Apple and Pegasus Are Secret Lovers

Aug 4, 2021
I am not going to indulge to much information. I will tell you have video, audio, and documented proof, that Apple and our own Government Agencies tell us publicly they donā€™t like each other. Apple soothes us with their half-baked Privacy of our users matters lies. A little over a week ago I finally got escalated by Apple support to their Engineering Dept. Apple has the convo recorded. If not I do and copies also. Because of Legal Motions coming soon Iā€™ll just say the Engineer told me to stop saying certain things. He said, ā€œ Brandon compartmentalize until you get your data to your Legal Counsel, and Brandon please be safe, please.ā€ I had been ranting like a crazy person because Apple would not give their Secret Lover up even when I produced logs from two brand new iPhones on two different accounts that show on July 21st 2021 at 2:32 a.m. until 6ish a.m. our phones recorded audio and video on their own 21 different times. Iā€™ll stop there for obvious reasons. I knew what it was and was verbal. Things got serious quickly. I noticed there was location tracking logs also. One was always my vehicle, and always another pin tracking me remotely from different places. I have documentation from the Hospital ER stating my ear drums, lungs , and nose were burned due to exposure to chemical inhalation. Myself, and two other people have video of who and how put me in the ER. I also have video of the same group following me over and over. I recruited two very brave people to help me document what I would not believe if there wasnā€™t video. I knew I had to have eye witnesses or I would either end up being deemed mentally unstable. Or end in up in the Obits. What this group does is in a sense amazing, and at the same time highly trained with tactical precision. The cost of their time, equipment. The huge logistics combined with the workforce it took. As Iā€™m typing this post my files and emails are being logged into a place called secret activities. I have proof of everything. I do not care what happens to me. I have the evidence in two other places and it will tell the truth. My family is terrified and thatā€™s why I have to make sure that they canā€™t do this to you or you family, or anyone for that matter. God Bless.


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