" Approving-Seeking Missles "


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Is how this mornings guest on the Hugh Hewitt Radio show
explained today's Elitist-educated Ivy league school { Trust Fund Brats ? }
as.They crave the authority that Leftist University Professors taught them
and likewise bestowed upon them.Regardless of their upbringing as todays
Guest detailed how he grew up in the 50's in South Carolina.
Todays South Carolina is nothing like in his youth.Fair enough as Hewitt
spews his contant,daily refrain of " They Just Don't Get It. ".
Okey Dokey Hewitt ... we git how you get how others don't Get it.
Saying it numerous times each weekday is like going to the Grocery store as
yer Great Grandparents did.In Europe.Where there weren't any Grocery stores.
At best corner Horsedrawn woodcarts with Vegetables.Or the Local
Food mart where fresh Fish and meats are delievered in the wee hours of the
morning.So best git there quick.With yer little metal small 2 wheeled cart with
handle to lug around yer food items.because They got it.
I get how the World changes.Or how TV Soap operas lasted for decades
like ... As The World Turns.
But the World is no longer content in merely turning.No more than an
approaching Hurricane.Or a Twister.Or Massive Flood.
Or worse yet ... Hugh Hewitts hair turning back to it's original color.
God Forbid.I mean,even God is probably kinda fed-up with Hewitts
refrain of ... "They Just Don't get it."
Like Maybe a ' Little Dab will do Ya '. Brylcreem commercial.

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