AOC warns about 'hysteria' over rising crime just months after accusing GOP colleagues of trying to murder her


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

AOC warns about 'hysteria' over rising crime just months after accusing GOP colleagues of trying to murder her

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) during a virtual town hall event on Friday claimed that concerns over skyrocketing crime rates across America are "hysteria."
27 Jun 2021 ~~ By James Anthony

Ocasio-Cortez later agreed with far-left Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) who said during the video event that law enforcement should be defunded.
The progressive Squad member and Bowman have both been staunch proponents of the "Defund the Police" movement.
Bowman, however, despite his fiery rhetoric against "white supremacist" police, begged the Yonkers Police Department for increased police presence where he lives due to alleged "death threats" after the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6.
The pair discuss how to push the defunding police agenda further, despite the disastrous results it has produced. Ocasio-Cortez tells her congressional colleague:
"We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases [of violent crimes]. Now, I wanna say that any amount of harm is unacceptable and too much."

Hysteria. AOC knows first hand all about hysteria as she is a typical female who suffers from it. She wasn't even near the protest on Jan 6th, yet she sought psychiatric help after the incident.
Meanwhile Democrats implored Pelosi to erect a fence around the Capitol and employ the National Guard to protect them from an imaginery threat.
Sandy sees a need for more social workers instead of police.
Meanwhile almost all the top defunders have quietly siphoned off gov’t cash to cover their own PRIVATE security.
Others among them get called out for hypocritically calling police when they are scared, just not wanting YOU and ME to have police when we need them.
It looks like a turf war is breaking out in the five boroughs of NYC and Chicago. With reduced police presence and restrictions on what they can actually do in response to crimes, gangs are staking out their turf and opening fighting, with guns, in open daylight. Prosecutors will not prosecute criminals. Thanks to Cuomo and DeBlasio.
But let’s keep looking into Trump’s businesses for the past 40 years. THAT’S important because only Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats get to use all the resources of government to pursue their petty personal vendettas.

"Female hysteria was once a common medical diagnosis for women, which was described as exhibiting a wide array of symptoms, including anxiety, shortness of breath, fainting, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, (paradoxically) sexually forward behaviour, and a “tendency to cause trouble for others”.[1] It is no longer recognized by medical authorities as a medical disorder. Its diagnosis and treatment were routine for hundreds of years in Western Europe.[1]"
Female hysteria - Wikipedia

"Our goal was the universal triumph of the Communism, and for the sake of that goal everything was permissible – to lie, to steal, to destroy hundreds of thousands and even millions of people… everyone who stood in the way”. –Lev Kopelev
Dumbass analogy.

When she's talking about thousands of Americans being murdered each year she is imploring us to "take the numbers in context"

Where the hell is her commitment to context when talking about the numbers of African Americans shot by police each year?

And yeah, where is this uncovered plot by Republicans to kill her??

Sorry but she's all over the map. Probably a nice girl but not the kind you want in government in charge of things. A definate fruit cake

AOC warns about 'hysteria' over rising crime just months after accusing GOP colleagues of trying to murder her

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) during a virtual town hall event on Friday claimed that concerns over skyrocketing crime rates across America are "hysteria."
27 Jun 2021 ~~ By James Anthony

Ocasio-Cortez later agreed with far-left Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) who said during the video event that law enforcement should be defunded.
The progressive Squad member and Bowman have both been staunch proponents of the "Defund the Police" movement.
Bowman, however, despite his fiery rhetoric against "white supremacist" police, begged the Yonkers Police Department for increased police presence where he lives due to alleged "death threats" after the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6.
The pair discuss how to push the defunding police agenda further, despite the disastrous results it has produced. Ocasio-Cortez tells her congressional colleague:
"We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases [of violent crimes]. Now, I wanna say that any amount of harm is unacceptable and too much."

Hysteria. AOC knows first hand all about hysteria as she is a typical female who suffers from it. She wasn't even near the protest on Jan 6th, yet she sought psychiatric help after the incident.
Meanwhile Democrats implored Pelosi to erect a fence around the Capitol and employ the National Guard to protect them from an imaginery threat.
Sandy sees a need for more social workers instead of police.
Meanwhile almost all the top defunders have quietly siphoned off gov’t cash to cover their own PRIVATE security.
Others among them get called out for hypocritically calling police when they are scared, just not wanting YOU and ME to have police when we need them.
It looks like a turf war is breaking out in the five boroughs of NYC and Chicago. With reduced police presence and restrictions on what they can actually do in response to crimes, gangs are staking out their turf and opening fighting, with guns, in open daylight. Prosecutors will not prosecute criminals. Thanks to Cuomo and DeBlasio.
But let’s keep looking into Trump’s businesses for the past 40 years. THAT’S important because only Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats get to use all the resources of government to pursue their petty personal vendettas.

"Female hysteria was once a common medical diagnosis for women, which was described as exhibiting a wide array of symptoms, including anxiety, shortness of breath, fainting, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, (paradoxically) sexually forward behaviour, and a “tendency to cause trouble for others”.[1] It is no longer recognized by medical authorities as a medical disorder. Its diagnosis and treatment were routine for hundreds of years in Western Europe.[1]"
Female hysteria - Wikipedia

"Our goal was the universal triumph of the Communism, and for the sake of that goal everything was permissible – to lie, to steal, to destroy hundreds of thousands and even millions of people… everyone who stood in the way”. –Lev Kopelev

AOC warns about 'hysteria' over rising crime just months after accusing GOP colleagues of trying to murder her

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) during a virtual town hall event on Friday claimed that concerns over skyrocketing crime rates across America are "hysteria."
27 Jun 2021 ~~ By James Anthony

Ocasio-Cortez later agreed with far-left Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) who said during the video event that law enforcement should be defunded.
The progressive Squad member and Bowman have both been staunch proponents of the "Defund the Police" movement.
Bowman, however, despite his fiery rhetoric against "white supremacist" police, begged the Yonkers Police Department for increased police presence where he lives due to alleged "death threats" after the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6.
The pair discuss how to push the defunding police agenda further, despite the disastrous results it has produced. Ocasio-Cortez tells her congressional colleague:
"We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases [of violent crimes]. Now, I wanna say that any amount of harm is unacceptable and too much."

Hysteria. AOC knows first hand all about hysteria as she is a typical female who suffers from it. She wasn't even near the protest on Jan 6th, yet she sought psychiatric help after the incident.
Meanwhile Democrats implored Pelosi to erect a fence around the Capitol and employ the National Guard to protect them from an imaginery threat.
Sandy sees a need for more social workers instead of police.
Meanwhile almost all the top defunders have quietly siphoned off gov’t cash to cover their own PRIVATE security.
Others among them get called out for hypocritically calling police when they are scared, just not wanting YOU and ME to have police when we need them.
It looks like a turf war is breaking out in the five boroughs of NYC and Chicago. With reduced police presence and restrictions on what they can actually do in response to crimes, gangs are staking out their turf and opening fighting, with guns, in open daylight. Prosecutors will not prosecute criminals. Thanks to Cuomo and DeBlasio.
But let’s keep looking into Trump’s businesses for the past 40 years. THAT’S important because only Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats get to use all the resources of government to pursue their petty personal vendettas.

"Female hysteria was once a common medical diagnosis for women, which was described as exhibiting a wide array of symptoms, including anxiety, shortness of breath, fainting, nervousness, sexual desire, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in the abdomen, irritability, loss of appetite for food or sex, (paradoxically) sexually forward behaviour, and a “tendency to cause trouble for others”.[1] It is no longer recognized by medical authorities as a medical disorder. Its diagnosis and treatment were routine for hundreds of years in Western Europe.[1]"
Female hysteria - Wikipedia

"Our goal was the universal triumph of the Communism, and for the sake of that goal everything was permissible – to lie, to steal, to destroy hundreds of thousands and even millions of people… everyone who stood in the way”. –Lev Kopelev

Female hysteria????? Of all of the idiotic brain dead arguments. That’s the conservative idiot answer to every woman’s complaint isn’t it? Female hysteria.

What about the male hysteria that leads you to believe the lie that the election was stolen, simply because the criminal conman you voted for didn’t get elected.

Donald Trump is telling everyone that he’s the President of the United States and he’s moving back into the White House. Even though there are no laws, no courts and no clause in the Constitution that make it possible for that to happen, you think Joe Biden is suffering from dementia.

You lie about the policies the Democrats are promoting and supporting and then you get hysterical over the lies you’re telling.

Your police forces are shooting and killing on average three citizens a day. Over 1000 per year. You have more people in jail than Russia and China combined.

Your cities are paying out nearly 1/3 of $1 billion a year to settle excessive force cases by your police departments.

And you have the unmitigated gall to claim that any criticism of the criminal violence of American police forces against communities of color is completely unwarranted.

Every municipal service and department across every city in the United States of America has faced budget cuts over the last 40 years, especially in the areas of community outreach, recreational facilities, schools, teachers, and municipally owned hospitals.

Big city police departments have an ever expanding budget, and since the Iraq war I’ve been highly militarized as decommissioned military vehicles are being offered to police departments can demonstrate a “need”.

Police seldom live in the communities they serve, and instead of “local police”, you have former combat veterans driving around in military vehicles and viewing the townspeople as armed combatants on the field of war.

I would like to discuss the “hysteria” created by Donald Trump around his lie of the stolen election. There is genuinely misplaced “hysteria” right there and it’s not coming from women or the left.

And once again we see the right demonstrate on of the founding pillars of fascism: misogyny. Standing along side hyper-patriotism, racism, and authoritarianism, misogyny is one of the four founding pillars of fascism.

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