April fool


Active Member
Jan 5, 2014
Rejoice republicans...the ACA, known disparagingly as "Obamacare" has given the prez another black eye...as the healthcare law ...by millions...failed to reach the deadline for enrollment on 3/31....NOT
All data is not in, but the ACA enrollment was over 6,000,000 prior to the weekend...and a huge surge in subscribers yesterday indicates that well over 7,000,000 have signed up...
Not only that, the latest poll numbers put ACA approval at 49%...a double digit jump since the start of the year, despite accelerated negation by the GOP..
Those fools built their entire congressional election platform on negating and repealing the APA...and now their platform is being pulled out from under them..
Whatever will the GOP run on now?

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There's always abortion, guns, and gays.

Hmmm...what about contraception, tax breaks for the wealthiest, Putin for the Liberty Medal, elimination of food stamps and all unemployment extensions...AND Obama impeachment?

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Let Republicans run on taking away the insurance of 7 million Americans and offering nothing in return

Fact is Republicans will NEVER offer up an alternative healthcare plan. Healthcare is a poison pill for much of their base and no Republican would risk offering a Universal plan
What...No brilliant ideas right wingers..?C'mon...here's ur chance to offer something positive for the GOP to run on..since their antiACA shitstorm seem to be dissipating..

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What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?
What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?

Let em die
You realize that many of those alleged 7 million (amazing that it increased 1 million in 24 hrs, isn't it?) would have had insurance if Obamacare hadn't gotten them kicked off it in the first place, right?
What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?

Everyone does have access to health care. Or did. Obamacare is causing for more problems than it's fixing. People can't get the meds they used to. They now have to pay much higher deductables making treatment options out of reach.

The real question is why are you guys working so hard to make health care worse in America?
What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?

Let em die

I suppose that is your reasoning for destroying our health care system. The rest of us arent that heartless though.
What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?

Let em die

I suppose that is your reasoning for destroying our health care system. The rest of us arent that heartless though.

Coverage for pre-existing conditions
No lifetime caps
Health exchanges available for those who own a business or work for small companies
Coverage of those up to 26 under their parents policies

Go at it Republicans ......make it better
Next up for Red States....explain to your voters why people in Blue States got expanded access to Medicaid and your state didn't
What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?

Everyone does have access to health care. Or did. Obamacare is causing for more problems than it's fixing. People can't get the meds they used to. They now have to pay much higher deductables making treatment options out of reach.

The real question is why are you guys working so hard to make health care worse in America?

No everyone didnt have access to health care. They couldnt afford it. Short sighted is all I can say about people like you. My premiums went up about $90 bucks. I'm happy to pay it because the little old lady that lives down the street from my mom can now get her medication that she needs. Eventually that $90 is going to go down as more people pay into the pool. The process will get better. That is how you improve things. You keep going and making it better. Nothing worthwhile occurs overnight.
You realize that many of those alleged 7 million (amazing that it increased 1 million in 24 hrs, isn't it?) would have had insurance if Obamacare hadn't gotten them kicked off it in the first place, right?

Actually, many had no access to health coverage prior to the ACA...either thru lack of coverage thru jobs or due to inability to pay for it or due to a "pre-existing condition" like cancer or schizophrenia....and relied on ERs for medical care...driving premiums up for the rest of us.
Prior to the ACA, Even those with coverage were subject to having it discontinued due to a long or expensive illness, arbitrary "caps" or loss of employment.
Albeit not perfect...the ACA makes it possible for all Americans to access medical care when needed...and it can and will be improved.

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This title is misleading, it's puts a damper on my only joke day...

Sorry...I just couldn't resist...AND what have U done to honor ur fave joke day?

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What is baffling to me is that supposedly successful people don't understand process. Rarely do things work perfectly right out ot the box. Most things go through a process by which it improves. My background is in IT so I would use this analogy.... Every operating system goes through version changes and is improved and offers more benefits for the users. Sometimes the upgrade causes more problems but the bugs are worked out eventually. Why in the name of sanity would they not want everyone to have access to health care?

I know where ur coming from and was once bemused by this apparant lack of awareness of process and what it takes to initiate positive change within a complex system ( my doc dissertation addressed this issue)...
But I'm perplexed no more...this seeming lack of comprehension has, for years, been relentlessly driven by pols who have much to gain by maintaining the status quo...fueled by limitless funds from moguls with the same objectives...and perpetuated by prevarication by those with deep seated hatred for the prez and any initiative of his...
Months before the ACA was actually implemented it was repeatedly and loudly deemed a failure by these negators...who laced their screams with egregious lies like it would bring about "death panels" , lose jobs, and "destroy America"...and we all know that lies oft repeated r treated like facts...
Ignorance is bliss only for the ignorant...the rest of us suffer.

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