Anyone here been to Beijing?


Senior Member
Jan 20, 2006
New Orleans, LA/Cambridge, MA
I'm heading off across the Pacific to Beijing next semester to study at Peking University. Has anyone here been to the city and have any suggestions of what is must see? Also, does anyone know of some good places to get food, both Chinese and Western? Any other tips, thoughts, or stories would be appreciated.
Mr.Conley said:
I'm heading off across the Pacific to Beijing next semester to study at Peking University. Has anyone here been to the city and have any suggestions of what is must see? Also, does anyone know of some good places to get food, both Chinese and Western? Any other tips, thoughts, or stories would be appreciated.

Never been to Beijing, but I have been to Hong Kong. First tip: make sure you know what you are eating BEFOREHAND. Real Chinese food and what is served here in the US are two different animals.
GunnyL said:
Never been to Beijing, but I have been to Hong Kong. First tip: make sure you know what you are eating BEFOREHAND. Real Chinese food and what is served here in the US are two different animals.

That is the thruth. Some coworkers of my husband are in Shanghai, and had a lot of trouble ordering in restaurants. The first night, they ended being served boiled chickens' feet. :eek:
I've been to Shanghai and Hong Kong before, both amazing cities, but the food is... interesting. Chinese food in China is, unsurprisingly, better than Chinese food here in the states.

Boiled chickens' feet is very good though.
Mr.Conley said:
I've been to Shanghai and Hong Kong before, both amazing cities, but the food is... interesting. Chinese food in China is, unsurprisingly, better than Chinese food here in the states.

Boiled chickens' feet is very good though.

Well, if you like boiled chickens feet, guess you don't need MY help. For myself, I found my time in China taught me an appreciation for the galley, then the Chief's mess.

True oriental food IMO looks like the unsavory parts of sci-fi flix.
Mr.Conley said:
I'm heading off across the Pacific to Beijing next semester to study at Peking University. Has anyone here been to the city and have any suggestions of what is must see? Also, does anyone know of some good places to get food, both Chinese and Western? Any other tips, thoughts, or stories would be appreciated.
One of my old roommates was from Nanjing or Nangjing (north Jing). He said the air is really horrible in both cities, so get an air purifier for your apartment. Also, I don't know if it is a racial thing, but Li Xin, that's my roommate, had horrible hygiene. I shared a bathroom with him. Just know asians have incredibly coarse, long body hair and they do not trim. And I don't know what he ate, but he used to clog up my toilet with the most foul-smelling, horrific demons imaginable. He was cool though. He wore a euro-thong to the beach and he knew absolutely nothing about the US. That was pretty funny. Plus some Asian girls are hot. Have a good time over there! I'd like to go there for the Olympics in '08. Buy lots of pirated DVDs and don't eat the monkey brains!
GunnyL said:
Never been to Beijing, but I have been to Hong Kong. First tip: make sure you know what you are eating BEFOREHAND. Real Chinese food and what is served here in the US are two different animals.


When I was in the P.I., I went there a few times to play in some Hong Kong 7's Tournaments (Rugby).

Thank goodness for noodles and curried fish balls or we would have starved.

DO NOT pass up the fresh fruit juices!
Never been that far north been to A-Valley(VN) and the 38th parralell...have no desire to visit unless there is a directive...Where is General MacArthur I would go with him! Then again maybe I have... visit WalMart from time to time...:terror:
I have lived in Shanghai, while attending Fudan University, and visited Beijing many times. Beijing is by far the most poluted city that I have ever visited. It makes LA seem like Aspen. The air in Beijing needs to be respirated with a spoon. Even on cloudless days, it is often not possible to see more than a few hundred yards before the view blurs into a smokey haze. Beijing is loaded with block after block, mile after mile, of high rise apartment buildings, like the failed projects near Chicago and elsewhere. Of course you realize that actual Chinese food is nothing like the Chinese junk food available in the US. I found real Chinese food often mysterious and almost always disgusting. Chinese culture apparently prefers to be reminded that what they are eating was once alive, thus fish are served with heads, etc. Be prepared for a thousand different forms of bean curd. Yum. Don't forget to visit Tenimen Square, a grey splotch of concrete near the Forbidden City, where Chinese troops murdered hundreds (maybe thousands) of pro-democracy students in 1989.
onedomino said:
I have lived in Shanghai, while attending Fudan University, and visited Beijing many times. Beijing is by far the most poluted city that I have ever visited. It makes LA seem like Aspen. The air in Beijing needs to be respirated with a spoon. Even on cloudless days, it is often not possible to see more than a few hundred yards before the view blurs into a smokey haze. Beijing is loaded with block after block, mile after mile, of high rise apartment buildings, like the failed projects near Chicago and elsewhere. Of course you realize that actual Chinese food is nothing like the Chinese junk food available in the US. I found real Chinese food often mysterious and almost always disgusting. Chinese culture apparently prefers to be reminded that what they are eating was once alive, thus fish are served with heads, etc. Be prepared for a thousand different forms of bean curd. Yum. Don't forget to visit Tenimen Square, a grey splotch of concrete near the Forbidden City, where Chinese troops murdered hundreds (maybe thousands) of pro-democracy students in 1989.
Sounds like you have fond memories of Beijing. What did you think of Shanghai?

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