

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Antilectuals is the new term I've created to define the Left. It used to be that those on the Left would put bumper stickers on their cars that read, "Question authority". However, now that they have elected Leftists they agree with that no longer applies.

Just look at this clip from New Zealand to give you a taste of where we are now

That's right everyone, she and Fauci both say that they alone are the source of all truthiness.


But now that the Left is in full control of pretty much everything, we no longer have controversy about anything. Such issues as global warming, abortion, Covid, etc., these have all been settled by the Left so we no longer have a need to debate them. They alone are now the only arbitrators of truth.

That is why when debating Leftists, they always shift the conversation about how bad Orange man is, or they attack you personally. The Left have all become foul mouthed, rude, and obnoxious with zero intellectual curiosity about much of anything anymore.

Look closely my friend and all will be revealed

Just lower your expectations




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Antilectuals is the new term I've created to define the Left. It used to be that those on the Left would put bumper stickers on their cars that read, "Question authority". However, now that they have elected Leftists they agree with that no longer applies.

Just look at this clip from New Zealand to give you a taste of where we are now

That's right everyone, she and Fauci both say that they alone are the source of all truthiness.


But now that the Left is in full control of pretty much everything, we no longer have controversy about anything. Such issues as global warming, abortion, Covid, etc., these have all been settled by the Left so we no longer have a need to debate them. They alone are now the only arbitrators of truth.

That is why when debating Leftists, they always shift the conversation about how bad Orange man is, or they attack you personally. The Left have all become foul mouthed, rude, and obnoxious with zero intellectual curiosity about much of anything anymore.

Americans are good at inventing Nick names to cover their hatred of that particular person.
Long ago I created a name to cover all republicans. Dickheads.
Antilectuals is the new term I've created to define the Left. It used to be that those on the Left would put bumper stickers on their cars that read, "Question authority". However, now that they have elected Leftists they agree with that no longer applies.

Just look at this clip from New Zealand to give you a taste of where we are now

That's right everyone, she and Fauci both say that they alone are the source of all truthiness.


But now that the Left is in full control of pretty much everything, we no longer have controversy about anything. Such issues as global warming, abortion, Covid, etc., these have all been settled by the Left so we no longer have a need to debate them. They alone are now the only arbitrators of truth.

That is why when debating Leftists, they always shift the conversation about how bad Orange man is, or they attack you personally. The Left have all become foul mouthed, rude, and obnoxious with zero intellectual curiosity about much of anything anymore.

Truly terrifying. Robespierre anyone? The Reign of Terror? The French Revolution? Ring a bell? Ministry of (no) Truth? Truly blows my bloody mind how history is left to so easily repeat. Like it's being read from a script.
Americans are good at inventing Nick names to cover their hatred of that particular person.
Long ago I created a name to cover all republicans. Dickheads.

Aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? What an intellectual comeback. Tell us, please, what offends you most: the bright dawn of facts rising before your eyes from a horizon of radical leftist gloom or the possibility the OP is correct and all your radical leftist fantasies could come crashing down around your ears? If you stand with radical leftist anti-humanism, then you stand with the enemy.
Antilectuals is the new term I've created
WRONG. It's a punk rock band from like Finland or something. It's also a word that been used to describe cultists like you.

Back to the drawing board, kiddo.
You thought you were smart with your silly antics. As if your opinion would ever spin the earth off its axis.
You're just a child.

Oh my you're so original and you're just too smart for me.

I might have to lower my expectations to be able to keep up with you.

It's been a very revealing and world turning experience.


View attachment 553956

Oh my you're so original and you're just too smart for me.

I might have to lower my expectations to be able to keep up with you.

It's been a very revealing and world turning experience.



Keep posting your silly pictures. It only emphasises you had nothing from.the start. Its the same old hate you have begun to worship. Well done.
View attachment 553926

Look closely my friend and all will be revealed

Just lower your expectations



I didn't understand the lyrics, but I like "Infected Mushroom Muse Breaks" better than the OP's sound/video clip. That shit is insane.

Why are some of us able to see the brainwashing and be immune to it? Was it military training? I remember during basic we went through extensive class and field exercises designed to give us mental stamina against "russian" brainwashing tactics. yeah, cold war era. I fear we're doomed as a nation unless we can get more people aware.
Keep posting your silly pictures. It only emphasises you had nothing from.the start. Its the same old hate you have begun to worship. Well done.


You're wrong. There's no hate here just difficulty lowering my expectations to a level that is compatible to the frothy spume emitted by your orifice as you chase your tail.


Which retched little country are you in, colin?

I'm in your wretched little country.
What difference would it make if I wasn't? I'll tell you.
Nothing. You would hate me from a distance all the same.
Why even go there as if I don't have a right to criticise? You grubs don't mind doing it to other countries.
View attachment 553971

You're wrong. There's no hate here just difficulty lowering my expectations to a level that is compatible to the frothy spume emitted by your orifice as you chase your tail.



Admit it. I challenged you and you cant respond. Why do you keep avoiding that?
You've been don't over by a professional so admit it and move on. Alternatively, shut your ignorant big mouth.
Admit it. I challenged you and you cant respond. Why do you keep avoiding that?
You've been don't over by a professional so admit it and move on. Alternatively, shut your ignorant big mouth.

There was some sort of challenge in there?

I don't generally work with special needs people anymore but I do have a number you can call if you don't want my help.



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