Another Fine Example Of Conservative Values


19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth

No , you are conflating women who have said they had affairs with Clinton as being women alleging rape. There are three women alleging rape of the women gave a sworn deposition that Clinton had not raped her...that would be Broaddrick"..."

The Pinocchio Test
Under the most generous accounting, one can find just three women who publicly came forward with claims of sexual assault, but none was ever proven in a court of law.
Paul apparently also includes Lewinsky on this list, though that is debatable given she was an adult and the fact that she never claimed that she was sexually harassed. (Indeed, she testified that the whole thing started after she flashed her thong at the president.)

Paul needs to get his facts straight, rather than cavalierly toss out claims of ā€œdozensā€ or ā€œhalf a dozenā€ women publicly claiming that Clinton was a sexual predator. Thatā€™s a very serious charge to make, which he certainly recognizes from his defense of Herman Cain. The number of public claims amounts to three ā€” and there are enough questions about each of those claims to wonder why Paul is screaming ā€œsexual predatorā€ in the first place.

Three Pinocchios
Paulā€™s claim that ā€˜at least half a dozenā€™ women called Clinton a ā€˜sexual predatorā€™

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth

No , you are conflating women who have said they had affairs with Clinton as being women alleging rape. There are three women alleging rape of the women gave a sworn deposition that Clinton had not raped her...that would be Broaddrick"..."

The Pinocchio Test
Under the most generous accounting, one can find just three women who publicly came forward with claims of sexual assault, but none was ever proven in a court of law.
Paul apparently also includes Lewinsky on this list, though that is debatable given she was an adult and the fact that she never claimed that she was sexually harassed. (Indeed, she testified that the whole thing started after she flashed her thong at the president.)

Paul needs to get his facts straight, rather than cavalierly toss out claims of ā€œdozensā€ or ā€œhalf a dozenā€ women publicly claiming that Clinton was a sexual predator. Thatā€™s a very serious charge to make, which he certainly recognizes from his defense of Herman Cain. The number of public claims amounts to three ā€” and there are enough questions about each of those claims to wonder why Paul is screaming ā€œsexual predatorā€ in the first place.

Three Pinocchios
Paulā€™s claim that ā€˜at least half a dozenā€™ women called Clinton a ā€˜sexual predatorā€™

There are 9 victims of dennis hastert...not one has come out in a court of law....

There are 30 victims of bill cosby...and only one has now filed suit against him....years after the fact.......

19 women are saying bill clinton raped them or sexually assaulted them......and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....
Quoted from my previous links....

The former Miss Moffet, the legal secretary who says Clinton tried to force her into oral sex in 1979, has since married and left the state. She says that when she told her boyfriend, who was a lawyer and supporter of Clinton, about the incident, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

"He said that people who crossed the governor usually regretted it and that if I knew what was good for me I'd forget that it ever happened," she said. "I haven't forgotten it. You don't forget crude men like that."

Like two other women, the former Miss Moffet declined further interviews.

A neighbor said she had received threatening phone calls.

The other encounters were confirmed with more than 30 interviews with retired Arkansas state employees, former state troopers and former Yale and University of Arkansas students. Like others, they refused to go public because of fears of retaliation from the Clinton White House.

All of those people are lying....only bill clinton is telling the truth......
If they refuse to go public then piss off. Case closed

19 women are lying about being raped and sexually assaulted by bill clinton....and only bill clinton is telling the truth......

Again......after he was almost caught in Britain...and narrowly escaped because Oxford didn't want a scandal..after he raped Eileen Wellstone.....he knew he had to change tactics....since he wanted to be President one day....he began targeting women he had power and authority students...employees....people his political office had power over......typical sexual predator tactics.........
You are a classic right wing pawn. Do you see how you defend and protect Republicans when they rape young boys and all you can manage to do is change the subject to Democrats? You are pathetic.

Sure you will briefly condemn Dennis but then you'll go right back to changing the subject.

Why don't you start a bill thread? I'm sure you already have. This thread is about hastert. Now piss off
Is anyone really surprised that a GOP Speaker of the House turned out to be a child molester?

Many career politicians are if not all the same, slick willy was and is a child molester/rapist too bad he's untouchable being a former president...
In unrelated news

leftist rioted at a trump rally to shut down the 1st Amendment.

In related news, bill clinton still fucks around on his wife
If you can compare one adult looking for another adult to child molestation.

Or if you can compare free speech to voter suppression.

Then you are one sick fuck.

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth

No , you are conflating women who have said they had affairs with Clinton as being women alleging rape. There are three women alleging rape of the women gave a sworn deposition that Clinton had not raped her...that would be Broaddrick"..."

The Pinocchio Test
Under the most generous accounting, one can find just three women who publicly came forward with claims of sexual assault, but none was ever proven in a court of law.
Paul apparently also includes Lewinsky on this list, though that is debatable given she was an adult and the fact that she never claimed that she was sexually harassed. (Indeed, she testified that the whole thing started after she flashed her thong at the president.)

Paul needs to get his facts straight, rather than cavalierly toss out claims of ā€œdozensā€ or ā€œhalf a dozenā€ women publicly claiming that Clinton was a sexual predator. Thatā€™s a very serious charge to make, which he certainly recognizes from his defense of Herman Cain. The number of public claims amounts to three ā€” and there are enough questions about each of those claims to wonder why Paul is screaming ā€œsexual predatorā€ in the first place.

Three Pinocchios
Paulā€™s claim that ā€˜at least half a dozenā€™ women called Clinton a ā€˜sexual predatorā€™

Nope.......not consensual......rape and sexual assault...he also had normal sex with Flowers and a few others...but he is a rapist and a serial sexual predator...

In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969.

''There was no doubt in my mind that this young woman had suffered severe emotional trauma,'' he said. ''But we were under tremendous pressure to avoid the embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape. I filed a report with my superiors and that was the last I heard of it.''

Miss Wellstone, who is now married and lives near London, confirmed the incident when contacted this week, but refused to discuss the matter further. She said she would not go public with further details of the attack. Afterwards, she changed her phone number and hired a barrister who warned a reporter to stay away from his client.

In his book, Unlimited Access, former FBI agent Gary Aldrich reported that Clinton left Oxford University for a "European Tour" in 1969 and was told by University officials that he was no longer welcome there. Aldrich said Clinton's academic record at Oxford was lackluster. Clinton later accepted a scholarship for Yale Law School and did not complete his studies at Oxford.

The State Department official who investigated the incident said Clinton's interests appeared to be drinking, drugs and sex, not studies.

"I came away from the incident with the clear impression that this was a young man who was there to party, not study," he said.

Does that sound consensual to you?

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth

No , you are conflating women who have said they had affairs with Clinton as being women alleging rape. There are three women alleging rape of the women gave a sworn deposition that Clinton had not raped her...that would be Broaddrick"..."

The Pinocchio Test
Under the most generous accounting, one can find just three women who publicly came forward with claims of sexual assault, but none was ever proven in a court of law.
Paul apparently also includes Lewinsky on this list, though that is debatable given she was an adult and the fact that she never claimed that she was sexually harassed. (Indeed, she testified that the whole thing started after she flashed her thong at the president.)

Paul needs to get his facts straight, rather than cavalierly toss out claims of ā€œdozensā€ or ā€œhalf a dozenā€ women publicly claiming that Clinton was a sexual predator. Thatā€™s a very serious charge to make, which he certainly recognizes from his defense of Herman Cain. The number of public claims amounts to three ā€” and there are enough questions about each of those claims to wonder why Paul is screaming ā€œsexual predatorā€ in the first place.

Three Pinocchios
Paulā€™s claim that ā€˜at least half a dozenā€™ women called Clinton a ā€˜sexual predatorā€™

There are 9 victims of dennis hastert...not one has come out in a court of law....

There are 30 victims of bill cosby...and only one has now filed suit against him....years after the fact.......

19 women are saying bill clinton raped them or sexually assaulted them......and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....
Same people who say Clinton is a rapist say Obama was born in Kenya. Now what about hastert? Let him have his day
Nope.......not consensual......rape and sexual assault...he also had normal sex with Flowers and a few others...but he is a rapist and a serial sexual predator...

Does that sound consensual to you?

Can you link to any source that has Clinton convicted of rape ?..
....George W Bush and Donald Trump are serial rapists using your criteria for serial rapist ...:2up:
Quoted from my previous links....

The former Miss Moffet, the legal secretary who says Clinton tried to force her into oral sex in 1979, has since married and left the state. She says that when she told her boyfriend, who was a lawyer and supporter of Clinton, about the incident, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

"He said that people who crossed the governor usually regretted it and that if I knew what was good for me I'd forget that it ever happened," she said. "I haven't forgotten it. You don't forget crude men like that."

Like two other women, the former Miss Moffet declined further interviews.

A neighbor said she had received threatening phone calls.

The other encounters were confirmed with more than 30 interviews with retired Arkansas state employees, former state troopers and former Yale and University of Arkansas students. Like others, they refused to go public because of fears of retaliation from the Clinton White House.

All of those people are lying....only bill clinton is telling the truth......
If they refuse to go public then piss off. Case closed

19 women are lying about being raped and sexually assaulted by bill clinton....and only bill clinton is telling the truth......

Again......after he was almost caught in Britain...and narrowly escaped because Oxford didn't want a scandal..after he raped Eileen Wellstone.....he knew he had to change tactics....since he wanted to be President one day....he began targeting women he had power and authority students...employees....people his political office had power over......typical sexual predator tactics.........
You are a classic right wing pawn. Do you see how you defend and protect Republicans when they rape young boys and all you can manage to do is change the subject to Democrats? You are pathetic.

Sure you will briefly condemn Dennis but then you'll go right back to changing the subject.

Why don't you start a bill thread? I'm sure you already have. This thread is about hastert. Now piss off

What the fuck are you talking about asswipe? Who is defending the guys....not changing the subject...directly on point.....hastert needs to go to prison for life...not 15 months guys know...know that clinton is a rapist and a serial sexual predator...and you defend are vile.....
It must be pretty easy to run as a candidate of the party that has no values. A couple of years ago democrat rep Gary Studds received a standing ovation from democrats in the House after being convicted of raping a male congressional page. Hillary's husband molested an intern barely older than his daughter and democrats giggled about it or called it "naughty".
Nope.......not consensual......rape and sexual assault...he also had normal sex with Flowers and a few others...but he is a rapist and a serial sexual predator...

Does that sound consensual to you?

Can you link to any source that has Clinton convicted of rape ?..
....George W Bush and Donald Trump are serial rapists using your criteria for serial rapist ...:2up:

Can you click to a link about dennis hastert......this whole post is about him raping young boys...but there has not been a conviction........or even an arrest......

Dittos bill cosby......

19 women say bill clinton raped them or sexually assaulted them.....bill clinton is the only one telling the truth.....

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth

No , you are conflating women who have said they had affairs with Clinton as being women alleging rape. There are three women alleging rape of the women gave a sworn deposition that Clinton had not raped her...that would be Broaddrick"..."

The Pinocchio Test
Under the most generous accounting, one can find just three women who publicly came forward with claims of sexual assault, but none was ever proven in a court of law.
Paul apparently also includes Lewinsky on this list, though that is debatable given she was an adult and the fact that she never claimed that she was sexually harassed. (Indeed, she testified that the whole thing started after she flashed her thong at the president.)

Paul needs to get his facts straight, rather than cavalierly toss out claims of ā€œdozensā€ or ā€œhalf a dozenā€ women publicly claiming that Clinton was a sexual predator. Thatā€™s a very serious charge to make, which he certainly recognizes from his defense of Herman Cain. The number of public claims amounts to three ā€” and there are enough questions about each of those claims to wonder why Paul is screaming ā€œsexual predatorā€ in the first place.

Three Pinocchios
Paulā€™s claim that ā€˜at least half a dozenā€™ women called Clinton a ā€˜sexual predatorā€™

There are 9 victims of dennis hastert...not one has come out in a court of law....

There are 30 victims of bill cosby...and only one has now filed suit against him....years after the fact.......

19 women are saying bill clinton raped them or sexually assaulted them......and only bill clinton is telling the truth.....
Same people who say Clinton is a rapist say Obama was born in Kenya. Now what about hastert? Let him have his day guys are actually defending a serial rapist and serial sexual predator....knowing that 19 women are not lying......
A look at who is lying.....

Is Juanita Broaddrick Telling the Truth?

She Changed Her Story:

In 1997, Broaddrick filed an affadavit with Paula Jones' lawyers saying Clinton did notassault her. In 1998, Broaddrick told Kenneth Starr's FBI investigators that she wasraped. Eventually, Broaddrick described the rape for several major news organizations.

Clinton Is Innocent: Broaddrick is either a liar or has an unreliable memory.

Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers.

She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators.

(At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.

She Told Friends:

Five people say Broaddrick told them about the rape immediately after it occurred. A friend and co-worker named Norma Kelsey says that, 21 years ago, she found a dazed Broaddrick with bloodied lip and torn pantyhose in their shared hotel room and Broaddrick explained that Clinton had just raped her.

(Clinton is supposed to have bitten her on the lip just before raping her.)

Her current husband--then her lover--says Broaddrick told him about the rape within a few days of the event. Broaddrick was, at the time, married to another man, whom she didn't tell about the assault. And three of Broaddrick's friends--one of whom is Kelsey's sister--say she told them about the rape shortly after it supposedly occurred.


Clinton Is Guilty: If five friends say her story hasn't changed over 21 years, we can conclude that either that she's an unusually consistent liar or that her memory is reliable.

He didn't get 15 months for raping boys. The statute of limitations ran out on those sexual charges.

They should have maxed out the sentence for the money charge.......
That was the max sentence. There's only so much that can be done with failure to fill out a form.

Our system does not provide for tailoring a sentence on a case by case basis. Increasing the max sentence for failing to fill out the form would not apply only to Hastert, but anyone who failed to fill out the same form.

Blackmail is a crime. A serious crime. How come the blackmailed hasn't been arrested?

That we have laws against people spending their own money is odious enough.
He didn't get 15 months for raping boys. The statute of limitations ran out on those sexual charges.

They should have maxed out the sentence for the money charge.......
That was the max sentence. There's only so much that can be done with failure to fill out a form.

Our system does not provide for tailoring a sentence on a case by case basis. Increasing the max sentence for failing to fill out the form would not apply only to Hastert, but anyone who failed to fill out the same form.

Blackmail is a crime. A serious crime. How come the blackmailed hasn't been arrested?

That we have laws against people spending their own money is odious enough.

It wasn't black mail.....the victim and hastert actually involved lawyers and the payments were made the same way someone would for a car accident where they didn't want to involve insurance companies....hastert actually wore a wire to try to get the blame shifted to his victim......but the FBI clearly saw no blackmail was involved.....

I live here in Illinois, and it has been extensivley covered....
He didn't get 15 months for raping boys. The statute of limitations ran out on those sexual charges.

They should have maxed out the sentence for the money charge.......
That was the max sentence. There's only so much that can be done with failure to fill out a form.

Our system does not provide for tailoring a sentence on a case by case basis. Increasing the max sentence for failing to fill out the form would not apply only to Hastert, but anyone who failed to fill out the same form.

Blackmail is a crime. A serious crime. How come the blackmailed hasn't been arrested?

That we have laws against people spending their own money is odious enough.

15 months was not the max sentence...that was about 5 years.....
The law students accuse their professor....the law school doesn't want a scandal...right...back in the is his word vs. theirs.....

Attorney General of Arkansas....assaults employees.....his word...the freaking Chief Law enforcement officer for the state....vs. low level clerks and secretaries.......

And Miss Arkansas.....who is raped by the Governor of Arkansas...her whole perceived future ahead of her...........and she is supposed to accuse the most powerful man in the state of rape.....?

You guys.......

19 women say bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth....
They were all certainly used and tossed away and bitches be scorned

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