Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?

And here you are showing yourself to be the fool. If you have no evidence, it doesn't matter what the judge or jury thinks of you personally, you don't get convicted. See in this country you need something called proof to convict anybody. It doesn't matter if you think the defendant is a total asshole, if you have no evidence you can't convict him/her. Now don't you feel stupid?

You are full of shit. There are cases especially with sexual assault where convictions were made based on the victim's testimony.

Perhaps, but you can't show us any. And even if you could find one, it wouldn't be from an allegation 25 years ago.
I get it. IF these women aren't filing charges or suing, they are liars. Do you just hate all women?

No, if women don't immediately alert authorities, go to the hospital to get checked out, not come out with their fantasy until 25 years later are liars.
I find it hard to believe many of those who insist "we must believe the women" years or decades later actually believe the allegations.

No one can be that stupid or gullible.
Sorry, you support Trump. You can't get more gullible than that.
And here you are showing yourself to be the fool. If you have no evidence, it doesn't matter what the judge or jury thinks of you personally, you don't get convicted. See in this country you need something called proof to convict anybody. It doesn't matter if you think the defendant is a total asshole, if you have no evidence you can't convict him/her. Now don't you feel stupid?

You are full of shit. There are cases especially with sexual assault where convictions were made based on the victim's testimony.

Perhaps, but you can't show us any. And even if you could find one, it wouldn't be from an allegation 25 years ago.
I get it. IF these women aren't filing charges or suing, they are liars. Do you just hate all women?

No, if women don't immediately alert authorities, go to the hospital to get checked out, not come out with their fantasy until 25 years later are liars.
I find it hard to believe many of those who insist "we must believe the women" years or decades later actually believe the allegations.

No one can be that stupid or gullible.

It's how hate driven people are. They will believe anything as long as it's against Trump no matter how unrealistic.

I mean.......look at this Jussie Smollett case. When the topic was up, the leftists were not only defending him, but defending that pig Kim Fox for not only not going forward with the case, but attempting to seal all records. She did do that, but a court ordered them to be unsealed.

Speaking of witnesses, both of those clowns he hired to beat him up admitted they were paid by Smollett to do it. He wrote them a personal check, the pages from where he cut letters out to form the threatening note were found in his apartment garbage bin, and the liberals still stuck up for him because the two guys he paid wore MAGA hats.

Maybe one day scientists will open up a the brains of a few liberals to tell us what's going on wrong in there. Common sense can't escape a normal person like it does to them.

"So now I will tell you
what happened:

"The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again. He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the wall a second time, and, as I become aware of how large he is, he holds me against the wall with his shoulder and jams his hand under my coat dress and pulls down my tights.

"I am astonished by what I’m about to write: I keep laughing. The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle. I am wearing a pair of sturdy black patent-leather four-inch Barneys high heels, which puts my height around six-one, and I try to stomp his foot. I try to push him off with my one free hand — for some reason, I keep holding my purse with the other — and I finally get a knee up high enough to push him out and off and I turn, open the door, and run out of the dressing room.

"The whole episode lasts no more than three minutes. I do not believe he ejaculates. I don’t remember if any person or attendant is now in the lingerie department. I don’t remember if I run for the elevator or if I take the slow ride down on the escalator. As soon as I land on the main floor, I run through the store and out the door — I don’t recall which door — and find myself outside on Fifth Avenue.

"And that was my last hideous man. The Donna Karan coatdress still hangs on the back of my closet door, unworn and unlaundered since that evening.

"And whether it’s my age, the fact that I haven’t met anyone fascinating enough over the past couple of decades to feel 'the sap rising,' as Tom Wolfe put it, or if it’s the blot of the real-estate tycoon, I can’t say. But I have never had sex with anybody ever again."

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
Reads like a bodice-ripper novel, doesn't it? Can't really remember anything of importance except the sexual parts. Fails to report the incident to anyone, least until she needs to sell her book. Oh, yeah! I'll believe she's telling the troof...NOT!

Actually, she did report the incident to 2 of her friends a couple of days after it happened, and they have said as much.
Wow ... now there's some rock solid evidence.
As I recall, Professor Blasey Fraud - whose allegation was also a couple of decades old - claimed to have taken a private lie detector test, Did you or anyone ever see the results? She also testified before congress that she had witnesses but they denied having witnessed anything yet there are still MORONS who insist "we must believe the women." Please tell me you are not as STUPID or GULLIBLE or DESPERATE as poor RealDave who has spent days making a raging JACKASS of himself in the matter.

Here is the deal: if "victims" do not file a criminal report or even a civil suit within the legal time limits and have no hard evidence, they need to STFU. No one can defend against political smears intended to excite not-too-brights like RealDave.

You know, there were several instances of child abuse that happened to me when I was between 6 and 10, and while I could report them, I've learned to live with it. Did I tell anyone about the incidents? A couple of close friends, but I also made them swear not to tell anyone, because not only was I embarrassed, but I also knew that it would put some secondary family members in jail, and I didn't want to tear the family apart like that. Just because I didn't tell or report it to the police, does that mean it never happened? I've still got some of the scars, and some of the really ugly memories.
And while I have no reason to doubt your travails, the Blasey-Ford, Michael Avenatti, #MeToo fraud is just too fresh in my mind to simply accept Carroll's tale, which allegedly occurred when she was in her 50s (she not certain precisely when), at face value.

You are aware she is promoting her new book, right?
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Reads like a bodice-ripper novel, doesn't it? Can't really remember anything of importance except the sexual parts. Fails to report the incident to anyone, least until she needs to sell her book. Oh, yeah! I'll believe she's telling the troof...NOT!

Actually, she did report the incident to 2 of her friends a couple of days after it happened, and they have said as much.
Of course they did!

I'm not the idiot who said that she didn't tell anyone until she got ready to sell her book, you were. I simply pointed out that she DID tell some people shortly after it happened.

And you know that how, because she said so? Two of her ugly girlfriends who also hate Trump and would like to see her book sales soar would not lie for her? Especially when (like the so-called rape) can't be proven?

And Trump has nothing to gain by lying about it?

That's about the stupidest statement I've ever read. When somebody falsely accuses you of something, of course you set the record straight.
And here you are showing yourself to be the fool. If you have no evidence, it doesn't matter what the judge or jury thinks of you personally, you don't get convicted. See in this country you need something called proof to convict anybody. It doesn't matter if you think the defendant is a total asshole, if you have no evidence you can't convict him/her. Now don't you feel stupid?

You are full of shit. There are cases especially with sexual assault where convictions were made based on the victim's testimony.

Perhaps, but you can't show us any. And even if you could find one, it wouldn't be from an allegation 25 years ago.
I get it. IF these women aren't filing charges or suing, they are liars. Do you just hate all women?

No, if women don't immediately alert authorities, go to the hospital to get checked out, not come out with their fantasy until 25 years later are liars.


Blame the victim is the trait of chickenshit cowardly fucks like you.

Rape all you want & if there are no witnesses, you are good to go. If they don't run to the authorities because well, they are TRAUMATIZED, Fuck them and they can NEVER EVER Tell anyone about it.

That young woman who accused Trump of raping here when she was 14, came forward as an adult & she had to back off because of all the death threats. THIS is what happens & assfuck you are too God damn stupid to get it.

Trump just floods these women with lawyers & lying campaigns to destroy their reputatiopns , And Assfuck you are too stupid to get it.

You are a disgusting women hasting, rapist loving piece of shit.

When flakes like this come out with lies, it discredits women who were actually raped, but you don't care much about them, do you?

If anybody hates women, it's you people that give credibility to a goof ball like this.

You don't know much about criminals, do you? People who do things like rape women and children are not capable of controlling themselves. They all get caught because their uncontrollable urges makes them react without covering all their bases.

It's a good thing our country is not in the hands of leftists who dream of the day we have Thought Police.

If this bimbo wants to be believed, LET HER take a polygraph test, and not like Blasey Ford who did it in the privacy with her own lawyer; a non-bias person and admit to letting the results be made public before she takes it.
Actually, she did report the incident to 2 of her friends a couple of days after it happened, and they have said as much.
Of course they did!

I'm not the idiot who said that she didn't tell anyone until she got ready to sell her book, you were. I simply pointed out that she DID tell some people shortly after it happened.

And you know that how, because she said so? Two of her ugly girlfriends who also hate Trump and would like to see her book sales soar would not lie for her? Especially when (like the so-called rape) can't be proven?

And Trump has nothing to gain by lying about it?

That's about the stupidest statement I've ever read. When somebody falsely accuses you of something, of course you set the record straight.
I don't thing Biker is stupid but RealDave is RealStupid.
Of course they did!

I'm not the idiot who said that she didn't tell anyone until she got ready to sell her book, you were. I simply pointed out that she DID tell some people shortly after it happened.

And you know that how, because she said so? Two of her ugly girlfriends who also hate Trump and would like to see her book sales soar would not lie for her? Especially when (like the so-called rape) can't be proven?

And Trump has nothing to gain by lying about it?

That's about the stupidest statement I've ever read. When somebody falsely accuses you of something, of course you set the record straight.
I don't thing Biker is stupid but RealDave is RealStupid.

Maybe his opinion is tilted because of a personal experience, but Dave is driven out of pure hatred and nothing more. If somebody made similar accusations about Biden or Mayor Pete, he would be defending them left and right.
You can't sue somebody for something that never happened. The court would throw the case out before the first attorney opens his mouth.

These people are in it for a profit--not a loss.
So you judge the case before it starts?

How do you know it never happened?
YOU'RE judging the case before it starts.


I'm saying hear both sides & then decide who is more believable.
You've already decided that. Stop pretending you're interested in justice.
Fuck off. You are the one declaring the woman a liar. Not me.
If she'd made her charges against Bernie Sanders, you wouldn't be holding her up as the light of truth. You'd be demanding she be lynched.

You believe her because she said something bad about Trump. You never heard of her before her announcement, and the second she fades back into obscurity you'll forget her name.

Stop pretending you care about her as a person. To you, and millions like you, she's just a handy weapon pointed at Trump.

So you fuck off, dumbass.

"So now I will tell you
what happened:

"The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again. He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the wall a second time, and, as I become aware of how large he is, he holds me against the wall with his shoulder and jams his hand under my coat dress and pulls down my tights.

"I am astonished by what I’m about to write: I keep laughing. The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle. I am wearing a pair of sturdy black patent-leather four-inch Barneys high heels, which puts my height around six-one, and I try to stomp his foot. I try to push him off with my one free hand — for some reason, I keep holding my purse with the other — and I finally get a knee up high enough to push him out and off and I turn, open the door, and run out of the dressing room.

"The whole episode lasts no more than three minutes. I do not believe he ejaculates. I don’t remember if any person or attendant is now in the lingerie department. I don’t remember if I run for the elevator or if I take the slow ride down on the escalator. As soon as I land on the main floor, I run through the store and out the door — I don’t recall which door — and find myself outside on Fifth Avenue.

"And that was my last hideous man. The Donna Karan coatdress still hangs on the back of my closet door, unworn and unlaundered since that evening.

"And whether it’s my age, the fact that I haven’t met anyone fascinating enough over the past couple of decades to feel 'the sap rising,' as Tom Wolfe put it, or if it’s the blot of the real-estate tycoon, I can’t say. But I have never had sex with anybody ever again."

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
Reads like a bodice-ripper novel, doesn't it? Can't really remember anything of importance except the sexual parts. Fails to report the incident to anyone, least until she needs to sell her book. Oh, yeah! I'll believe she's telling the troof...NOT!

Actually, she did report the incident to 2 of her friends a couple of days after it happened, and they have said as much.
Wow ... now there's some rock solid evidence.
As I recall, Professor Blasey Fraud - whose allegation was also a couple of decades old - claimed to have taken a private lie detector test, Did you or anyone ever see the results? She also testified before congress that she had witnesses but they denied having witnessed anything yet there are still MORONS who insist "we must believe the women." Please tell me you are not as STUPID or GULLIBLE or DESPERATE as poor RealDave who has spent days making a raging JACKASS of himself in the matter.

Here is the deal: if "victims" do not file a criminal report or even a civil suit within the legal time limits and have no hard evidence, they need to STFU. No one can defend against political smears intended to excite not-too-brights like RealDave.

You know, there were several instances of child abuse that happened to me when I was between 6 and 10, and while I could report them, I've learned to live with it. Did I tell anyone about the incidents? A couple of close friends, but I also made them swear not to tell anyone, because not only was I embarrassed, but I also knew that it would put some secondary family members in jail, and I didn't want to tear the family apart like that. Just because I didn't tell or report it to the police, does that mean it never happened? I've still got some of the scars, and some of the really ugly memories.
HUGE difference between children and adult women.
Actually, she did report the incident to 2 of her friends a couple of days after it happened, and they have said as much.
Of course they did!

I'm not the idiot who said that she didn't tell anyone until she got ready to sell her book, you were. I simply pointed out that she DID tell some people shortly after it happened.

And you know that how, because she said so? Two of her ugly girlfriends who also hate Trump and would like to see her book sales soar would not lie for her? Especially when (like the so-called rape) can't be proven?

And Trump has nothing to gain by lying about it?

That's about the stupidest statement I've ever read. When somebody falsely accuses you of something, of course you set the record straight.
In the "minds" of our idiot RealDaves, Trump does not enjoy that right.

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"So now I will tell you
what happened:

"The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again. He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the wall a second time, and, as I become aware of how large he is, he holds me against the wall with his shoulder and jams his hand under my coat dress and pulls down my tights.

"I am astonished by what I’m about to write: I keep laughing. The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle. I am wearing a pair of sturdy black patent-leather four-inch Barneys high heels, which puts my height around six-one, and I try to stomp his foot. I try to push him off with my one free hand — for some reason, I keep holding my purse with the other — and I finally get a knee up high enough to push him out and off and I turn, open the door, and run out of the dressing room.

"The whole episode lasts no more than three minutes. I do not believe he ejaculates. I don’t remember if any person or attendant is now in the lingerie department. I don’t remember if I run for the elevator or if I take the slow ride down on the escalator. As soon as I land on the main floor, I run through the store and out the door — I don’t recall which door — and find myself outside on Fifth Avenue.

"And that was my last hideous man. The Donna Karan coatdress still hangs on the back of my closet door, unworn and unlaundered since that evening.

"And whether it’s my age, the fact that I haven’t met anyone fascinating enough over the past couple of decades to feel 'the sap rising,' as Tom Wolfe put it, or if it’s the blot of the real-estate tycoon, I can’t say. But I have never had sex with anybody ever again."

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
Reads like a bodice-ripper novel, doesn't it? Can't really remember anything of importance except the sexual parts. Fails to report the incident to anyone, least until she needs to sell her book. Oh, yeah! I'll believe she's telling the troof...NOT!

Actually, she did report the incident to 2 of her friends a couple of days after it happened, and they have said as much.
Wow ... now there's some rock solid evidence.
As I recall, Professor Blasey Fraud - whose allegation was also a couple of decades old - claimed to have taken a private lie detector test, Did you or anyone ever see the results? She also testified before congress that she had witnesses but they denied having witnessed anything yet there are still MORONS who insist "we must believe the women." Please tell me you are not as STUPID or GULLIBLE or DESPERATE as poor RealDave who has spent days making a raging JACKASS of himself in the matter.

Here is the deal: if "victims" do not file a criminal report or even a civil suit within the legal time limits and have no hard evidence, they need to STFU. No one can defend against political smears intended to excite not-too-brights like RealDave.

You know, there were several instances of child abuse that happened to me when I was between 6 and 10, and while I could report them, I've learned to live with it. Did I tell anyone about the incidents? A couple of close friends, but I also made them swear not to tell anyone, because not only was I embarrassed, but I also knew that it would put some secondary family members in jail, and I didn't want to tear the family apart like that. Just because I didn't tell or report it to the police, does that mean it never happened? I've still got some of the scars, and some of the really ugly memories.
True, the fact that it was not reported does not mean it did not happen. What it DOES mean, however, is that without some other supporting evidence no one should be held to account for the accusations because there is no way to establish that it DID happen. That is how things work, we only hold people to account for things that we establish did actually happen rather than things that you are unable to establish did not happen.

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