Another Zionist Israeli contribution to humanity and peace, curing Melanoma:

Jews are very influential in the music business in the U.S.

Because they work hard in every field they embark on, no half measures at all. If they cant get to the top they help the next one to come along to get there.
which was developed over the past decade by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland.

that is where one should donate money , also I do not think Sheba is the
I found this article
WATCH Israel Develops Cure for Melanoma Cancer United with Israel

so this is all about the
Are the supporters of BDS going to boycott this development from Israel?

I was appalled at the comments under the article. While all medical advances are great no matter who is involved in their invention, as its takes a team and years, its one thing to dismiss the real people involved and take credit solely on oneself.

Nicholas P. Restifo, M.D.

Senior Investigator

Surgery Branch

Dr. Restifo pioneered the use of molecularly defined T cell-based immunotherapies by developing mouse models with predictive value for human clinical trials. The Restifo group was amongst the first to identify myeloid-derived cell subsets that impair anti-tumor T cell responses. His work on immunoablation underlies many of the current generation of cellular therapies in the clinic. Dr. Restifo’s group was the first to discover a novel subset of long-lived human T memory stem cells in humans. These fundamental discoveries are aimed at improving the treatment of adults and children with metastatic cancer.

Areas of Expertise

1) immunotherapy 2) immunoablation 3) adoptive cell therapy 4) novel mouse tumor models 5) T cell development 6) T memory stem cells

Now adoptive cell therapy was helped along by an Dr. Rosenburg (etc) but it was done in the US , not Israel.

No one and no country develops or invents anything in solo, they work on knowledge handed down to them from years of intelligent people and work as a team among countries.

Its very dishonest and arrogant to make such false claims as Israel has done and they should retract it.

Not necessarily. In this case it was developed by Israel and Isrseli doctors. While Muslim savages are busy creating new ways to hate and kill people, Israelis are busy healing the world.

Sheba doctors: Experimental treatment successful in half of melanoma cases

Israeli researchers have found that an experimental skin cancer treatment can reduce some tumors and cause others or disappear entirely, doctors at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, wrote in a recent article in the scientific journal Clinical Cancer Research.

The treatment has been tried on melanoma patients who have been told they have only a few months to live because other treatments have failed. It uses the cells from the patients' own immune systems to attack the cancer.

In nearly half the cases in the experiment, the treatment caused the tumor to shrink or disappear entirely. Twenty-nine patients received the treatment over the past two and a half years. Doctors at Sheba's Ella Institute for Treatment and Research of Melanoma and Skin Cancer reported their findings in the May issue of Clinical Cancer Research.

"Melanoma is considered one of the most difficult cancers," said Prof. Jacob Schachter, head of the Ella Institute and deputy director of oncology at Sheba. "At its late stages it metastasizes to many other parts of the body, unlike, for example, cancer of the large intestine, which metastasizes mainly to the liver. In addition, about half of metastatic melanoma patients are young, and their life expectancy is six to eight months on average."

Sheba is the second medical center in the world to implement the treatment, which was developed over the past decade by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland.

The treatment, approved by the Health Ministry and Sheba's committee on human experimentation, was offered only to patients whose cancer had spread and for whom other treatments, including surgery and chemotherapy, had failed.

The treatment involves taking cells from the patients' immune system, known as tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. These cells, which kill cancer cells and are found in cancerous organs, are developed in a laboratory and then returned to the patient's body to attack the cancer.

At the first stage of the treatment, a cancerous organ relatively easy to remove by surgery is removed, and its lymphocytes are isolated. They are then grown for three to four weeks in the laboratory in bags with 40 liters of fluid until there are 1,000 times more than the initial number. A week before the end of the cell-generating process, the patients are given aggressive chemotherapy to suppress their natural immune system, so that the body will easily accept the laboratory-grown cells.

About a week after the chemotherapy, with the patient still hospitalized, the patient is given one infusion of a concentrated dose of the laboratory-generated cells. The patient is also given interleukin-2, which restarts the immune system.

"The cells that are inserted into the body already know the metastases of the cancer, because they came from one of them. They therefore head, like guided missiles, toward the metastases and take it apart," Schachter said.

After the cells of the metastases are destroyed, white blood cells called microphages take apart their remnants and turn them into refuse. The immune system recovers within two to three weeks, when the patient goes home. A month later the patient undergoes a CAT scan to see how the treatment has affected the cancer.

The Sheba team reported that 48 percent of the patients responded to the treatment. Out of 29 patients, three experienced the complete disappearence of the tumor and the metastases a month after treatment. In 11 other cases the response was partial, but the patients are still alive and are now functioning again. The first patient whose metastases disappeared is still alive after more than two years, and the other two are still alive after 16 months and 10 months. Among the patients whose tumors partially shrank, four have been alive for 18, 24, 27 and 16 months, respectively, and report improved quality of life. All patients undergo CAT scans every three months.

In addition to Schachter, the team reporting the findings includes Dr. Michal Besser, head of the Ella Institute laboratory, and Dr. Avi Treves, Ella's scientific director and deputy head of the Sheba Cancer Research Center. The encouraging clinical findings and the eventual simplification of the treatment will have a significant impact on this generation of cellular treatments for cancer, the researchers wrote.

According to cancer statistics collected by the Health Ministry, 1,300 new melanoma cases were diagnosed in 2008, 100 new cases more than in the previous year. Of these, 830 were of the invasive type of melanoma.

Sheba is expected to submit a request to the Health Ministry soon to recognize the treatment as non-experimental in patients with terminal cancer.

The current findings are based on the second generation of experimental treatment, which makes use of cells that have undergone short-term generation in the laboratory and are injected into the patient's body while the cells are still young.

"The less time the cells grow in a laboratory culture, the more aggressive they are in acting against the metastases after being reintroduced to the body," Schachter said.

Sheba is also working on expanding the technology to other types of cancer, including terminal kidney cancer. "Specific methods must be developed for each cancer to grow the immune system's components," Treves said.

So it was a false Headline, they incorporated the treatment discovered at the Cancer Research Center in the US, that is where the donations need to be sent.

No it wasn't, freak. Where was does it say "they incorporated" anything. An experimental drug that cures 50% or more isn't false, you uneducated moron.

This is not new and Israel did not develop anything. Shame on you for taking stuff that was invented by others and giving credit to Israel. Israel did not come up with a cure for Melanoma ,
see this is why we can't believe anything you say without checking.
which was developed over the past decade by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland.

that is where one should donate money , also I do not think Sheba is the
I found this article
WATCH Israel Develops Cure for Melanoma Cancer United with Israel

so this is all about the
Are the supporters of BDS going to boycott this development from Israel?

I was appalled at the comments under the article. While all medical advances are great no matter who is involved in their invention, as its takes a team and years, its one thing to dismiss the real people involved and take credit solely on oneself.

Nicholas P. Restifo, M.D.

Senior Investigator

Surgery Branch

Dr. Restifo pioneered the use of molecularly defined T cell-based immunotherapies by developing mouse models with predictive value for human clinical trials. The Restifo group was amongst the first to identify myeloid-derived cell subsets that impair anti-tumor T cell responses. His work on immunoablation underlies many of the current generation of cellular therapies in the clinic. Dr. Restifo’s group was the first to discover a novel subset of long-lived human T memory stem cells in humans. These fundamental discoveries are aimed at improving the treatment of adults and children with metastatic cancer.

Areas of Expertise

1) immunotherapy 2) immunoablation 3) adoptive cell therapy 4) novel mouse tumor models 5) T cell development 6) T memory stem cells

Now adoptive cell therapy was helped along by an Dr. Rosenburg (etc) but it was done in the US , not Israel.

No one and no country develops or invents anything in solo, they work on knowledge handed down to them from years of intelligent people and work as a team among countries.

Its very dishonest and arrogant to make such false claims as Israel has done and they should retract it.

Not necessarily. In this case it was developed by Israel and Isrseli doctors. While Muslim savages are busy creating new ways to hate and kill people, Israelis are busy healing the world.

Sheba doctors: Experimental treatment successful in half of melanoma cases

Israeli researchers have found that an experimental skin cancer treatment can reduce some tumors and cause others or disappear entirely, doctors at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, wrote in a recent article in the scientific journal Clinical Cancer Research.

The treatment has been tried on melanoma patients who have been told they have only a few months to live because other treatments have failed. It uses the cells from the patients' own immune systems to attack the cancer.

In nearly half the cases in the experiment, the treatment caused the tumor to shrink or disappear entirely. Twenty-nine patients received the treatment over the past two and a half years. Doctors at Sheba's Ella Institute for Treatment and Research of Melanoma and Skin Cancer reported their findings in the May issue of Clinical Cancer Research.

"Melanoma is considered one of the most difficult cancers," said Prof. Jacob Schachter, head of the Ella Institute and deputy director of oncology at Sheba. "At its late stages it metastasizes to many other parts of the body, unlike, for example, cancer of the large intestine, which metastasizes mainly to the liver. In addition, about half of metastatic melanoma patients are young, and their life expectancy is six to eight months on average."

Sheba is the second medical center in the world to implement the treatment, which was developed over the past decade by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland.

The treatment, approved by the Health Ministry and Sheba's committee on human experimentation, was offered only to patients whose cancer had spread and for whom other treatments, including surgery and chemotherapy, had failed.

The treatment involves taking cells from the patients' immune system, known as tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. These cells, which kill cancer cells and are found in cancerous organs, are developed in a laboratory and then returned to the patient's body to attack the cancer.

At the first stage of the treatment, a cancerous organ relatively easy to remove by surgery is removed, and its lymphocytes are isolated. They are then grown for three to four weeks in the laboratory in bags with 40 liters of fluid until there are 1,000 times more than the initial number. A week before the end of the cell-generating process, the patients are given aggressive chemotherapy to suppress their natural immune system, so that the body will easily accept the laboratory-grown cells.

About a week after the chemotherapy, with the patient still hospitalized, the patient is given one infusion of a concentrated dose of the laboratory-generated cells. The patient is also given interleukin-2, which restarts the immune system.

"The cells that are inserted into the body already know the metastases of the cancer, because they came from one of them. They therefore head, like guided missiles, toward the metastases and take it apart," Schachter said.

After the cells of the metastases are destroyed, white blood cells called microphages take apart their remnants and turn them into refuse. The immune system recovers within two to three weeks, when the patient goes home. A month later the patient undergoes a CAT scan to see how the treatment has affected the cancer.

The Sheba team reported that 48 percent of the patients responded to the treatment. Out of 29 patients, three experienced the complete disappearence of the tumor and the metastases a month after treatment. In 11 other cases the response was partial, but the patients are still alive and are now functioning again. The first patient whose metastases disappeared is still alive after more than two years, and the other two are still alive after 16 months and 10 months. Among the patients whose tumors partially shrank, four have been alive for 18, 24, 27 and 16 months, respectively, and report improved quality of life. All patients undergo CAT scans every three months.

In addition to Schachter, the team reporting the findings includes Dr. Michal Besser, head of the Ella Institute laboratory, and Dr. Avi Treves, Ella's scientific director and deputy head of the Sheba Cancer Research Center. The encouraging clinical findings and the eventual simplification of the treatment will have a significant impact on this generation of cellular treatments for cancer, the researchers wrote.

According to cancer statistics collected by the Health Ministry, 1,300 new melanoma cases were diagnosed in 2008, 100 new cases more than in the previous year. Of these, 830 were of the invasive type of melanoma.

Sheba is expected to submit a request to the Health Ministry soon to recognize the treatment as non-experimental in patients with terminal cancer.

The current findings are based on the second generation of experimental treatment, which makes use of cells that have undergone short-term generation in the laboratory and are injected into the patient's body while the cells are still young.

"The less time the cells grow in a laboratory culture, the more aggressive they are in acting against the metastases after being reintroduced to the body," Schachter said.

Sheba is also working on expanding the technology to other types of cancer, including terminal kidney cancer. "Specific methods must be developed for each cancer to grow the immune system's components," Treves said.

So it was a false Headline, they incorporated the treatment discovered at the Cancer Research Center in the US, that is where the donations need to be sent.

No it wasn't, freak. Where was does it say "they incorporated" anything. An experimental drug that cures 50% or more isn't false, you uneducated moron.

This is not new and Israel did not develop anything. Shame on you for taking stuff that was invented by others and giving credit to Israel. Israel did not come up with a cure for Melanoma ,
see this is why we can't believe anything you say without checking.

The scientific community considers it NEW, and one invented by ISRAELIS, and presented as such in a Medical Conference.

Your opinions regarding this matter don't count, you terrorist worshiping asylum escapee.
Let's recap:

Israeli researchers have found that an experimental skin cancer treatment can reduce some tumors and cause others or disappear entirely, doctors at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, wrote in a recent article in the scientific journal Clinical Cancer Research.

The treatment has been tried on melanoma patients who have been told they have only a few months to live because other treatments have failed. It uses the cells from the patients' own immune systems to attack the cancer.

And here's the article, freak, now go detonate your suicide vest:

Clinical Responses in a Phase II Study Using Adoptive Transfer of Short-term Cultured Tumor Infiltration Lymphocytes in Metastatic Melanoma Patients

Clinical Responses in a Phase II Study Using Adoptive Transfer of Short-term Cultured Tumor Infiltration Lymphocytes in Metastatic Melanoma Patients
  1. Michal J. Besser1,
  2. Ronnie Shapira-Frommer2,
  3. Avraham J. Treves1,3,
  4. Dov Zippel4,
  5. Orit Itzhaki1,
  6. Liat Hershkovitz1,
  7. Daphna Levy1,
  8. Adva Kubi1,
  9. Einat Hovav1,
  10. Natalia Chermoshniuk1,
  11. Bruria Shalmon5,
  12. Izhar Hardan6,
  13. Raphael Catane2,
  14. Gal Markel1,9,
  15. Sara Apter7,
  16. Alon Ben-Nun8,
  17. Iryna Kuchuk2,
  18. Avichai Shimoni6,
  19. Arnon Nagler6, and
  20. Jacob Schachter1
+ Author Affiliations

  1. Corresponding Author:
    Michal Besser, The Ella Institute for Treatment and Research of Melanoma, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel 52621. Phone: 972-3-530-4999; Fax: 972-3-530-4922; E-mail: [email protected].
Jews are very influential in the music business in the U.S.

Because they work hard in every field they embark on, no half measures at all. If they cant get to the top they help the next one to come along to get there.

well a Jew succeeding is unacceptable to Fred. LOL

When did I say anything of the sort?

Stop whining.

Stop lying.
Yeah we all know how much you love Jews. That's why you freaked out over yet another great Zionist contribution to humanity and the world.

Most bigots and haters don't consider themselves as such. Typical Nazi mentality.
I have nothing against Jews, but Zionism is another matter..

Zionism and Nazism have too much in common.
Yeah we all know how much you love Jews. That's why you freaked out over yet another great Zionist contribution to humanity and the world.

Most bigots and haters don't consider themselves as such. Typical Nazi mentality.

Let's recap:

Israeli researchers have found that an experimental skin cancer treatment can reduce some tumors and cause others or disappear entirely, doctors at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, wrote in a recent article in the scientific journal Clinical Cancer Research.

The treatment has been tried on melanoma patients who have been told they have only a few months to live because other treatments have failed. It uses the cells from the patients' own immune systems to attack the cancer.

And here's the article, freak, now go detonate your suicide vest:

Clinical Responses in a Phase II Study Using Adoptive Transfer of Short-term Cultured Tumor Infiltration Lymphocytes in Metastatic Melanoma Patients

Clinical Responses in a Phase II Study Using Adoptive Transfer of Short-term Cultured Tumor Infiltration Lymphocytes in Metastatic Melanoma Patients
  1. Michal J. Besser1,
  2. Ronnie Shapira-Frommer2,
  3. Avraham J. Treves1,3,
  4. Dov Zippel4,
  5. Orit Itzhaki1,
  6. Liat Hershkovitz1,
  7. Daphna Levy1,
  8. Adva Kubi1,
  9. Einat Hovav1,
  10. Natalia Chermoshniuk1,
  11. Bruria Shalmon5,
  12. Izhar Hardan6,
  13. Raphael Catane2,
  14. Gal Markel1,9,
  15. Sara Apter7,
  16. Alon Ben-Nun8,
  17. Iryna Kuchuk2,
  18. Avichai Shimoni6,
  19. Arnon Nagler6, and
  20. Jacob Schachter1
+ Author Affiliations

  1. Corresponding Author:
    Michal Besser, The Ella Institute for Treatment and Research of Melanoma, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel 52621. Phone: 972-3-530-4999; Fax: 972-3-530-4922; E-mail: [email protected].

Good they are doing clinical studies on the treatment protocol discovered in the US, wonderful.
I have nothing against Jews, but Zionism is another matter..

Zionism and Nazism have too much in common.

Like they both end in ism, and there the similarity ends. But Nazism and islam have a lot in common .

Care to define Zionism in your own words so the whole world can see the depths of your racism.
I have nothing against Jews, but Zionism is another matter..

Zionism and Nazism have too much in common.
Who gives a fuck what you think. You're a Jew hater, who can't stand to see Israel as an accomplished nation contributing to humanity, while the Palestinian savages you support just want to kill kill kill like their IslamoNazi brethern.
Yeah we all know how much you love Jews. That's why you freaked out over yet another great Zionist contribution to humanity and the world.

Most bigots and haters don't consider themselves as such. Typical Nazi mentality.

Let's recap:

Israeli researchers have found that an experimental skin cancer treatment can reduce some tumors and cause others or disappear entirely, doctors at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, wrote in a recent article in the scientific journal Clinical Cancer Research.

The treatment has been tried on melanoma patients who have been told they have only a few months to live because other treatments have failed. It uses the cells from the patients' own immune systems to attack the cancer.

And here's the article, freak, now go detonate your suicide vest:

Clinical Responses in a Phase II Study Using Adoptive Transfer of Short-term Cultured Tumor Infiltration Lymphocytes in Metastatic Melanoma Patients

Clinical Responses in a Phase II Study Using Adoptive Transfer of Short-term Cultured Tumor Infiltration Lymphocytes in Metastatic Melanoma Patients
  1. Michal J. Besser1,
  2. Ronnie Shapira-Frommer2,
  3. Avraham J. Treves1,3,
  4. Dov Zippel4,
  5. Orit Itzhaki1,
  6. Liat Hershkovitz1,
  7. Daphna Levy1,
  8. Adva Kubi1,
  9. Einat Hovav1,
  10. Natalia Chermoshniuk1,
  11. Bruria Shalmon5,
  12. Izhar Hardan6,
  13. Raphael Catane2,
  14. Gal Markel1,9,
  15. Sara Apter7,
  16. Alon Ben-Nun8,
  17. Iryna Kuchuk2,
  18. Avichai Shimoni6,
  19. Arnon Nagler6, and
  20. Jacob Schachter1
+ Author Affiliations

  1. Corresponding Author:
    Michal Besser, The Ella Institute for Treatment and Research of Melanoma, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel 52621. Phone: 972-3-530-4999; Fax: 972-3-530-4922; E-mail: [email protected].

Good they are doing clinical studies on the treatment protocol discovered in the US, wonderful.

Wrong. They discovered a new treatment and presented it in the US. But regardless, you don't seem too happy about yet another Zionist contribution to peace and humanity. In fact you almost had a heart attack over it. :rofl:
I have nothing against Jews, but Zionism is another matter..

Zionism and Nazism have too much in common.
Actually they have nothing in common. Other than Zionists happen to be victims of the Nazis. The Arab Palestinians on the other hand, are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic Nationalism, who have adopted all the techniques of the Nazis, including accusing the other side of things they are most guilty of.

Here's Arab / Palestinian Islamic Nazism in action:

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

As Pius was risking his safety and that of the Church in Italy, al-Husseini continued to call for the extermination of all Jews. On November 2, 1943, as the Nazis tried to press forward with the roundup of Italian Jews, the Grand Mufti declared on German radio of the Jewish people, "They cannot mix with any other nation but live as parasites among the nations, suck out their blood, embezzle their property, corrupt their morals."

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SSforces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.
That is a bunch of horse shit, badly produced propaganda that doesn't consider the fact that Serbs are not Catholics. Croats are, and they were allied with the Germans. LOL
Nazis killed Zionist, ha ha, Zionist were too busy moving to Palestine and in the US getting funding, working on the transfer agreement. Then when they had to fight it was with the Palestinians in Palestine. Zionist didn't give much of a hoot about the Polish Jews, man, its time we get some honest to goodness history here. Seems to me Zionism created Nazism and well Nazis party of Germany is gone, but we still have the same Zionist political ideology going on.