Anyone still defending W has precisely no...

I liked Bush. He was a good president to have during that tough time. Nice guy, and funny too.

Has it ever occurred to you that we might not have had that "tough time" if we had someone in the white house at the time who would have been a tad more curious and directed the FBI, NSA and CIA to look into that Bin Laden and the planes thing?
Has it ever occurred to you that we might not have had that "tough time" if we had someone in the white house at the time who would have been a tad more curious and directed the FBI, NSA and CIA to look into that Bin Laden and the planes thing?

I know you're a hack, not to be taken seriously: but that is astoundingly stupid.
Cheney says, and you take him seriously... so much credibility.

Ditto Rove and Rummy and Tenet.

All will be charged with multiple counts of treason if Hillary loses - that's your first clue...

As is the case with the "warmers," nobody here can defend W other than to say

"My JDAAC preacher liked him"

W's record speaks for itself. Nothing conservative. Nothing but harm to the US. Every time Israel called, W got on his knees and said "YES MASTER!!!"

Don't expect a President Hillary to do anything different from W, because she won't - just replace Iraq with Iran as the country Israel now wants us to invade over 100% lies...
Oh, I see. The voices in your head override reality.

I'm sorry. We're already full up on your kind. Way past our quota.
Name the man who has saved more lives than any American president .. more than 10 million lives?

George W. Bush

Bush saved 10 million lives
Commentary: Bush saved 10 million lives -

Eugene Robinson: George W. Bush’s greatest legacy — his battle against AIDS

Eugene Robinson: George W. Bush’s greatest legacy — his battle against AIDS

President Bush's Global Health Initiatives Are Saving Lives Around The World
President Bush Helped Save Millions Of Lives Through The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief And The President's Malaria Initiative

.. and he did this quietly, without looking for praise.

Does this make him a saint? No, it does not .. but it is the truth .. I'm acknowledging truth, and appreciative of what he's done.
brains, patriotism, or usefulness as a human life form...

So all the "coinswervative" Dubya supporters are now 100% for Hillary. Time to reflect a bit. Fox and others kept telling us W was "conservative." I ask

What did W do that was conservative?

1. raise all levels of government spending faster than LBJ
2. socialize senior drugs, flooding our high schools with free pills
3. first response to 911 was to unionize baggage handlers, doubling their taxpayer funded pay
4. pumped in $1 trillion to public schools under "No Child Left Behind," returning all time record low test scores in 2008
5. did absolutely nothing to help school choice - vouchers
6. took a strong economy and a budget surplus and eight years later returned a depression and a trillion dollar deficit by spitting in the face of Milton Friedman.
7. deliberately lied about what happened on 911 and used that for the greatest suppression of freedom, liberty, and privacy in US history
8. invaded two countries over manufactured lies and nothing in US national interest
9. did absolutely nothing to those who were behind 911 and who made a fortune in the market by knowing ahead of time 911 was coming
10. put "conservative Christian" John Roberts in the Chief Justice seat of the Supreme Court, only for us to discover that Roberts is really a JDAAC (Jew disguised as a Christian) who found new "rights" in the Constitution to allow Obama to force Americans to buy overpriced, bogus health insurance - ie not a conservative at all
11. took 300 innocent people in Afghanistan and locked them up in Gitmo forever with no rights
12. during a "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" allowed George Tenet to open a Libyan branch office of the CIA, nevermind Gaddafy was behind Pan Am 103
13. fired 7 patriotic US Attorneys to make Chosen Traitors around the country above the law, including Hillary's likely AG pick Bonnie Dumanis, San Diego County DA, dyke, and "Republican" like Henry Paulsen

I could go on. W was by far the worst President in US history at the time he left office. He was a complete disaster for the US across the board. Nothing he did was conservative at all. Those who say he was "conservative" are too stupid and treasonous to understand the definition of the word. I left the GOP and went Libertarian in 2004. My only regret is not doing that in 1998...

So while the Dems and the media now celebrate all the W Traitors who are for Hillary, try to realize the media and Hillary's "Republican" supporters don't care about truth or the US at all. All they care about is Israel, and next on the docket is a US war against Iran, undoubtedly what Hillary has already promised AIPAC... and likley provoked by yet another bogus "terror attack" complete with 4 weeks of Israeli owned "US media" gun control drum beating...
Ummm, has no one told you Bush isn't president anymore? How embarrassing for you....
It took W to support a fellow neocon (Hillary) for you to turn on him?


Too late! The nation screwed now!! We're tied up in the trunk and about to get dumped into a river.
I liked Bush. He was a good president to have during that tough time. Nice guy, and funny too.

Has it ever occurred to you that we might not have had that "tough time" if we had someone in the white house at the time who would have been a tad more curious and directed the FBI, NSA and CIA to look into that Bin Laden and the planes thing?

Question: Why has Bin Laden never been charged with any crime of 9/11?

The FBI never charged him, even though there were 'confession' tapes.

Answer: Because Bin Laden was not involved in the crimes of 9/11 .. the tapes were fakes .. AND, both Bush and Cheney said they never said Bin Laden was involved.

So who told you that Bin Laden was behind 9/11?
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brains, patriotism, or usefulness as a human life form...

So all the "coinswervative" Dubya supporters are now 100% for Hillary. Time to reflect a bit. Fox and others kept telling us W was "conservative." I ask

What did W do that was conservative...
W cut taxes on the rich more so than even Reagan did.

He also cut corporate taxes to 5% with his special foreign earnings repatriation.

So he was conserving tax cuts for the rich -- a TRUE conservative.

brains, patriotism, or usefulness as a human life form...

So all the "coinswervative" Dubya supporters are now 100% for Hillary. Time to reflect a bit. Fox and others kept telling us W was "conservative." I ask

What did W do that was conservative?

1. raise all levels of government spending faster than LBJ
2. socialize senior drugs, flooding our high schools with free pills
3. first response to 911 was to unionize baggage handlers, doubling their taxpayer funded pay
4. pumped in $1 trillion to public schools under "No Child Left Behind," returning all time record low test scores in 2008
5. did absolutely nothing to help school choice - vouchers
6. took a strong economy and a budget surplus and eight years later returned a depression and a trillion dollar deficit by spitting in the face of Milton Friedman.
7. deliberately lied about what happened on 911 and used that for the greatest suppression of freedom, liberty, and privacy in US history
8. invaded two countries over manufactured lies and nothing in US national interest
9. did absolutely nothing to those who were behind 911 and who made a fortune in the market by knowing ahead of time 911 was coming
10. put "conservative Christian" John Roberts in the Chief Justice seat of the Supreme Court, only for us to discover that Roberts is really a JDAAC (Jew disguised as a Christian) who found new "rights" in the Constitution to allow Obama to force Americans to buy overpriced, bogus health insurance - ie not a conservative at all
11. took 300 innocent people in Afghanistan and locked them up in Gitmo forever with no rights
12. during a "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" allowed George Tenet to open a Libyan branch office of the CIA, nevermind Gaddafy was behind Pan Am 103
13. fired 7 patriotic US Attorneys to make Chosen Traitors around the country above the law, including Hillary's likely AG pick Bonnie Dumanis, San Diego County DA, dyke, and "Republican" like Henry Paulsen

I could go on. W was by far the worst President in US history at the time he left office. He was a complete disaster for the US across the board. Nothing he did was conservative at all. Those who say he was "conservative" are too stupid and treasonous to understand the definition of the word. I left the GOP and went Libertarian in 2004. My only regret is not doing that in 1998...

So while the Dems and the media now celebrate all the W Traitors who are for Hillary, try to realize the media and Hillary's "Republican" supporters don't care about truth or the US at all. All they care about is Israel, and next on the docket is a US war against Iran, undoubtedly what Hillary has already promised AIPAC... and likley provoked by yet another bogus "terror attack" complete with 4 weeks of Israeli owned "US media" gun control drum beating...

I don't have to defend Bush, but your list of things you don't like about him are beyond absurd.
I liked Bush. He was a good president to have during that tough time. Nice guy, and funny too.

Has it ever occurred to you that we might not have had that "tough time" if we had someone in the white house at the time who would have been a tad more curious and directed the FBI, NSA and CIA to look into that Bin Laden and the planes thing?

Question: Why has Bin Laden never been charged with any crime of 9/11?

The FBI never charged him, even though there were 'confession' tapes.

Answer: Because Bin Laden was not involved in the crimes of 9/11 .. the tapes were fakes .. AND, both Bush and Cheney said they never said Bin Laden was involved.

So who told you that Bin Laden was behind 9/11?

Bin Laden did.
W cut taxes on the rich more so than even Reagan did.

He also cut corporate taxes to 5% with his special foreign earnings repatriation.

So he was conserving tax cuts for the rich -- a TRUE conservative.

Yes, W cut taxes, but he radically increased spending while cutting taxes, which was not at all conservative. Gingrich cut taxes AND SPENDING and produced the greatest modern prosperity for America - full employment and a budget surplus. Government SPENDING is the problem. W was worse than any President except LBJ on spending. Hence, on the entire FISCAL issue, W was extremely LIBERAL, and the result of all his spending, socializing, and selling out was the worst recession since the DEPRESSION, complete with a trillion dollar deficit.

GOVERNMENT SPENDING is the number #1 problem in America. Our next President needs to cut cut cut cut cut spending. W and O have spent us into oblivion.

W + O = the period of American WO

don't make it 24 years of WOH....
Because Bin Laden was not involved in the crimes of 9/11 .. the tapes were fakes .. AND, both Bush and Cheney said they never said Bin Laden was involved.

... because W, Cheney, Tenet, Rove, Rummy and Netanyahu were...
W cut taxes on the rich more so than even Reagan did.

He also cut corporate taxes to 5% with his special foreign earnings repatriation.

So he was conserving tax cuts for the rich -- a TRUE conservative.

Yes, W cut taxes, but he radically increased spending while cutting taxes, which was not at all conservative. Gingrich cut taxes AND SPENDING and produced the greatest modern prosperity for America - full employment and a budget surplus. Government SPENDING is the problem. W was worse than any President except LBJ on spending. Hence, on the entire FISCAL issue, W was extremely LIBERAL, and the result of all his spending, socializing, and selling out was the worst recession since the DEPRESSION, complete with a trillion dollar deficit.

GOVERNMENT SPENDING is the number #1 problem in America. Our next President needs to cut cut cut cut cut spending. W and O have spent us into oblivion.

W + O = the period of American WO

don't make it 24 years of WOH....
As did Reagan -- radically increased spending.

If cutting spending is your litmus test then nobody has ever been a conservative in the history of the USA.

Every one of these guys who claims they are going to cut spending actually increases it once they get in there because they learn that if they create a recession they won't get re-elected and their party will then be booted out of office.
brains, patriotism, or usefulness as a human life form...

So all the "coinswervative" Dubya supporters are now 100% for Hillary. Time to reflect a bit. Fox and others kept telling us W was "conservative." I ask

What did W do that was conservative?

1. raise all levels of government spending faster than LBJ
2. socialize senior drugs, flooding our high schools with free pills
3. first response to 911 was to unionize baggage handlers, doubling their taxpayer funded pay
4. pumped in $1 trillion to public schools under "No Child Left Behind," returning all time record low test scores in 2008
5. did absolutely nothing to help school choice - vouchers
6. took a strong economy and a budget surplus and eight years later returned a depression and a trillion dollar deficit by spitting in the face of Milton Friedman.
7. deliberately lied about what happened on 911 and used that for the greatest suppression of freedom, liberty, and privacy in US history
8. invaded two countries over manufactured lies and nothing in US national interest
9. did absolutely nothing to those who were behind 911 and who made a fortune in the market by knowing ahead of time 911 was coming
10. put "conservative Christian" John Roberts in the Chief Justice seat of the Supreme Court, only for us to discover that Roberts is really a JDAAC (Jew disguised as a Christian) who found new "rights" in the Constitution to allow Obama to force Americans to buy overpriced, bogus health insurance - ie not a conservative at all
11. took 300 innocent people in Afghanistan and locked them up in Gitmo forever with no rights
12. during a "war on (exclusively anti-Israel) terror" allowed George Tenet to open a Libyan branch office of the CIA, nevermind Gaddafy was behind Pan Am 103
13. fired 7 patriotic US Attorneys to make Chosen Traitors around the country above the law, including Hillary's likely AG pick Bonnie Dumanis, San Diego County DA, dyke, and "Republican" like Henry Paulsen

I could go on. W was by far the worst President in US history at the time he left office. He was a complete disaster for the US across the board. Nothing he did was conservative at all. Those who say he was "conservative" are too stupid and treasonous to understand the definition of the word. I left the GOP and went Libertarian in 2004. My only regret is not doing that in 1998...

So while the Dems and the media now celebrate all the W Traitors who are for Hillary, try to realize the media and Hillary's "Republican" supporters don't care about truth or the US at all. All they care about is Israel, and next on the docket is a US war against Iran, undoubtedly what Hillary has already promised AIPAC... and likley provoked by yet another bogus "terror attack" complete with 4 weeks of Israeli owned "US media" gun control drum beating...
W is "ancient" history. Okay, ancient is an exaggeration. It's time to let go of W. He didn't cause the housing bubble all on his own. He allowed 9-11 to be an excuse for breaking campaign promises such as no nation building. Obama spent his first term blaming's time to find another scapegoat. I think it's Obama's turn.
As did Reagan -- radically increased spending.

Nowhere near the pace of W and O... and Reagan had to deal with a Dem controlled Congress, Speaker Jim Wright (went to prison) and Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd (Dem KKKlansman)

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W is "ancient" history. Okay, ancient is an exaggeration. It's time to let go of W. He didn't cause the housing bubble all on his own. He allowed 9-11 to be an excuse for breaking campaign promises such as no nation building. Obama spent his first term blaming's time to find another scapegoat. I think it's Obama's turn.

W is not "ancient history." The man is alive today and has yet to be held accountable.

Hillary's campaign is bragging about all the W Administration types now supporting her. Hence, a review of what the W Administration did is fair game because HILLARY is bringing up the subject. Geesh - have your cake and eat it too...

W blew hot air into an already heated housing market. He doesn't get all the blame, but he deserves a lot.

But the real truth of W is 911/"terror" war fraud, and if Hillary gets elected, that will continue, as will the above recent trajectory of Federal Spending. We need a fiscal conservative President with an ounce of patriotism to the US, and hence Hillary doesn't qualify...
W is "ancient" history. Okay, ancient is an exaggeration. It's time to let go of W. He didn't cause the housing bubble all on his own. He allowed 9-11 to be an excuse for breaking campaign promises such as no nation building. Obama spent his first term blaming's time to find another scapegoat. I think it's Obama's turn.

W is not "ancient history." The man is alive today and has yet to be held accountable.

Hillary's campaign is bragging about all the W Administration types now supporting her. Hence, a review of what the W Administration did is fair game because HILLARY is bringing up the subject. Geesh - have your cake and eat it too...

W blew hot air into an already heated housing market. He doesn't get all the blame, but he deserves a lot.

But the real truth of W is 911/"terror" war fraud, and if Hillary gets elected, that will continue, as will the above recent trajectory of Federal Spending. We need a fiscal conservative President with an ounce of patriotism to the US, and hence Hillary doesn't qualify...
How do you propose to hold a former president accountable?

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