Another NWO Benefit of the Rona Lockdowns- Starving Children


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
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Did anyone else try to tell the progs just starting their dempanic that lockdowns would be particularly hard on the poorest & most vulnerable around the world?
I explained why it would affect them more & said it was going to be a big mistake.
I told the scared people that going along with this would make them complicit in the humanitarian crises it would generate.
I was actually censored online for saying this was obviously going to cause starvation & chaos across the 3rd world.
I was called many things- stupid, misinformed & conspiracy theorist chief among them.

Well, here's another study showing up to 911,000 poor & mostly African children have died directly from the lockdowns.

Who could have possibly foreseen that shutting down food production, small businesses & choking off supply chains would hit the most vulnerable first & hit them hard?
Poor, innocent children died, small businesses shriveled up, our kids continue to suffer from lockdowns, the world is imploding & people still walk around wearing a face diaper over a freakin' cold.

Mass formation psychosis is real & many of you are caught up in that fear/pleasure matrix

The goals of the World Economic Forum's Communist head, Klaus Schwab, is primarily threefold:
1. Reduce the population of the Earth to 300,000,000, hence telling farmers not to farm, get large farms under the control of the elite and to cull cattle. Leave it to a German to come up with a way to get rid of large amounts of people.
2. All nations should become part of the Liberal (Marxist-Communist) World Order, which is showing itself to be Communist run by its saying, "You will own nothing and be happy."
3. Ending individual nation states and making the public who resist, appear to be fringe elements.
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