Another Day, Another Blatant Democrat Accusation GOP Is Doing What They Have Done / Are Doing


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Big Brain Energy: As Democrats Attack a Catholic Woman, Pelosi Warns GOP Is Attacking Women

Nancy Pelosi is the grift that keeps on giving.

Attacks on President Donald Trump’s newest Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, have been relentless, but since it’s the Democrats doing all the attacking the intensity is only matched by its silliness.

Because of Barrett’s Catholic faith, the left has been screaming about the horrors of Christian belief including one House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who is what she describes as “Catholic”, as well.

Pelosi was on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell when she was asked to respond to Barrett being a “devout Catholic.” Catholic Pelosi responded with a heaping serving of word salad, but the gist of what she’s trying to say is that the GOP is out to get women and trying to set them back.

“You’re a devout Catholic,” said Mitchell. “What’s your reaction to that? Is there a risk that Democrats not attack this nominee for her religious views and stick to where she might stand as a judge?”

Yeah, well the President is trying to, as usual, deflect..."

F A I L ! !

If Democrats could just act like normal people, our world would be a much better place.
Expect a new accusation every day.

By election day the filth will be saying TRUMP SAID "THE"...AND WE ALL KNOW THAT "THE" IS CODE FOR "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE".
Removal of all conservatives would be great thing for this nation.
the GOP is out to get women and trying to set them back.

According to the Left, the GOP have been out to set back all women and kill all the seniors for years! Starve the Poor! Feed the Rich! If half were true, we'd be out of both by now. The final irony is that more seniors have actually died in the hands of the Democrats this year than they could ever hope to blame on the GOP! It's amazing that the Dems are still promising THE EXACT SAME THINGS and making THE EXACT SAME ACCUSATIONS for decades now and their voters still keep voting for them! Despite their promises never coming true and their worst fears never coming to fruition. I swear, it is like the Dems envision themselves as Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar with the GOP being the evil French and Spanish fleets locked in the eternal battle!


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