Another Roy Moore Accuser- Jaime Phillips- says Moore got her pregnant- forced her to abort at 15

Another Roy Moore Accuser- Jaime Phillips- says Moore got her pregnant- forced her to abort at 15

But that is not the real story. The real story is how Conservative darling James O'Keefe and Project Veritas- tried to plant this story in the Washington Post.

This is not the story about Tina Johnson- this is the story of the Conservative Fake News movement at work- this is not a duplicate thread

A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.

James O'Keefe on the defensive after failed anti-Post plot

And the fascinating question is whether Roy Moore's campaign was behind it.

A conservative group tried to plant a fake Roy Moore allegation in the Washington Post. It failed.

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

Some of the highlights

  • Woman contacted Washington Post saying she started a sexual relationship with Moore when she was 14 years old
  • The woman claimed that Moore got her pregnant and forced her to have an abortion at 15.
  • The woman kept asking the reporter to confirm that this story would harm Moore's election campaign.
  • The Washington Post found a Go Fund Me site in the woman's name which claimed:That woman said she was moving to New York for a new job. “I’ve accepted a job to work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt of the liberal MSM,” the page said, according to The Post. “I’ll be using my skills as a researcher and fact-checker to help our movement.”
  • When the woman was asked about the Go Fund Me site- she ended the interview
  • Later the same day, the woman drove to the Project Veritas building and entered it.
  • When confronted by reporters- James O'Keefe refused to answer whether she was an employee or not.
Dare I say it again?

There is one primary source of 'Fake News'- and that is from the far right Conservatives- and Donald Trump. Here we have Project Veritas once again apparently paying someone to lie to reporters to set up a 'sting'- in order to create "fake news'.

If the Washington Post had published this story- it would have published "Fake News"- created by the Conservative "Project Veritas" and James O'Keefe- both of whom would have promptly denounced the WAPO for publishing 'fake news'.

Or maybe the woman really was forced by Moore to get an abortion at 15.......I am sure Project Veritas will be clarifying that any day now

I thought you already posted this on another thread under POLITICS?

Another Roy Moore Accuser Outed: Court Documents Reveal Tina Johnson’s Criminal and Abusive Past
Dear Syriusly
From what I understand about PV,
when they set up the fake interviews it was to expose real staff working at ACORN and bust them for what they actually said.

From this case, it seems they were trying to set up WP to see if any of them would take
the bait and run a fake story without checking.

If it fails, that shows the WP didn't take the bait.
It doesn't mean the PV was trying to run a fake story
but just trying to use that as bait to see
if the press would act irresponsibly out of political bias.

If PV failed to bust ACORN and they didn't take the bait,
would PV be blamed for sending fake clients to try to really get them through that program fraudulently?

No it was just for bait.
^ I've posted the above reply THREE TIMES now. ^

Are you going to post this AGAIN? under
another thread and topic over and over?

What does it say about the character of an entity (O'Keefe) that would deliberately plant a story they knew to be fake into the media, using a pawn (Roy Moore) as a tool to their objective?

Why do they have to be fucking liars?

Why indeed.

And quit with the bold type posts. Your words are not more important than everybody else's.
Harley's into the 'shrooms again.
oh gosh no!
Pogo just trips me out with his self righteousness.
All i said was this doesnt mean wapo doesnt print fake news. And look at what response i got :lol:

You posted one of your cryptic non-Engrish ludicrousies. Which is why the first and last thing I noted was that it made no sense. And we've done this same thing before, it's a pattern.
That the corncob up your ass is rotting? Is rotting a pattern?

Pogo is obviously retarded ahem excuse me "mentally challenged" stop picking on shim.
You make me feel like a terrible person :/
Harley's into the 'shrooms again.
oh gosh no!
Pogo just trips me out with his self righteousness.
All i said was this doesnt mean wapo doesnt print fake news. And look at what response i got :lol:

You posted one of your cryptic non-Engrish ludicrousies. Which is why the first and last thing I noted was that it made no sense. And we've done this same thing before, it's a pattern.
That the corncob up your ass is rotting? Is rotting a pattern?

Pogo is obviously retarded ahem excuse me "mentally challenged" stop picking on shim.
You make me feel like a terrible person :/

If it makes you feel any better , I AM a terrible person :D
Another Roy Moore Accuser- Jaime Phillips- says Moore got her pregnant- forced her to abort at 15

But that is not the real story. The real story is how Conservative darling James O'Keefe and Project Veritas- tried to plant this story in the Washington Post.

This is not the story about Tina Johnson- this is the story of the Conservative Fake News movement at work- this is not a duplicate thread

A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.

James O'Keefe on the defensive after failed anti-Post plot

And the fascinating question is whether Roy Moore's campaign was behind it.

A conservative group tried to plant a fake Roy Moore allegation in the Washington Post. It failed.

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

Some of the highlights

  • Woman contacted Washington Post saying she started a sexual relationship with Moore when she was 14 years old
  • The woman claimed that Moore got her pregnant and forced her to have an abortion at 15.
  • The woman kept asking the reporter to confirm that this story would harm Moore's election campaign.
  • The Washington Post found a Go Fund Me site in the woman's name which claimed:That woman said she was moving to New York for a new job. “I’ve accepted a job to work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt of the liberal MSM,” the page said, according to The Post. “I’ll be using my skills as a researcher and fact-checker to help our movement.”
  • When the woman was asked about the Go Fund Me site- she ended the interview
  • Later the same day, the woman drove to the Project Veritas building and entered it.
  • When confronted by reporters- James O'Keefe refused to answer whether she was an employee or not.
Dare I say it again?

There is one primary source of 'Fake News'- and that is from the far right Conservatives- and Donald Trump. Here we have Project Veritas once again apparently paying someone to lie to reporters to set up a 'sting'- in order to create "fake news'.

If the Washington Post had published this story- it would have published "Fake News"- created by the Conservative "Project Veritas" and James O'Keefe- both of whom would have promptly denounced the WAPO for publishing 'fake news'.

Or maybe the woman really was forced by Moore to get an abortion at 15.......I am sure Project Veritas will be clarifying that any day now

I thought you already posted this on another thread under POLITICS?

Another Roy Moore Accuser Outed: Court Documents Reveal Tina Johnson’s Criminal and Abusive Past
Dear Syriusly
From what I understand about PV,
when they set up the fake interviews it was to expose real staff working at ACORN and bust them for what they actually said.

From this case, it seems they were trying to set up WP to see if any of them would take
the bait and run a fake story without checking.

If it fails, that shows the WP didn't take the bait.
It doesn't mean the PV was trying to run a fake story
but just trying to use that as bait to see
if the press would act irresponsibly out of political bias.

If PV failed to bust ACORN and they didn't take the bait,
would PV be blamed for sending fake clients to try to really get them through that program fraudulently?

No it was just for bait.
^ I've posted the above reply THREE TIMES now. ^

Are you going to post this AGAIN? under
another thread and topic over and over?

What does it say about the character of an entity (O'Keefe) that would deliberately plant a story they knew to be fake into the media, using a pawn (Roy Moore) as a tool to their objective?

Why do they have to be fucking liars?

Why indeed.

And quit with the bold type posts. Your words are not more important than everybody else's.

Of course we don't know it is Fake News for sure.

Maybe O'Keefe wanted everyone to know that Moore had sex with a 14 year old and forced her to have an abortion when she was 15- maybe he was planting a true story.......
I heard Moore was on the grassy knoll in Dallas in 1963.
Leftists hate when their tactics are co-opted.

Contards have applauded the attempts to plant Fake News- applauded it so much they elected the chief purveyor of Fake News as President.
Harley's into the 'shrooms again.
oh gosh no!
Pogo just trips me out with his self righteousness.
All i said was this doesnt mean wapo doesnt print fake news. And look at what response i got :lol:
Well, that's a little more clear than the first time you attempted it. It's true what Pogo and I both said, though. WaPo and all the majors do their best to get it right. I wish you wouldn't buy into all this Fake News horseshit, TN. You are too smart for that.
What do you expect people to think when all you do is post shit from anonymous sources that never turn out to be true?
comey asking for more investigative funds
trump revealed classified info to russians
what about taking obvious jokes and blasting them as real? Even, IN the article, saying it was all verified and shit?
Would you like more? Thats just a few off the top of my head..
?Trump DID reveal classified info to the Russians (the Israeli agent).
I have no idea what you're talking about with "obvious jokes" -- finding Hillary's e-mails, you mean? Yeah, that was stupid, but they didn't make up what he said. I thought he was being facetious, too.
It's not "fake news," though--it's what they thought he meant by it. Won't be the first time our leader's words were wide open to interpretation.
Before this political fascist bought it, they never even printed shit without a second source..
Hey genius, it isnt possible for a POTUS to leak classified intel...
Do you ever remember hearing about FDR doing that with churchill and the russians? Happened ALL the time. Know why he didnt get in trouble for it? Because the POTUS has complete discretion concerning classified intel. There are reasons for that...
In fact, i believe wapo even apologized for that load of horseshit. Looks like you are falling for the fake news! LOL
Yeah, I know--he DID reveal classified information to the Russians. Doesn't matter if he COULD, he wasn't SUPPOSED TO.
One Israeli official, however, told Buzzfeed News: ”We have an arrangement with America which is unique to the world of intelligence sharing. We do not have this relationship with any other country.
“To know that this intelligence is shared with others, without our prior knowledge? That is, for us, our worst fears confirmed.”

Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia
oh gosh no!
Pogo just trips me out with his self righteousness.
All i said was this doesnt mean wapo doesnt print fake news. And look at what response i got :lol:
Well, that's a little more clear than the first time you attempted it. It's true what Pogo and I both said, though. WaPo and all the majors do their best to get it right. I wish you wouldn't buy into all this Fake News horseshit, TN. You are too smart for that.
What do you expect people to think when all you do is post shit from anonymous sources that never turn out to be true?
comey asking for more investigative funds
trump revealed classified info to russians
what about taking obvious jokes and blasting them as real? Even, IN the article, saying it was all verified and shit?
Would you like more? Thats just a few off the top of my head..
?Trump DID reveal classified info to the Russians (the Israeli agent).
I have no idea what you're talking about with "obvious jokes" -- finding Hillary's e-mails, you mean? Yeah, that was stupid, but they didn't make up what he said. I thought he was being facetious, too.
It's not "fake news," though--it's what they thought he meant by it. Won't be the first time our leader's words were wide open to interpretation.
Before this political fascist bought it, they never even printed shit without a second source..
Hey genius, it isnt possible for a POTUS to leak classified intel...
Do you ever remember hearing about FDR doing that with churchill and the russians? Happened ALL the time. Know why he didnt get in trouble for it? Because the POTUS has complete discretion concerning classified intel. There are reasons for that...
In fact, i believe wapo even apologized for that load of horseshit. Looks like you are falling for the fake news! LOL
Yeah, I know--he DID reveal classified information to the Russians. Doesn't matter if he COULD, he wasn't SUPPOSED TO.
One Israeli official, however, told Buzzfeed News: ”We have an arrangement with America which is unique to the world of intelligence sharing. We do not have this relationship with any other country.
“To know that this intelligence is shared with others, without our prior knowledge? That is, for us, our worst fears confirmed.”

Revealed: The top secret Israeli intelligence Donald Trump gave away to Russia
Why isnt he "supposed" to? I believe they refer to it as Geopolitics..
If he wasnt supposed to, why is that a national policy?
GO Moore!

How so? As in, win the election, or, as in, get in the pants of more teenagers?
Don't matter to me. A rapist child molesting murderer is better than any liberal.

And that pretty much recaps the viewpoint of the Trump establshment.
Lol! I have nothing to do with Trump or what he thinks. Lol, keep on losing, it's what you do best. Blame Trump for what some guy on the internet says. If that aint a loser then I don't know what is.
GO Moore!

How so? As in, win the election, or, as in, get in the pants of more teenagers?
Don't matter to me. A rapist child molesting murderer is better than any liberal.

Yeah, funny thing is, you're not joking. You really are that vile. That's why pukes like you have to hide anonymously on the internet.
Post your info here then hypo.

What idiot? Did you just ask someone to do something?
GO Moore!

How so? As in, win the election, or, as in, get in the pants of more teenagers?
Don't matter to me. A rapist child molesting murderer is better than any liberal.

And that pretty much recaps the viewpoint of the Trump establshment.
Lol! I have nothing to do with Trump or what he thinks. Lol, keep on losing, it's what you do best. Blame Trump for what some guy on the internet says. If that aint a loser then I don't know what is.

You are a pathetic little liar. You hang on Trump's every word and would volunteer to be his intern under the desk, if given the opportunity.
If the Washington Post had published this story- it would have published "Fake News"- created by the Conservative "Project Veritas" and James O'Keefe- both of whom would have promptly denounced the WAPO for publishing 'fake news'.
oh gosh no!
Pogo just trips me out with his self righteousness.
All i said was this doesnt mean wapo doesnt print fake news. And look at what response i got :lol:
watergate was/is the how-to guide book in fake news and the only claim to fame of/for the washington post
There is one primary source of 'Fake News'- and that is from the far right Conservatives- and Donald Trump.

“What you did to me when I was 14-years old should be revolting to every person of good morals. But now you are attacking my honesty and integrity. Where does your immorality end?”

— Leigh Corfmann, in an open letter to Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore (R), published by the Birminghan News.

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