Another Asian Attacked By A African (video)

Exterminate them all!!!!!!!!

Don't cower to these darkie savages.....go take them out

The future of the Aryan nation is in your hands Floydie boy.....go get em!

You guys never miss an opportunity to jump in when it's white on black, particularly a white cop on black, but boy you sure get offended when someone points out the violent indiscretions of blacks. Black on Asian violence has been a plague over the past year, far worse than white on black, or any other racial issue, yet you'd never know it given what lackluster coverage that media has given to it once they realized it wasn't white Trumpers doing this.
Exterminate them all!!!!!!!!

Don't cower to these darkie savages.....go take them out

The future of the Aryan nation is in your hands Floydie boy.....go get em!

Your tongue in cheek removes the option of you bothering to address the problem. In another thread today, showing blacks attacking a small Asian woman, one of the replies was simply, "Animals." < Regardless of color, if the shoe fits....

While blacks call all whites systemically racist for treating blacks badly, does not the same apply to all blacks even if you personally haven't treated an Asian badly lately? Are you not as guilty as whites as far as racism is concerned?
This happened last night in El Monte Calif

I like the Bucco hat.

Should have forced shipped them all back after the civil war
Did you know that Detroit was once called the Paris of the MW
Should have given them $$ and shipped them all back
Almost every American city is a 5th world hell hole
Exterminate them all!!!!!!!!

Don't cower to these darkie savages.....go take them out

The future of the Aryan nation is in your hands Floydie boy.....go get em!
Your guy does not seem to be afraid of getting caught in soft-on-crime california

because he’s not even trying to hide his identity

And when he is caught he will contribute to the stats race hustlers like you use to argue that poor ole black folks are just gittin’ picked on by the police

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