Anne Coulter on reasons Trump is just like Hitler

It does not surprise me in the slightest a nazi wannabe like Coulter likes Trump. It would only have been topic worthy if she didn't.

So...big yawn. Ann Coulter likes Donald Trump. Quelle surprise.
Coulter on Brietbart?

Is he/she really that hard up? I thought his/her book sells well no matter how many times she changes the title.
I hate it when she forgets her meds.

all over the news for days

what kind of "outfit" is that guy wearing behind Trump 2nd on right? first I thought prison stripes.

"what kind of "outfit" is that guy wearing behind Trump 2nd on right? first I thought prison stripes."

Yes now you mention it....his outfit is similar to THIS one:

How's that indictment coming?

Are you always so serious....or is it sometimes just random stick in ass moments? :popcorn: Don't you find that picture just slightly amusing?

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