Anonymous has hacked the Bradley Foundation and releases 30GB of documents


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!


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I tried to do a search to find out
if this is new or old news.

When I looked up Rothschild I found this:
Hillary Clinton Begs Forgiveness From Rothschilds In Leaked Email

I understand Trump even gave money Clinton for past campaigns,
and his lawyer donated to Clinton.

It is well known how corporate interests will donate to candidates from both parties
to make sure they get their way no matter who gets into office.

The real issue is the monopoly and bias of lawyers, judges and now AG and FBI/IRS.
If the only people who get elected have to buy into the powers that decide law and order,
they will keep the status quo and not change what has become convenient for their careers.
I tried to do a search to find out
if this is new or old news.

When I looked up Rothschild I found this:
Hillary Clinton Begs Forgiveness From Rothschilds In Leaked Email

I understand Trump even gave money Clinton for past campaigns,
and his lawyer donated to Clinton.

It is well known how corporate interests will donate to candidates from both parties
to make sure they get their way no matter who gets into office.

The real issue is the monopoly and bias of lawyers, judges and now AG and FBI/IRS.
If the only people who get elected have to buy into the powers that decide law and order,
they will keep the status quo and not change what has become convenient for their careers.

Well here's the thing. Hillary is quoted as saying she wants totally open world trade. This totally buys into the idea of a world bank which is exactly what the NWO wants. Am I wrong or isn't the Rothschilds the family that is basically behind the largest world bank? They are the ones that have financed entire wars?
The Foundation's mission
"The Bradley brothers were committed to preserving and defending the tradition of free representative government and private enterprise that has enabled the American nation and, in a larger sense, the entire Western world to flourish intellectually and economically. The Bradleys believed that the good society is a free society. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is likewise devoted to strengthening American democratic capitalism and the institutions, principles, and values that sustain and nurture it. Its programs support limited, competent government; a dynamic marketplace for economic, intellectual, and cultural activity; and a vigorous defense, at home and abroad, of American ideas and institutions. In addition, recognizing that responsible self-government depends on enlightened citizens and informed public opinion, the Foundation supports scholarly studies and academic achievement."

-- From the Program Guidelines approved by the Board of Directors, November 22, 1985


free representative government

principles, and values that sustain and nurture it.

competent government;

a vigorous defense, at home and abroad,

enlightened citizens and informed public opinion,

and the gave $150 million to Hillary! NOW we are enlightened!

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