Anti-American Video from Egypt goes Viral


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
[ame=]Sama Elmasry - "You Obama, Your Father, Mother" 'Hey Obama, You Are Stupid, Bad Man - YouTube[/ame]

Egyptian performance artist Sama Elmasry released a music video entitled “You Obama, your father, your mother” that has began going viral.

“Your father, your mother” is translation of a traditional insult in Egyptian Arabic, according to Buzzfeed.

In the video, Elmasry tells President Obama to support the terrorists in the Muslim Brotherhood and calls U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, “old bitch woman.”

Read more: Anti-American music video from Egypt goes viral [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
That isn't anti-American.

It's anti-obozo, which makes it Pro-American if anything.

I guess we should burn down an embassy or something now though....
That isn't anti-American.

It's anti-obozo, which makes it Pro-American if anything.

I guess we should burn down an embassy or something now though....

I agree it definitely was just aimed at Obama, Patterson and Muslim radicals!

However, I did notice the digs against Israel! Doesn't matter who emerges, they all have one thing in common - Hate the Jews.

That said, this is one brave woman. Islamic nutjobs will target her for vicious and cowardly attacks!
Is it Obama's fault the Egyptians elected dat goof-ball Morsi to begin with???...
US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis
16 August 2013 > On the streets of Cairo it's not just a fledgling democracy that lies in ruin. US policy too lies in tatters - in the eyes of many - or at least America's reputation and credibility.
Since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in 2011, the US has struggled to strike a balance between support for the tenuous progress towards democracy and protection of its national security interests. The White House has tried hard to work with whoever is in power in Egypt but has ended up with no friends and little influence in Cairo. Washington's recent diplomatic efforts in Egypt have failed one after the other. Up until his removal from power, the US tried to counsel Mr Morsi to accept a compromise with the army and the protesters. The US also appealed to the military not to remove Mr Morsi. After the coup, Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns travelled to Cairo twice to help mediate between the military and the Muslim Brotherhood. But even getting an audience in Cairo these days is a hard task for US officials.

The US refrained from calling Mr Morsi's removal a coup for fear of upsetting the country's generals and the millions who demanded Mr Morsi's departure. This has infuriated the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters who feel robbed of a democratic election. But far from ingratiating the US with the new interim rulers and the generals, Washington finds itself criticised by the anti-Morsi camp for what they perceive to have been the US's unconditional support for Mr Morsi while he was in power. When President Barack Obama interrupted his holiday in Martha's Vineyard, he "strongly'' condemned the violence and said the US opposed the imposition of martial law in Egypt. He sounded sombre and stern, though he spoke in an incongruous summer resort setting, he mostly seemed frustrated. "America cannot determine the future of Egypt. That's a task for the Egyptian people. We don't take sides with any particular party or political figure," said Mr Obama.

Some argue that the mere fact the US is still providing military aid to Egypt means the US has taken sides with the army. But Egypt's commanding general, General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, has been openly scathing of the US. "You left the Egyptians. You turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won't forget that," said Gen Sisi in a recent Washington Post interview. "Now you want to continue turning your backs on Egyptians?" President Obama said it was tempting to blame the United States or the West for what was going wrong in Egypt. "We've been blamed by supporters of Morsi. We've been blamed by the other side, as if we are supporters of Morsi. That kind of approach will do nothing to help Egyptians achieve the future that they deserve. We want Egypt to succeed. We want a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Egypt. That's our interest. But to achieve that, the Egyptians are going to have to do the work."

Mr Obama did cancel a planned joint military exercise with Egypt and said American aid would be reviewed. The US cancelled the biennial Bright Star military exercise in 2011 as well because of the post revolution upheaval and to press the country's interim military rulers to stick to the agreed democratic transition plan. But today, Egypt's generals are not listening any more, not since US Secretary of State John Kerry seemed to endorse their latest move. "The military was asked to intervene by millions and millions of people, all of whom were afraid of a descent into chaos, into violence," Mr Kerry told Pakistan's Geo TV two weeks ago. "And the military did not take over, to the best of our judgment - so far. To run the country there's a civilian government. In effect, they were restoring democracy," he added.

More BBC News - US credibility 'in tatters' over Egypt crisis

See also:

Obama slams Egyptian military's crackdown; Cairo government hits back
Thu August 15, 2013 > Egypt's presidency says U.S. remarks may "encourage violent armed groups"; Obama accuses Egypt's leaders of taking a "more dangerous path" in their crackdown; It's uncertain if this will impact the about $1.3 billion in annual aid Egypt gets from U.S.; The U.S. also has interests with the Suez Canal and American companies in Egypt
When Egypt's first democratically elected president was tossed out earlier this year, the White House stopped short of calling it a coup. Doing so would have forced an end to the $1.3 billion that the United States sends in military aid every year -- and changed the course of its relationship with its strongest Arab ally in the region. But that was before Wednesday, when the military-led interim government stormed two camps full of former President Mohamed Morsy's supporters. More than 525 people were killed and 3,717 wounded in the bloodiest day in Egypt's recent history, officials there said.

On Thursday, President Barack Obama said the state of emergency should be lifted and a process of reconciliation must begin. He condemned the violence against civilians and announced the United States is canceling next month's joint U.S.-Egyptian military exercises. The U.S. wants to sustain its relationship with Egypt, but "our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians are being killed in the streets," Obama said from his vacation home in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Obama said that he does not believe that force is the way to resolve political differences, but that "there remained a chance for reconciliation and an opportunity to pursue a democratic path." "Instead, we've seen a more dangerous path taken," the president said.

The office of Egypt's Interim President Adly Mansour responded sternly to Obama's remarks, claiming they don't reflect "all the facts on the ground" -- including what it characterized as "terrorist attacks that targeted churches, courts, police stations and public and private property." "The presidency fears that statements that do not rely on facts might strengthen the armed violent groups and encourage them to obstruct stability and democratic transportation," the Egyptian presidency said in a statement. "As a result, this would hinder the road map for the future, which we insist on achieving on time." So will the carnage in Egypt cause deeper changes in U.S. policy toward the most populous Arab country? And might the hardening U.S. stance affect Egypt's own approach? The short answer: We'll have to wait and see.

'A hornets' nest'
That isn't anti-American.

It's anti-obozo, which makes it Pro-American if anything.

I guess we should burn down an embassy or something now though....

I hope Egyptians realize the difference.....however it was Americans who elected Obozo.... and his conflicted foreign relations and his support of the Muslim Brotherhood aren't doing Americans much good out there...
That isn't anti-American.

It's anti-obozo, which makes it Pro-American if anything.

I guess we should burn down an embassy or something now though....

I hope Egyptians realize the difference.....however it was Americans who elected Obozo.... and his conflicted foreign relations and his support of the Muslim Brotherhood aren't doing Americans much good out there...

Nothing the moonbat messiah has done does American any good.
That isn't anti-American.

It's anti-obozo, which makes it Pro-American if anything.

I guess we should burn down an embassy or something now though....

I hope Egyptians realize the difference.....however it was Americans who elected Obozo.... and his conflicted foreign relations and his support of the Muslim Brotherhood aren't doing Americans much good out there...

Nothing the moonbat messiah has done does American any good.

did you also notice the insult to John McPain-in-the-ass.....?
I hope the OP will forgive me, but this ties in to Anti-Americanism too. Just that this is the domestic kind

Check this out..... This is the squaw of who the stupidest voters in history put in office...

And don't think for a second they aren't two peas in a pod

Mooch While At Princeton: Worried Blacks Becoming Too “Comfortable In White Culture”…


Five Thousand years of 'Fail' isn't enough? (the truth hurts)

This is from her thesis which is well know, still think it’s worth a post. From page 30 of Richard Miniter’s new book “Leading From Behind”:


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
I couldn't stand much of that "singing". But, I did notice that she was showing a tad bit of cleavage in some scenes...and she didn't have a rag on her head.

Mohammed would have got out his Persian scimitar and lopped her head off for that.

word today is that these lunatic Muslims we have mistakenly let into this country are calling for a Million Muslim March on Washington on 9/11.

I hope they do that. The damn pinheaded liberals who have made Muslims one of their protected constituencies need to see just what these loonie-tune haters are like.

You can't be an American and a Muslim too. Its all Islam and its all Midieval
I hope the OP will forgive me, but this ties in to Anti-Americanism too. Just that this is the domestic kind

Check this out..... This is the squaw of who the stupidest voters in history put in office...

And don't think for a second they aren't two peas in a pod

Mooch While At Princeton: Worried Blacks Becoming Too “Comfortable In White Culture”…

Disgusting image of wookie removed to preserve appetite

Five Thousand years of 'Fail' isn't enough? (the truth hurts)

This is from her thesis which is well know, still think it’s worth a post. From page 30 of Richard Miniter’s new book “Leading From Behind”:


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Have you also noticed how consumed bed wetters are with "fitting in"?
I couldn't stand much of that "singing". But, I did notice that she was showing a tad bit of cleavage in some scenes...and she didn't have a rag on her head.

Mohammed would have got out his Persian scimitar and lopped her head off for that.

word today is that these lunatic Muslims we have mistakenly let into this country are calling for a Million Muslim March on Washington on 9/11.

I hope they do that. The damn pinheaded liberals who have made Muslims one of their protected constituencies need to see just what these loonie-tune haters are like.

You can't be an American and a Muslim too. Its all Islam and its all Midieval

I have to take issue with that part.

Looney islam has no place anywhere in the world, everywhere you have a group of jihadist assholes, the rest of the people suffer. Even non-batshit crazy muslims.

People who call God "allah" and otherwise live moral lives can be just as American as any other religion.
I hope Egyptians realize the difference.....however it was Americans who elected Obozo.... and his conflicted foreign relations and his support of the Muslim Brotherhood aren't doing Americans much good out there...

Nothing the moonbat messiah has done does American any good.

did you also notice the insult to John McPain-in-the-ass.....?

Yeah, I was so upset I wanted to stone someone to death!!!


That isn't anti-American.

It's anti-obozo, which makes it Pro-American if anything.

I guess we should burn down an embassy or something now though....

I agree it definitely was just aimed at Obama, Patterson and Muslim radicals!

However, I did notice the digs against Israel! Doesn't matter who emerges, they all have one thing in common - Hate the Jews.

That said, this is one brave woman. Islamic nutjobs will target her for vicious and cowardly attacks!

Here you are claiming that people should respect other races...then you turn in private and send me a loving "you are a coon" message. :doubt:

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