makes America exceptional and great.
One can almost picture the idea popping up in a John Brennan type's head: Pandemic! That's the ticket. There are a couple of generations of Americans who've dismissed God and faith; they can be counted on to be "frightenable" out of their minds by the prospect of a runaway disease and won't raise a peep of dissent against any action government might take in the name of caring for them. And Trump can be counted on to throw restraint to the winds.
~~ Snip ~~
We would have preferred to believe that no American Congressman would have been capable of the tyrannical abuse of the rule of law that Adam Schiff transparently engaged in to promote an impeachment and removal of the duly elected American president.
And we would prefer to believe that we would never see America in the condition it is in right now—paralyzed by fear and ordered into passive submission by actions of the American government.
And so we, along with millions of other Americans, are not sure what to believe about what is happening to this country in March 2020. It feels like we are being played.

Were being played by crushing the most robust economy in World history by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left. This national shut-down and fear mongering reeks of international CIA Psy-Ops.
It's the economy stupid.
This is the antithesis of What president Trump has done since his election of 2016.
We are seeing the shutdown of the entire nation, businesses are being forced to close, people are panicking, freedoms are being stripped away. Whatever the case may be, we are witnessing the total take-down of the American Constitution.
At the same time, the control of production and the control of consumption are perfectly aligning, which is resembling totalitarianism. A form of liquidation of America has begun.
To many coincidences have arrived at this one central point.
An attack on America.

America has been a house of cards running on fumes for quite some time. I guess we could always try to concentrate even more societal wealth into the hands of fewer shot callers.
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."

Are America, and Trump, being played?
21 Mar 2020 ~~ By Eric Georgatos

~~ Snip ~~
America has never been brought to her knees to the level happening right now, on Trump's watch. Not in the Civil War. Not in WWI or WWII, and certainly not at any time during the Cold War. Forty million Californians sheltered in place — by order of an American government official? Schools closed from coast to coast and restaurants closed in every major order of American government officials? And movements toward gun control and limited rights to gather — by order of American government officials? And nationalized health care achieved in important practical respects without the inconvenience of having to pass laws?
All of this to fight a pandemic of still unclear comparative seriousness that originated in anti-American communist China and is being cheered on, magnified, and roiled relentlessly by the anti-American left, including especially the MSM.
If this isn't a deliberate plot to take down America and every safeguard of American freedom, how would it look different if it were?
It feels increasingly like Americans are watching execution of a plan to take down America as a constitutional republic, and Trump as president, fed by a CIA-type psychological assessment of Trump that bet on his 'go big' instincts that are un-tethered by a deep ideological understanding and appreciation for what truly makes America exceptional and great.
One can almost picture the idea popping up in a John Brennan type's head: Pandemic! That's the ticket. There are a couple of generations of Americans who've dismissed God and faith; they can be counted on to be "frightenable" out of their minds by the prospect of a runaway disease and won't raise a peep of dissent against any action government might take in the name of caring for them. And Trump can be counted on to throw restraint to the winds.
~~ Snip ~~
We would have preferred to believe that no American Congressman would have been capable of the tyrannical abuse of the rule of law that Adam Schiff transparently engaged in to promote an impeachment and removal of the duly elected American president.
And we would prefer to believe that we would never see America in the condition it is in right now—paralyzed by fear and ordered into passive submission by actions of the American government.
And so we, along with millions of other Americans, are not sure what to believe about what is happening to this country in March 2020. It feels like we are being played.

Were being played by crushing the most robust economy in World history by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left. This national shut-down and fear mongering reeks of international CIA Psy-Ops.
It's the economy stupid.
This is the antithesis of What president Trump has done since his election of 2016.
We are seeing the shutdown of the entire nation, businesses are being forced to close, people are panicking, freedoms are being stripped away. Whatever the case may be, we are witnessing the total take-down of the American Constitution.
At the same time, the control of production and the control of consumption are perfectly aligning, which is resembling totalitarianism. A form of liquidation of America has begun.
To many coincidences have arrived at this one central point.
An attack on America.

You guessed it Bub. The timing was perfect.

Mueller failed.

The impeachment failed.

This was the next logical step knowing that Trump would HAVE to go along in an election year or the political fallback would be too heavy.

  • Trump resists the insidious: gets accused of exacerbating things by hesitating.
  • Trump goes along: gets blamed for collapse of economy.
  • Trump totally rejects alarmist media: gets politically bulldozed for "risking America."
The Democrats have pulled another 2007-2008 on us: slobber-knocker America in her pocketbook again then profit from the confusion and chaos.

You know anyone who has died?

Are the actual death figures any worse than last year or the year before?


We don't even have the data to back up the hysteria. What an expert from Stanford thinks:

In the coronavirus pandemic, we're making decisions without reliable data

Covid Scare.png

Remember, just took who is mocking, attacking any question / suggestion that maybe we have gone too far into batshit crazy.
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."
The Great Depression swept millions of rugged independent Americans into the Democratic Party of the 30s and under government control. It isn't far fetched to see today's Democratic Party trying to recreate a similar scenario with a cold virus.
Let me quote some parts of the article that the OP leaves out:

“The concern about Donald Trump was that he had no ideological core. His public political persona was that of a fairly standard liberal Democrat from New York, but one smart enough over his career to shift around and play both sides of the political aisle as necessary to support his business interests and ambitions.

The problem with a leader with no ideological core surfaces in a time of crisis. He will display who he really is. This may include a lot of good parts — i.e., he may have the street smarts of a New York real estate developer, and he may have an insightful and creative mind for addressing big challenges. But with no governing philosophy developed over years of deeper thinking, he may not have that "true north" of wisdom that filters and shapes the right steps to take to protect America.”

Read more:

What the author is implying in the piece is that Trump is a dolt and sap. I can agree with the Author on that score, but then the author goes postal and starts blaming a vast conspiracy and the deep state.

All this shows is that Trumpists and conservatives are in panic mode over this crisis. They are afraid out of their gourd. They don’t know how to respond and flailing away like a fish out of water.

Now they are turning on each other. This piece is a shot at Trump as a fraud from one of their own.

Thank you OP for bringing this opinion piece to our attention.
Last edited:
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."
The Great Depression swept millions of rugged independent Americans into the Democratic Party of the 30s and under government control. It isn't far fetched to see today's Democratic Party trying to recreate a similar scenario with a cold virus.


The exact same model for taking the data for climate change to push for carbon-credits and elimination of industries, etc., is now being used here:

  • Select the data that supports your position.
  • Reject or quiet the data which does not.
  • Build a crisis around non-existent models with untested draconian solutions.
In the end, another massive loss for the individual. Another massive money and power grab for the controlling elite.

Just look at who vehemently DEFENDS this hysteria and panic and you will see who stands to gain.


In the coronavirus pandemic, we're making decisions without reliable data

Covid Scare.png
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."


Why, when they can be donated to say ... veterans? Favorite charity? Food banks?
Yeah they could billy but I know republicans will never do that They bitch and moan when a Dem president bails a group out but silence when a Repub does it Charity from repubs here?? LOL LOL

Republicans as a group donate far, far more to charity than Democrats.
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."


Why, when they can be donated to say ... veterans? Favorite charity? Food banks?
Yeah they could billy but I know republicans will never do that They bitch and moan when a Dem president bails a group out but silence when a Repub does it Charity from repubs here?? LOL LOL

Republicans as a group donate far, far more to charity than Democrats.
Republicans WORK.

They CREATE wealth.

Democrats tax it.
The Democrats want as many people as possible to be laid off and dependent on government "assistance."


Why, when they can be donated to say ... veterans? Favorite charity? Food banks?
Yeah they could billy but I know republicans will never do that They bitch and moan when a Dem president bails a group out but silence when a Repub does it Charity from repubs here?? LOL LOL

Republicans as a group donate far, far more to charity than Democrats.
Do they like Trump then take the money donated to their charity and use it for BS?? Trump was fined for his shit and that pos is your leader

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