AOC slanders border patrol,”women drinking from toilets”

It is funny how the media, even Fox news isn't letting the public to know that at all prisons and detention centers in this country has a water dispenser or faucet on the top part of the toilet. It has been like that for decades And I know somebody that employs migrant's workers. They said that it is hard to make the workers, after using the toilet. To flush the toilet paper down into the toilet. They said that in their countries. Their septic system are unable to flush the paper down. That it plugs up the system. That is why the government shouldn't let these immigrants into this country. That they will make this country very unsanitary to live here.
They need to arrest AOC for inciting a riot, and lock up her mentally ill self into an insane asylum. .


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Three members of Congress who visited Border Patrol facilities on Monday said immigrant women were being detained without running water and told by agents to drink from the toilets.

Lawmakers, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, toured the facilities in El Paso and Clint, Texas, as part of a delegation to investigate detention centers used to hold immigrants, following reports children and adults were being housed in squalid conditions. Recent reports from the Clint facility drew outrage last week after lawyers who visited spoke out and described children caring for infants and toddlers, no access to soap and toothbrushes, and inadequate food, water, and sanitation.
Those are exactly the kind that were in the prison I worked at.
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?

Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?

So the tap could have been faulty.
They might not have ever used a toilet like this before...

So an Officer could have told them that even if there was better alternatives...

So your comment looks pretty dumb, to use you lanuage...
Only a fucking fool would believe AOC, the loopy kunt has zero common sense...
View attachment 267319

You see that pic? I grew up in San Diego. As a kid I worked in a restaurant, and one of my duties was to clean the bathrooms. Every day the floors of the stalls would be packed with the shitty toilet paper of Mexican patrons.
Why? Shit hole countries have shit hole sewage systems which cannot handle toilet paper. So, they grow up throwing their shitty toilet paper in a waste bin or on the floor instead of flushing it down the toilet.
Guess what they do when they have lived in the US for 20 years? Yeap, they still throw their shitty TP beside the toilet.
Now, this is not just Mexicans. Most of the countries that our brave new American citizens come from, do the exact same thing. Why? The exact same reason.
These are the genes that are populating our nation. Peoples who cannot develop or maintain sewage systems to handle toilet paper. That very small example, speaks volumes.

Great post........also highlights the Disney Bubble the left lives in. I did the same kind of job many years ago. Not one single progressive board member in here has ever cleaned up poop except for wiping their own ass. They should all have to do a 6 month stint and come back and give us a report. All these pos progressives are fine with advocating for immigrants as long as they don't come within 1,000 miles of them. Eventually, gonna have to make them do a shithouse stint!:deal:
Liberals will never accept that their theory of 'magic dirt' is horribly flawed. They will never admit that poor countries are poor and corrupt because of the PEOPLE that inhabit them. They will instead blame all other factors in the vain hope that all they need is to simply relocate. If they are provided with the modern systems and culture created by Europeans that they will simply magically maintain, and improve on them.
It is equal parts puerile and insane. It has never worked, and it never will.
Look at Brazil...look at South Africa.
South Africa looks like a nice place to push farmers from off of their lands to grow some crops on it.
Well this is another right hatefest... Honestly, I think AOC has a lot to learn but your outrage is just laughable...

Thing is AOC and the CBP have differing accounts... So I am supposed to believe the people who keep 2 year olds in cages and had lawyer defending not keeping kids in sanitary conditions...
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, they are not our responsibility. So shut the fuck up
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?

Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?

So the tap could have been faulty.
They might not have ever used a toilet like this before...

So an Officer could have told them that even if there was better alternatives...

So your comment looks pretty dumb, to use you lanuage...
We should send them Perrier water. I doubt these people have ever seen a toilet.

.. Are they not real humans...
No they're not, just like the savage animal known as the Negro.

Hitler said same about the jews... Congrats...
Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?
Have YOU any proof that AOC didn't fabricate the whole story? She CLEARLY has an agenda so let's see the proof. Video evidence. She had PLENTY of cameras all around her so the evidence shouldn't be hard to produce.


Your request seems a little more sensible... But CBP have been very restrictive on camera use in these facilities... Why are they so restrictive? What are they hiding...

On top of that we have :
  • legal report documenting children inside the centers with insufficient food and wearing soiled clothing and diapers.
  • California congresswoman Judy Chu, also on the trip with Ocasio-Cortez, said she met a woman who had been told by a border agent: “If you want water, just drink from a toilet.” So did AOC say it or someone else? Does Chu back up AOC?
  • “These are the same CBP personnel who threatened to throw burritos at members of Congress,” Chu tweeted.
AOC said
“This has been horrifying so far,” she wrote. “It is hard to understate the enormity of the problem. We’re talking systemic cruelty [with] a dehumanizing culture that treats them like animals.

From the courts last week that seems to be backed up...

Then we have this:
“Kick Ass, Ask Questions Later”: A Border Patrol Whistleblower Speaks Out About Culture of Abuse Against Migrants

This evidence just mounts up and up... Then on top of that we have deaths of children in custody...

Sixth death of migrant child in US custody

How much more proof is needed? Why does only video evidence that will be accepted? CBP are generally not letting in cameras...
Hey fascist, no detention center allows cameras.
Well this is another right hatefest... Honestly, I think AOC has a lot to learn but your outrage is just laughable...

Thing is AOC and the CBP have differing accounts... So I am supposed to believe the people who keep 2 year olds in cages and had lawyer defending not keeping kids in sanitary conditions...
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, they are not our responsibility. So shut the fuck up

Asylum Seekers have a legal right to be in the US... It is US responsibility...

So you are using your ignorance as a weapon... Actually you are trying to say to everyone, "Why you be as ignorant as I am?"
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?
Would you like to drink out of one?
Well this is another right hatefest... Honestly, I think AOC has a lot to learn but your outrage is just laughable...

Thing is AOC and the CBP have differing accounts... So I am supposed to believe the people who keep 2 year olds in cages and had lawyer defending not keeping kids in sanitary conditions...
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, they are not our responsibility. So shut the fuck up

Asylum Seekers have a legal right to be in the US... It is US responsibility...

So you are using your ignorance as a weapon... Actually you are trying to say to everyone, "Why you be as ignorant as I am?"
Diseased illegal aliens don’t deserve to be here, the very first thing they do is break the law here. And on top of that we certainly do not have the room for the fuckers
Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?
Have YOU any proof that AOC didn't fabricate the whole story? She CLEARLY has an agenda so let's see the proof. Video evidence. She had PLENTY of cameras all around her so the evidence shouldn't be hard to produce.


Your request seems a little more sensible... But CBP have been very restrictive on camera use in these facilities... Why are they so restrictive? What are they hiding...

On top of that we have :
  • legal report documenting children inside the centers with insufficient food and wearing soiled clothing and diapers.
  • California congresswoman Judy Chu, also on the trip with Ocasio-Cortez, said she met a woman who had been told by a border agent: “If you want water, just drink from a toilet.” So did AOC say it or someone else? Does Chu back up AOC?
  • “These are the same CBP personnel who threatened to throw burritos at members of Congress,” Chu tweeted.
AOC said
“This has been horrifying so far,” she wrote. “It is hard to understate the enormity of the problem. We’re talking systemic cruelty [with] a dehumanizing culture that treats them like animals.

From the courts last week that seems to be backed up...

Then we have this:
“Kick Ass, Ask Questions Later”: A Border Patrol Whistleblower Speaks Out About Culture of Abuse Against Migrants

This evidence just mounts up and up... Then on top of that we have deaths of children in custody...

Sixth death of migrant child in US custody

How much more proof is needed? Why does only video evidence that will be accepted? CBP are generally not letting in cameras...
Hey fascist, no detention center allows cameras.

So don't ask for video evidence then...

Didn't allow camera in Concentration camps in Germany, on the fields in Cambodia and NK restricts them too... Can you see the common theme... If everything is so great why not show that...
Well this is another right hatefest... Honestly, I think AOC has a lot to learn but your outrage is just laughable...

Thing is AOC and the CBP have differing accounts... So I am supposed to believe the people who keep 2 year olds in cages and had lawyer defending not keeping kids in sanitary conditions...
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, they are not our responsibility. So shut the fuck up

Asylum Seekers have a legal right to be in the US... It is US responsibility...

So you are using your ignorance as a weapon... Actually you are trying to say to everyone, "Why you be as ignorant as I am?"
Diseased illegal aliens don’t deserve to be here, the very first thing they do is break the law here. And on top of that we certainly do not have the room for the fuckers

Again not illegal... They are seeking asylum, they are protected under law... Is this how clueless you are about the law...

Everybody is that bit less informed by talking to you...

This may upset you that the law protects innocent people... Hitler like to call Jews criminals all the time as well...
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?
Would you like to drink out of one?
The loopy kunt has zero credibility... she has no common sense.
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?

Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?

So the tap could have been faulty.
They might not have ever used a toilet like this before...

So an Officer could have told them that even if there was better alternatives...

So your comment looks pretty dumb, to use you lanuage...

They did tell them to use the toilet, because the water faucet is built into it. AOC is acting like this means they are drinking toilet water and that this is inhumane. She is lying her ass off, or is really that dumb. Either way she is endangering the lives of agents because she spreads hate about them.

Again... were you part of the conversation between the detainee and the guard?


So you don't know what went on...
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?

Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?

So the tap could have been faulty.
They might not have ever used a toilet like this before...

So an Officer could have told them that even if there was better alternatives...

So your comment looks pretty dumb, to use you lanuage...
Only a fucking fool would believe AOC, the loopy kunt has zero common sense...
Well this is another right hatefest... Honestly, I think AOC has a lot to learn but your outrage is just laughable...

Thing is AOC and the CBP have differing accounts... So I am supposed to believe the people who keep 2 year olds in cages and had lawyer defending not keeping kids in sanitary conditions...
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, they are not our responsibility. So shut the fuck up

Asylum Seekers have a legal right to be in the US... It is US responsibility...

So you are using your ignorance as a weapon... Actually you are trying to say to everyone, "Why you be as ignorant as I am?"
Diseased illegal aliens don’t deserve to be here, the very first thing they do is break the law here. And on top of that we certainly do not have the room for the fuckers

Again not illegal... They are seeking asylum, they are protected under law... Is this how clueless you are about the law...

Everybody is that bit less informed by talking to you...

This may upset you that the law protects innocent people... Hitler like to call Jews criminals all the time as well...
Progressives should pay for the shit then, America does not benefit from diseased illegal aliens.
Too many of these fuckers are flooded across an open southern border.
There is nothing innocent about these fuckers
This woman has got to be the dumbest c*** to ever be elected into any office.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she said. “This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”

She’s too stupid to realize the sinks that dispense drinking water are built onto the top of the toilet:

A CBP official denied the toilet accusations on Monday, insisting that the locations Ocasio-Cortez visited have standard-issue jail-type appliances with sinks that dispense safe drinking water attached to toilets in a single unit.

“‘No one is drinking toilet water,” the official said. “They’re drinking potable water from the sink attached to the toilet.” It’s what you would find in every municipal jail in the United States.”

Either she is really that dumb, or she is intentionally lying in order stir up more hatred for border patrol and is endangering their lives.

Should she be charged with inciting violence?

Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?

So the tap could have been faulty.
They might not have ever used a toilet like this before...

So an Officer could have told them that even if there was better alternatives...

So your comment looks pretty dumb, to use you lanuage...
Only a fucking fool would believe AOC, the loopy kunt has zero common sense...
Have you any proof that Officers didn't tell them to drink out of the toilets?

Any Proof?
Have YOU any proof that AOC didn't fabricate the whole story? She CLEARLY has an agenda so let's see the proof. Video evidence. She had PLENTY of cameras all around her so the evidence shouldn't be hard to produce.


Your request seems a little more sensible... But CBP have been very restrictive on camera use in these facilities... Why are they so restrictive? What are they hiding...

On top of that we have :
  • legal report documenting children inside the centers with insufficient food and wearing soiled clothing and diapers.
  • California congresswoman Judy Chu, also on the trip with Ocasio-Cortez, said she met a woman who had been told by a border agent: “If you want water, just drink from a toilet.” So did AOC say it or someone else? Does Chu back up AOC?
  • “These are the same CBP personnel who threatened to throw burritos at members of Congress,” Chu tweeted.
AOC said
“This has been horrifying so far,” she wrote. “It is hard to understate the enormity of the problem. We’re talking systemic cruelty [with] a dehumanizing culture that treats them like animals.

From the courts last week that seems to be backed up...

Then we have this:
“Kick Ass, Ask Questions Later”: A Border Patrol Whistleblower Speaks Out About Culture of Abuse Against Migrants

This evidence just mounts up and up... Then on top of that we have deaths of children in custody...

Sixth death of migrant child in US custody

How much more proof is needed? Why does only video evidence that will be accepted? CBP are generally not letting in cameras...
Hey fascist, no detention center allows cameras.

So don't ask for video evidence then...

Didn't allow camera in Concentration camps in Germany, on the fields in Cambodia and NK restricts them too... Can you see the common theme... If everything is so great why not show that...
There is no common theme and cameras are allowed. If they weren't we wouldn't already have tons of photos and videos easily available online.
So I'll ask again, where is the evidence?
Why does USMB allow so many rhread titles that are lies, like this one? AOC said a woman told her a guard told her to drink from the toilet.
Why does USMB allow so many rhread titles that are lies, like this one? AOC said a woman told her a guard told her to drink from the toilet.
i'm glad they do. These lying filth have shown the world exactly what they are and they keep doing it. If they win, we deserve the hell on Earth they will bring.

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