Arctic Sea Ice back to NORMAL!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
yet more bad news for the green k00ks......................:tomato:

Climate change, happening before your eyes | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

......of course, they'll dredge up some bs k00k site about "averages" or some shit.........but the poop is, this link is up at Dridge right now and 25 million people will see it by days end. As they say..........reality is 95% perception. Fake data......k00k e-mails.......the skeptics case grows by the day in the minds of the majority.

And Im laughing.........10 years ago, I publically stated that this global warming hoax would be exposed as a fraud. Now......even the politicians in the most lefty districts dont want to talk about it because it is in fAil!!!!!!!!


Geez............gotta be a bitch being a k00k lefty these days.:clap2:
Actually, it is back to the normal for the last thirty years. And that is a very good thing. However, the freezeup started at the end of February, so it will not get the chance thicken to any degree. Hopefully, the weather will continue cold, and the cover remain for longer than it has for the last five years.

As far as this representing anything more than normal variability, that would take at least 3 years of increasing ice to establish. And all you have had so far is one months worth.

In the meantime, we have had a very warm January and February, and when the results are tallied for March, I am sure that the temps will be found to be in the top five. In fact, this year is shaping up to be one of the warmest ever.

Further more, rather than going to a blog, here are better sources;

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

And if you look at the total global sea ice area, you will note that it is in negative territory, in spite of the Northern Ice Cap increase, because of the present Antarctic Sea Ice decrease;
Another proponent of the Global Cooling Hoax, I see!!! Do you really expect us to accept your "data" because of one cold year, when you wouldn't accept DECADES of warming data??? LOL!!! Who are you trying to fool? You've lost the scientific debate. All you have left is the political.
And there has not even really been one cold year. The coldest year of this decade, 2008, was the tenth warmest on record.

NASA - NASA Research Finds Last Decade was Warmest on Record, 2009 One of Warmest Years

RELEASE : 10-017 NASA Research Finds Last Decade was Warmest on Record, 2009 One of Warmest Years WASHINGTON -- A new analysis of global surface temperatures by NASA scientists finds the past year was tied for the second warmest since 1880. In the Southern Hemisphere, 2009 was the warmest year on record.

Although 2008 was the coolest year of the decade because of a strong La Nina that cooled the tropical Pacific Ocean, 2009 saw a return to a near-record global temperatures as the La Nina diminished, according to the new analysis by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. The past year was a small fraction of a degree cooler than 2005, the warmest on record, putting 2009 in a virtual tie with a cluster of other years --1998, 2002, 2003, 2006, and 2007 -- for the second warmest on record.

"There's always interest in the annual temperature numbers and a given year's ranking, but the ranking often misses the point," said James Hansen, GISS director. "There's substantial year-to-year variability of global temperature caused by the tropical El Nino-La Nina cycle. When we average temperature over five or ten years to minimize that variability, we find global warming is continuing unabated."

January 2000 to December 2009 was the warmest decade on record. Looking back to 1880, when modern scientific instrumentation became available to monitor temperatures precisely, a clear warming trend is present, although there was a leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s.
Not at all, Dooodeee......... As stated, it is good to see more area with ice in the North Polar Cap. However, since the freezeup only started at the end of February, it will not be thick ice. One can hope that it will stick around for a while. However, because of a warm year in the Southern Hemisphere, the ice there is in negative territory, so in spite of last month's rapid increase in ice coverage in the northern cap, the lack of freezeup in the southern cap still leaves the overall global sea ice in negative territory.
Antarctic is growing at a nice rate too. CO2 up and ice is up, what gives? Heck, we even have some scientists stating ozone depletion is helping the ice growth in Antarctica.
More Global warming bullshit exposed and right on queue, old rocks in to try and fill his quota.

As I said...........the k00ks pound you with #'s that nobody cares about anymore. Alas......they are now looked upon as the fringe, stuck in 2002.

But the bottom line is that tens of millions are seeing the headline tonight "Arctic Sea Ice Back To Normal" so.........another nail in the coffin as most wont bother to read the detail. But like I said in post numero uno..........reality is 95% perception s0ns!!!!
Another proponent of the Global Cooling Hoax, I see!!! Do you really expect us to accept your "data" because of one cold year, when you wouldn't accept DECADES of warming data??? LOL!!! Who are you trying to fool? You've lost the scientific debate. All you have left is the political.

One of the various claims of AGW proponents was that there would be an Ice Free Arctic very soon and that this would be very damaging to the planet.

For 4 or 5 years now, the Arctic Sea ice has been growing in extent. That's the fact of the matter. There seems to be something wrong with the general theory of the whole case presented. This last winter in the NH, there have been record cold temps reported wherever people live.

We have been told that the other regions of the world, noteably the Northern Polar regions, have been unusually warm. Now the ice up there is back to the average of the last 30 years. Without knowing enough about this to draw a conclusion, it just seems a little counter intuitive to me.

How can it be so much warmer up there than normal that it skews the global averages and yet cool enough that the Sea Ice is growing. Again.

If it doesn't seem counter intuitive to you, I guess I'd like to know why.
Not at all, Dooodeee......... As stated, it is good to see more area with ice in the North Polar Cap. However, since the freezeup only started at the end of February, it will not be thick ice. One can hope that it will stick around for a while. However, because of a warm year in the Southern Hemisphere, the ice there is in negative territory, so in spite of last month's rapid increase in ice coverage in the northern cap, the lack of freezeup in the southern cap still leaves the overall global sea ice in negative territory.

The ice in Antarctica is geater than the average from the 30 year standard setting period. What Ice are you talking about?
Republicans hate science.

No, we love facts. Your AGW "science" (sic) is Astrology. Nothing but lies told to gullible liberals who "NEED" to believe in a cause. At least religious people admit their belief is based upon FAITH. You guys make shit up, get caught, then claim "It's Science!!!" :cuckoo:
Not at all, Dooodeee......... As stated, it is good to see more area with ice in the North Polar Cap. However, since the freezeup only started at the end of February, it will not be thick ice. One can hope that it will stick around for a while. However, because of a warm year in the Southern Hemisphere, the ice there is in negative territory, so in spite of last month's rapid increase in ice coverage in the northern cap, the lack of freezeup in the southern cap still leaves the overall global sea ice in negative territory.

The ice in Antarctica is geater than the average from the 30 year standard setting period. What Ice are you talking about?

This ice;

Note the negative anomaly.
Not at all, Dooodeee......... As stated, it is good to see more area with ice in the North Polar Cap. However, since the freezeup only started at the end of February, it will not be thick ice. One can hope that it will stick around for a while. However, because of a warm year in the Southern Hemisphere, the ice there is in negative territory, so in spite of last month's rapid increase in ice coverage in the northern cap, the lack of freezeup in the southern cap still leaves the overall global sea ice in negative territory.

The ice in Antarctica is geater than the average from the 30 year standard setting period. What Ice are you talking about?

This ice;

Note the negative anomaly.

Guess all that LAND ice doesn't count.

Note record set in 2007:
12 Sep 07 - The Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) has quietly set a new record for most ice extent since 1979. The Southern Hemispheric areal coverage is the highest in the satellite record, just beating out 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2006. Since 1979, the trend has been up for the total Antarctic ice extent.

Antarctic ice grows to record levels

This was interesting as well:

The full 6 year dataset from January 31, 2004 to January 31, 2010 of the ARGO global network of 3198 free drifting ocean floats with GPS is now available (data first became available from this program in 2004-see float locations here and shown below). Using the Pacific Marine Atlas program to plot data from the entire network shows a slight downtrend in Sea Height over the past six years (January 31, 2004 - January 31, 2010) using data from the entire network: STUDY: Sea levels falling 2004-2010 data
Antarctice ice back to normal? Here's why!

Svensmark's theory explains arctic - antarctic ice coverage dichotomy - sci.physics | Google Groups

> The cosmic-ray and cloud-forcing hypothesis therefore predicts that
> temperature changes in Antarctica should be opposite in sign to
> changes in temperature in the rest of the world. This is exactly what
> is observed, in a well-known phenomenon that some geophysicists have
> called the polar see-saw, but for which “the Antarctic climate
> anomaly” seems a better name (Svensmark 2007). To account for evidence
> spanning many thousands of years from drilling sites in Antarctica and
> Greenland, which show many episodes of climate change going in
> opposite directions, ad hoc hypotheses on offer involve major
> reorganization of ocean currents. While they might
> be possible explanations for low-resolution climate records, with
> error-bars of centuries, they cannot begin to explain the rapid
> operation of the Antarctic climate anomaly from decade to decade as
> seen in the 20th century (figure 6). Cloud forcing is by far the most
> economical explanation of the anomaly on all timescales. Indeed,
> absence of the anomaly would have been a decisive argument against
> cloud forcing – which introduces a much-needed element of refutability
> into climate science.

The ice in Antarctica is geater than the average from the 30 year standard setting period. What Ice are you talking about?

This ice;

Note the negative anomaly.

Guess all that LAND ice doesn't count.

Note record set in 2007:
12 Sep 07 - The Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) has quietly set a new record for most ice extent since 1979. The Southern Hemispheric areal coverage is the highest in the satellite record, just beating out 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2006. Since 1979, the trend has been up for the total Antarctic ice extent.

Antarctic ice grows to record levels

This was interesting as well:

The full 6 year dataset from January 31, 2004 to January 31, 2010 of the ARGO global network of 3198 free drifting ocean floats with GPS is now available (data first became available from this program in 2004-see float locations here and shown below). Using the Pacific Marine Atlas program to plot data from the entire network shows a slight downtrend in Sea Height over the past six years (January 31, 2004 - January 31, 2010) using data from the entire network: STUDY: Sea levels falling 2004-2010 data

That is interesting stuff. That ARGO Array was a dismal disappointment to those that were looking to confirm the dream that the warming was run-away and the sea level would soon be consuming the land.

So sea ice is about at the average both at the North and South Poles, the sea level is actually dropping and, as the Big 0 recently noticed, the sky is not falling, no asteroids are heading toward Earth and it's actually kind of a nice day.

Finally! Something that he and I can agree upon.

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