Anti-Religious Comics In The UVA Student Paper. Any Outrage?


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2005
Cordova, TN
Ohhh..wait.... They are Anti-Christian. He'll get a pass.


He'll get a pass because Christians aren't cavemen savages like the Muslims are. Nobody's afraid that suburbanite Christians are going to riot in the streets and burn-down foreign embassies over cartoons because we all have an understanding here about free speech.

The first comic is pretty nerdy, math humor, but the second one is pretty funny I think. :)

Have you seen the one of the painting of the crucifixion, but the Roman soldier is saying "BRB" and Christ is saying "LOL?" That one gets me every time.
Just a little reminder of our 'enemy'.


Godd*mn savages. They don't even shave their beards like civilized people. They walk around looking like wookies but still act like they're superior to everybody else. It's ridiculous. The fact that we westerners even tolerate their bullsh*t in the name of freespeech speaks so many volumes about our superiority that it's not even funny. If I were a UK citizen, I'd demand that these savages be deported.
Godd*mn savages. They don't even shave their beards like civilized people. They walk around looking like wookies but still act like they're superior to everybody else. It's ridiculous. The fact that we westerners even tolerate their bullsh*t in the name of freespeech speaks so many volumes about our superiority that it's not even funny. If I were a UK citizen, I'd demand that these savages be deported.

First thing you have said that I agree with.
They're not as bad as some of the anti-semitic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap that Jack Chick packs his little nuggets with. He is one sick man.
They're not as bad as some of the anti-semitic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap that Jack Chick packs his little nuggets with. He is one sick man.

When was the last time that Jack Chick's followers flew a plane into a building or drove a boat full of explosives into the side of naval vessel. Care to rethink that statement? Just a suggestion.
When was the last time that Jack Chick's followers flew a plane into a building or drove a boat full of explosives into the side of naval vessel. Care to rethink that statement? Just a suggestion.

I was speaking in reference to the cartoons posted at the begining of the thread. Pay attention or be quiet.

As for radical muslims...They have no more of a leg to stand on than anyone else who advocates for the murder, or actually murders another in the name of their faith.

How many doctors working for women's clinics have been assaulted or murdered by self-proclaimed Christian zealots? There's plenty of evil done in God's name because people think they have a direct pipeline to their favorite deity, and their way is the only way, everyone else be damned. Once we, as a species, get over that particularly virulent and deadly nonsense, I think things will go much smoother for <i>homo sapiens</i>. Perhaps so much so that we avoid killing ourselves off.
They're not as bad as some of the anti-semitic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap that Jack Chick packs his little nuggets with. He is one sick man.

Why I definately think Jack Chick is a hatemonger, I don't see how you can view anti-semetic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap from Jack Chick is worse than anti-semestic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap from Islamic extremists who murders people who disagree with them.
I was speaking in reference to the cartoons posted at the begining of the thread. Pay attention or be quiet.

As for radical muslims...They have no more of a leg to stand on than anyone else who advocates for the murder, or actually murders another in the name of their faith.

How many doctors working for women's clinics have been assaulted or murdered by self-proclaimed Christian zealots? There's plenty of evil done in God's name because people think they have a direct pipeline to their favorite deity, and their way is the only way, everyone else be damned. Once we, as a species, get over that particularly virulent and deadly nonsense, I think things will go much smoother for <i>homo sapiens</i>. Perhaps so much so that we avoid killing ourselves off.

Then I apologize for my previous post because i assumed you were refering to the picture of the Islamic protesters.

Still as far as im concerned hate is hate.
Why I definately think Jack Chick is a hatemonger, I don't see how you can view anti-semetic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap from Jack Chick is worse than anti-semestic, anti-catholic, xenophobic crap from Islamic extremists who murders people who disagree with them.

Same church...Different pew. And if you read up on the Dominionist movement in America, founded by Rousas John Rushdoony, you will find supposed Christians espousing views every bit as lunatic fringe as those espoused by supposed Muslims. The only difference being Rushdoony's crowd hasn't gotten a real foothold in mainstream America because he didn't have the masses of poorly educated, poverty striken, oppressed people to radicalize and recruit to his cause that muslim radicals had in the Middle East and elswhere.

Rushdoony's crowd is, more or less, disaffected, downtrodden, white folk. Yeah. a whole lotta them in America...And they've got issues.

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