ANOTHER black hate crime on WHITE female

You're an ass Joe. You look down at poor white people because they're white, so you can.

You're an elitist asshole, and you have permission to be, because your elitist prog overlords told you it was okay to let your asshole flag fly free when it comes to white poor people. So you run with it. Because, again, you really are an asshole.

If you don't want to be an asshole, then don't be one. Otherwise you remain a total jackwagon.

here's the difference, which you don't get...

If a person of color is poor, it's because 400 years of institutionalized racism put him there.

If a white person is poor, it's because he was dumb enough to vote Republican and let the Rich take away all the things they fought for and won during the progressive era.

Yes, I tend to have less sympathy for people who fuck up their own lives.

No, it's because you're an asshole, Joe. And a stupid one too. I must use short sentences because that's how stupid you are.
"poor dumb white trash"

You're a total jackwagon asshole Joe. It's a choice you make.

No, the choice they make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what make them poor and dumb and trash.

They can't help being white, but it's kind of sad to see them fail when the system is already rigged in their favor.

Point is, if you are really threatened by an undocumented immigrant who has no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you've really managed to fail, hard.
"poor dumb white trash"

You're a total jackwagon asshole Joe. It's a choice you make.

No, the choice they make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what make them poor and dumb and trash.

They can't help being white, but it's kind of sad to see them fail when the system is already rigged in their favor.

Point is, if you are really threatened by an undocumented immigrant who has no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you've really managed to fail, hard.
you don't understand economics 101
more workers = lower wages--no matter if you fail or not
No, it's because you're an asshole, Joe. And a stupid one too. I must use short sentences because that's how stupid you are.

Well, obviously, you didn't grasp the very long sentences I wrote, just focusing on a few phrases.... and not understanding "CONTEXT", which is one of those things you struggle with.

You see, here's the thing about that PDWT (Let's just us the acronym)... they've happily let the One Percent destroy his American Dream because he didn't want the Darkies getting any of that. I'm trying to make sure they don't wreck it for the rest of us.
"poor dumb white trash"

You're a total jackwagon asshole Joe. It's a choice you make.

No, the choice they make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what make them poor and dumb and trash.

They can't help being white, but it's kind of sad to see them fail when the system is already rigged in their favor.

Point is, if you are really threatened by an undocumented immigrant who has no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you've really managed to fail, hard.

You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

You're an asshole, Joe. You simplify everything so you can hate a certain class of people, like bigots do.

Like assholes do.


Do not be an asshole like Joe.

No, it's because you're an asshole, Joe. And a stupid one too. I must use short sentences because that's how stupid you are.

Well, obviously, you didn't grasp the very long sentences I wrote, just focusing on a few phrases.... and not understanding "CONTEXT", which is one of those things you struggle with.

You see, here's the thing about that PDWT (Let's just us the acronym)... they've happily let the One Percent destroy his American Dream because he didn't want the Darkies getting any of that. I'm trying to make sure they don't wreck it for the rest of us.

The utter crap you spew is not worth addressing Joe. It's so utterly inane it can't be addressed. It's like talking to a small child when they tell you they heard the tooth fairy come in last night and take their tooth. You can only nod and say, "yes, yes, that's it. That's it."
You're an ass Joe. You look down at poor white people because they're white, so you can.

You're an elitist asshole, and you have permission to be, because your elitist prog overlords told you it was okay to let your asshole flag fly free when it comes to white poor people. So you run with it. Because, again, you really are an asshole.

If you don't want to be an asshole, then don't be one. Otherwise you remain a total jackwagon.

here's the difference, which you don't get...

If a person of color is poor, it's because 400 years of institutionalized racism put him there.

If a white person is poor, it's because he was dumb enough to vote Republican and let the Rich take away all the things they fought for and won during the progressive era.

Yes, I tend to have less sympathy for people who fuck up their own lives.
....I've been over this before--the blacks were far behind [ poor ] the whites in education/technology/etc BEFORE slavery and your institutional racism--so it's very hard for you to prove slavery and institutional racism caused them to be poor...
...a lot of Africans did not even have a written language!!!!
You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

So you aren't even going to try to get your tiny little mind around the concepts explained to you, are you? I've put the concept in the simplest terms I could, and you still couldn't grasp that if you aren't rich, voting for a Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.


I don't "hate" Mr. Trailer Trash with his bad teeth. I pity him. He's been so brainwashed with racism and religion that he can't see his own self-interests every time he painfully bites down on his grits.

Kind of like you do.
"poor dumb white trash"

You're a total jackwagon asshole Joe. It's a choice you make.

No, the choice they make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what make them poor and dumb and trash.

They can't help being white, but it's kind of sad to see them fail when the system is already rigged in their favor.

Point is, if you are really threatened by an undocumented immigrant who has no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, you've really managed to fail, hard.

To show you the depth of your jackassery Joe. What if I said, "the choice blacks make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what makes them POOR and DUMB and TRASH"

You're a bigot Joe, while you point the finger at everyone else. And that makes you an asshole
The utter crap you spew is not worth addressing Joe. It's so utterly inane it can't be addressed. It's like talking to a small child when they tell you they heard the tooth fairy come in last night and take their tooth. You can only nod and say, "yes, yes, that's it. That's it."

Okay, you've already convinced us that you are horrified by the truth of the concepts I present, to the point where you can't address them... because you'd be running shreiking into the night.

Trust me, I've been there. Around 2008, when I realize that the Republicans didn't give as shit about working people. Of course, that's when they had salesmen who were a lot slicker than Trump.
You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

So you aren't even going to try to get your tiny little mind around the concepts explained to you, are you? I've put the concept in the simplest terms I could, and you still couldn't grasp that if you aren't rich, voting for a Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

View attachment 286358

I don't "hate" Mr. Trailer Trash with his bad teeth. I pity him. He's been so brainwashed with racism and religion that he can't see his own self-interests every time he painfully bites down on his grits.

Kind of like you do.

I don't debate stupid jerks Joe. If you choose to remain a stupid jerk, that's on you. I am telling you, bluntly, that you are a stupid jerk because of the choices YOU are making.

You don't care.

So be it.
you don't understand economics 101
more workers = lower wages--no matter if you fail or not

Um, no, guy. That isn't how it works at all. More workers = more consumer activities = more jobs.

I have a small business. About 1/3 of my customers are immigrants. The fact they are here and need things creates economic activity for me.
...I have to hand it to you take a lot of crap here and you keep giving it back

ok---they create activity----sure--but more workers = lower wages--this is undeniable
The utter crap you spew is not worth addressing Joe. It's so utterly inane it can't be addressed. It's like talking to a small child when they tell you they heard the tooth fairy come in last night and take their tooth. You can only nod and say, "yes, yes, that's it. That's it."

Okay, you've already convinced us that you are horrified by the truth of the concepts I present, to the point where you can't address them... because you'd be running shreiking into the night.

Trust me, I've been there. Around 2008, when I realize that the Republicans didn't give as shit about working people. Of course, that's when they had salesmen who were a lot slicker than Trump.

I'm sure you're too stupid to understand what a "strawman" is but that's what you're throwing at me and expecting me to argue it. no, Joe. Especially not with a jerk like you. "poor dumb white trash" indeed. That you "pity" and don't hate. Sure, Joe, sure you don't.
You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

So you aren't even going to try to get your tiny little mind around the concepts explained to you, are you? I've put the concept in the simplest terms I could, and you still couldn't grasp that if you aren't rich, voting for a Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

View attachment 286358

I don't "hate" Mr. Trailer Trash with his bad teeth. I pity him. He's been so brainwashed with racism and religion that he can't see his own self-interests every time he painfully bites down on his grits.

Kind of like you do.
..they voted for a druggie criminal---Marion Barry.... the blacks vote based on race--not quality --undeniable in this graph:
you don't understand economics 101
more workers = lower wages--no matter if you fail or not

Um, no, guy. That isn't how it works at all. More workers = more consumer activities = more jobs.

I have a small business. About 1/3 of my customers are immigrants. The fact they are here and need things creates economic activity for me.
...I have to hand it to you take a lot of crap here and you keep giving it back

ok---they create activity----sure--but more workers = lower wages--this is undeniable

Joe insists on calling me an Islamophobic Twat because I said Female Genital Mutilation is often perpetrated in Islam, and is in Islamic writings. Both true.

Joe called an Asian-American poster here a "mail order bride" when he didn't like her political opinions.

Then Joe will cry about "racism" and "misogyny". Joe, like all True Blue Leftists, is a hypocrite of the highest order. He deserves utter exposure.
To show you the depth of your jackassery Joe. What if I said, "the choice blacks make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what makes them POOR and DUMB and TRASH"

Then you would remind everyone how racist you are. And politically clueless.

Saying that about blacks ignores Slavery, Jim Crow, Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, Lynching, and every other bit of institutionalize racism designed to keep black folks down in this country. As Malcolm X opined, "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us!"

The fact is, blacks started voting Democratic in 1932, and amazingly, things started getting better for them after that. Jim Crow got repealed.... Desegregation happened. But there is still a lot to overcome, mostly that the people making the hiring decisions are overwhelmingly white.
To show you the depth of your jackassery Joe. What if I said, "the choice blacks make is to keep voting against their own economic and political interests, that's what makes them POOR and DUMB and TRASH"

Then you would remind everyone how racist you are. And politically clueless.

Saying that about blacks ignores Slavery, Jim Crow, Literacy Tests, Poll Taxes, Lynching, and every other bit of institutionalize racism designed to keep black folks down in this country. As Malcolm X opined, "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us!"

The fact is, blacks started voting Democratic in 1932, and amazingly, things started getting better for them after that. Jim Crow got repealed.... Desegregation happened. But there is still a lot to overcome, mostly that the people making the hiring decisions are overwhelmingly white.

I would argue with you but I understand you have no ability to think independently Joe but just swallow your Overlords talking points wholesale
Joe insists on calling me an Islamophobic Twat because I said Female Genital Mutilation is often perpetrated in Islam, and is in Islamic writings. Both true.

No, it was a lie, I pointed out that it was a lie, and you kept saying it anyway, that's what makes you an Islamaphobic Twat..

Joe called an Asian-American poster here a "mail order bride" when he didn't like her political opinions.

Yes, because we all know Mail Order brides only come from Asia...oh, wait, no, they don't. That and she calls everyone who disagrees with her names, and never really addresses counter points... I was just speaking to her in her own language.

Then Joe will cry about "racism" and "misogyny". Joe, like all True Blue Leftists, is a hypocrite of the highest order. He deserves utter exposure.

Here's the problem... you support policies that keep women and minorities down. I support policies that lift them up. This is kind of what you don't get. People call me bad names... I can get over that. People fuck with my economic livelihood, that's something different.
Joe insists on calling me an Islamophobic Twat because I said Female Genital Mutilation is often perpetrated in Islam, and is in Islamic writings. Both true.

No, it was a lie, I pointed out that it was a lie, and you kept saying it anyway, that's what makes you an Islamaphobic Twat..

Joe called an Asian-American poster here a "mail order bride" when he didn't like her political opinions.

Yes, because we all know Mail Order brides only come from Asia...oh, wait, no, they don't. That and she calls everyone who disagrees with her names, and never really addresses counter points... I was just speaking to her in her own language.

Then Joe will cry about "racism" and "misogyny". Joe, like all True Blue Leftists, is a hypocrite of the highest order. He deserves utter exposure.

Here's the problem... you support policies that keep women and minorities down. I support policies that lift them up. This is kind of what you don't get. People call me bad names... I can get over that. People fuck with my economic livelihood, that's something different.

Not lies, Joe, all true. But of course you found one Muslim who says different and bow down to Identity because you have no capacity to think independently. I understand this.

Secondly, if you call people racist names you are racist.

Third, you are spewing talking points about "what keeps people down". Yeah, so say your OVERLORDS.

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