Another lie debunked

No one gives a dam what your white ass thinks.
Then fuck off with your self-pity bitch-ass crying and kiss my white ass.

I told you the problems. I gave you examples of successful black people. You dismissed them. All you were thinking in your tiny ass-hurt brain was "racist white dude."

You're not interested in an honest, real conversation. You just want to blame whitey and feel sorry for yourself. So, fuck off. Good luck with your bullshit blame-game struggle.


No one asked for your opinion. The discussion is and should be about how and why whites have made up the lie written about in the OP. Not your inbred white opinion of the problems in the black community. I know what the problem is. And the only conversation you want is to tell me how I should be a bootlicking chump. I am the OP. You don't like the topic, post elsewhere.
There are millions of black who have been sucessful who are not considered sellouts or toms. We only lose hope when we adopt the attitude of Clarence Thomas.
And what attitude is that? Do you even know why you hate him?

You're the whiniest little bitch ever to walk the face of the planet. Cry bitch.

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The Bell Curve and the mainstreaming of race science
The publication of political scientist Charles Murray and psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein’s bestselling book The Bell Curve in 1994 took the ideas about the genetics of race, intelligence, behavior and crime held by Pioneer Fund recipients and Mankind Quarterly contributors from the outskirts of public debate to the mainstream.

The nearly 1,000-page tome — built on the scholarship of race scientists supported by the Pioneer Fund — introduced the broader public to the ideas circulating in racist academic circles. And, because they presented their work as mainstream scientific consensus, the book lent white supremacists a hand in their quest to change the way Americans discussed the issue of race.

In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein, a Harvard professor who first broached the issue of race and IQ in a 1971 article in The Atlantic, teamed up with Murray, a fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, to examine racial and social stratification in America. The two social scientists argued that those who made up the American “underclass” were there not because of racial or socioeconomic disadvantage, but because of genetic deficiencies passed down through generations. The gap between the underclass and the “cognitive elite,” they insisted, was growing, and soon the problems posed by those who occupied the bottom of the intellectual ladder would worsen because “addiction, violence, unavailability of work, child abuse, and family disorganization will keep most members of the underclass from fending for themselves.”[35][36] Poor black people, they argued, fell into their low social and economic position because of differences in IQ.

All of this rested on scientifically questionable research. As Charles Lane pointed out in his critique of The Bell Curve for The New York Review of Books, “No fewer than seventeen researchers cited in the bibliography of The Bell Curve have contributed to Mankind Quarterly.”In all, 13 scholars cited in the book received support from the Pioneer Fund, including Rushton, Lynn, Gordon and Jensen. It was thus, unsurprisingly, welcomed warmly by academic racists. Linda Gottfredson — a Pioneer Fund recipient cited by Herrnstein and Murray whose work on race and intelligence won praise from David Duke’s National Association for the Advancement of White People — penned a statement in support of the two social scientists in The Wall Street Journal. “We’d have funded Murray at the drop of a hat. But he never asked,” Pioneer Fund president Harry Weyher told GQ.

Scholarly reviews of The Bell Curve were [38]overwhelmingly negative. One critique, from three researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, plainly pointed to its central flaw: “Herrnstein and Murray give the impression that IQ is highly ‘heritable,’ but it is not.”[39] Instead, as researchers explained, IQ is not solely or even predominantly biologically determined, but shaped by a number of variables including education and environment. Critics noted that the book failed to mention the contextual factors that contributed to the growing ranks of the black underclass, including deindustrialization and the flight of jobs from American cities, the quality of education and the lack of wealth and resources black parents could pass on to their children.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

So we see academic racists further perpetuating this racist lie in MODERN times. And we have seen in this thread posts by people who believe these false racist academic theories.
There are millions of black who have been sucessful who are not considered sellouts or toms. We only lose hope when we adopt the attitude of Clarence Thomas.
And what attitude is that? Do you even know why you hate him?

You're the whiniest little bitch ever to walk the face of the planet. Cry bitch.


I don't hate him. I know why I don't like him. And I know why you like him.

If you want to discuss Clarence Thomas start a thread.

He is not the topic here. Now as you don't want to discuss the OP, you are about to be reported.
I was just kidding with the whole "smarter than you" bit.
OK. What's your point ? Get to the point
Take this, for example:

OK. What's your point ? Get to the point
Sure, genetics matter, but IQ is not a genetics thing. It is simply a matter of cultural values. East Asian cultures value education above all else. It's not a mistake that #1-6 are East Asian. Most of Western Europe has a similar focus. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S. are mostly made up of Western Europeans, maintaining the same cultural focus.
You babbling dude. Get to the point. You keep on telling me what you think, not what should be done.

OK. Asians are smartest (on av). Whites are less smart (On Av). Black people are dumbest (On av). Right. I've heard that millions of times before. What's your point ? Or is this just a "This gang is smarter than that gang" ego massaging contest ?
Contrary to bullshit popular belief, the single greatest factor in improving intelligence is education.
So if education is the great equalizer then why are doors still shut on black graduates when searching for a job ?

I'm pretty sure you know of the evidence of the fact that white people with criminal record are more likely to get a call back or interview for a job than a black who has a clean record

I'm pretty sure you know this

So how is education an equalizer ? It's not. Why ? Because we live under a system of white supremacy and that's why black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way.

And that's why last week Tech company ask for someone who is preferably caucasian


This is a newer tactic by white supremacy. Make bold racist statements in public then retract them & apologize. You give yourself cover because you show remorse publicly. Fox News does this all the times. This is how a lot of companies operate.

Only difference is this time the CEO is an Indian American.

I kinda knew they would be Asian.

White people aren't this blatant unless they're hicks. And hicks don't hire people.

A few more things:

1. Company is based in Ashburn, Va. Okay so...northern Virginia. A mix of "elite" immigrants and ritzy liberal whites.

2. It's very anti-Black area which is perpetuated by Indians, Asians, and white-passing Latinos.

3. As you move north toward DC & MD the anti-Blackness is actually upheld by immigrants in the state of Virginia. Virginia whites south of that just make a concerted effort to stay away from Black people. Which I actually and respect more.

I find this refreshing. People being honest. Instead of blacks being gas-lighted.

This is why black people should never use the term "People Of Color"

We have no friends.

Minority races seek to align themselves with whites and want to erase black people. They need to admit this is how they operate and keep it pushing.

It the whole world Vs Black people.

I was just kidding with the whole "smarter than you" bit.
OK. What's your point ? Get to the point
Take this, for example:

OK. What's your point ? Get to the point
Sure, genetics matter, but IQ is not a genetics thing. It is simply a matter of cultural values. East Asian cultures value education above all else. It's not a mistake that #1-6 are East Asian. Most of Western Europe has a similar focus. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.S. are mostly made up of Western Europeans, maintaining the same cultural focus.
You babbling dude. Get to the point. You keep on telling me what you think, not what should be done.

OK. Asians are smartest (on av). Whites are less smart (On Av). Black people are dumbest (On av). Right. I've heard that millions of times before. What's your point ? Or is this just a "This gang is smarter than that gang" ego massaging contest ?
Contrary to bullshit popular belief, the single greatest factor in improving intelligence is education.
So if education is the great equalizer then why are doors still shut on black graduates when searching for a job ?

I'm pretty sure you know of the evidence of the fact that white people with criminal record are more likely to get a call back or interview for a job than a black who has a clean record

I'm pretty sure you know this

So how is education an equalizer ? It's not. Why ? Because we live under a system of white supremacy and that's why black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way.

And that's why last week Tech company ask for someone who is preferably caucasian


This is a newer tactic by white supremacy. Make bold racist statements in public then retract them & apologize. You give yourself cover because you show remorse publicly. Fox News does this all the times. This is how a lot of companies operate.

Only difference is this time the CEO is an Indian American.

I kinda knew they would be Asian.

White people aren't this blatant unless they're hicks. And hicks don't hire people.

A few more things:

1. Company is based in Ashburn, Va. Okay so...northern Virginia. A mix of "elite" immigrants and ritzy liberal whites.

2. It's very anti-Black area which is perpetuated by Indians, Asians, and white-passing Latinos.

3. As you move north toward DC & MD the anti-Blackness is actually upheld by immigrants in the state of Virginia. Virginia whites south of that just make a concerted effort to stay away from Black people. Which I actually and respect more.

I find this refreshing. People being honest. Instead of blacks being gas-lighted.

This is why black people should never use the term "People Of Color"

We have no friends.

Minority races seek to align themselves with whites and want to erase black people. They need to admit this is how they operate and keep it pushing.

It the whole world Vs Black people.
If blacks spent more time working and less time whining they might get someplace. As it is, they stay at the very bottom of the barrel while waves of immigrants better their own lives. Thus it has always been.

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