Another Obama Achievement !!!!!!

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The recovery is working.
We have Obamacare.
We have lots of people on food stamps.
We have a ton of people out of work and most have stopped looking for a job so that gives us a huge
boost to the economy.
We are going to take care of the people who entered this country illegally,rewards to follow in return for a solid voter base for the Democrat party.
A bunch of dumbasses graduating??? from our schools who can barely read and write...
How much money does the taxpayer pump into education.And the world kicks our ass.
On and on it goes.

We have all this going for us as a nation.

One tremendous Obama achievement after another.
The recovery is working.
We have Obamacare.
We have lots of people on food stamps.
We have a ton of people out of work and most have stopped looking for a job so that gives us a huge
boost to the economy.
We are going to take care of the people who entered this country illegally,rewards to follow in return for a solid voter base for the Democrat party.
A bunch of dumbasses graduating??? from our schools who can barely read and write...
How much money does the taxpayer pump into education.And the world kicks our ass.
On and on it goes.

We have all this going for us as a nation.

One tremendous Obama achievement after another.

You've summed up the Libberhoid USMB posters quite well
China has 1/3 of the worlds population. They should be stomping the dog shit out of everyone in every economic category at this point. We still have a significantly higher GDP than China though, despite their obvious advantages.
I'd say the chart below shows why China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest trader.
It's pretty hard to be the world's biggest trader when a country's manufacturing industry relocates in rival countries.
Check out the chart below. Did it happen under Obama?


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Well done, you rind-eating baboon.

wrong. He eats rather well at some restaurants right down the street from me :)


It figures the mutt can't eat chili without spilling it all over himself....I reckon handling a spoon is beyond Barry's grasp. No wonder Moochelle can't stand the sight of him...if he's not playing grabass with a woman at Mandela's funeral he's wearing a bib at a restaurant. :lol:
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I'd say the chart below shows why China has overtaken the US as the world's biggest trader.
It's pretty hard to be the world's biggest trader when a country's manufacturing industry relocates rival countries.
Check out the chart below. Did it happen under Obama?

I'll give you that, this wasn't Obama's baby. NAFTA and the WTO agreements are what made it cheaper to relocate off shore, pay workers pennies, shit in rivers, and just ship shit in to sell it. Those things happened in the nineties, and they were. . . what's that word everybody LOVES these days?. . . OH YEAH! Those things were all very bi partisan! The top establishment guys from both parties were all about it, while the honest bastards at the philosophical fringes of each isle were frantically waving their hands, warning of economic apocalypse.

Yes, folks, bipartisanship at its finest. When politicians step across the isles and work with eachother on something big, that's when you know they're -REALLY- gonna fuck the people hard.
The "job creators" have done a great job... in China.

Notice on the chart in my post and take a look at when manufacturing started it's sharp big slide downwards. Is it a coincidence it was the same time that dividends and capital gains taxes were reduced? Naaa.

Guess I misunderstood what you were getting at. So guys at the heads of large manufacturing companies were like, "Yo! They're gonna tax us less on investing, now! Let's move our factories to China!"

It was probably that they lowered taxes on investors. That's why the jobs moved overseas.

Not that the GATT agreement made it illegal for us impose tariffs or restrictions on imports from companies that don't live up to our labor, safety, or environmental standards. It wasn't the trade agreements that guaranteed they could go places that require next to no overhead to comply with standards that American based companies have to bend over backwards to satisfy. Nah. It's probably just that we started taxing the rich less.

Last time I took less money from rich people than before, my daughter ended up pregnant and my prescription drugs started vanishing out of my medicine cabinet. God damn investors!

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