Ann Romney: Mormon missions and U.S. military are ‘different ways of serving’

Aug 7, 2012
Ann Romney making excuses for her sons not serving in the military.

Ann Romney: Mormon missions and U.S. military are ‘different ways of serving’

The candidate’s wife explained that Mormon missions were like military service in that “you’re going outside of yourself, you’re working and you’re helping others. And it changes you. And are we so grateful in this country for those people — men and women — that are volunteering, they’re sacrificing their life for us, and we cannot forget that or we have to acknowledge that always.”

“So, when you’re facing these mothers whose children have not come back, how will you explain to them that your sons haven’t gone?” Goldberg pressed. “Will you talk about the missions they’ve gone on?”

What a joke! Morman missionaries aren't serving their countries. They are serving and promoting their religion. There is no problem with that but there is also NO COMPARISON whatsoever to serving in the military.

And some people really do want this family in the WH? So privileged and totally out of touch? There is also nothing wrong with that except that they should not attempt to lead this country or tell the "peons" what they should do, etc.
Ann Romney making excuses for her sons not serving in the military.

Ann Romney: Mormon missions and U.S. military are ‘different ways of serving’

The candidate’s wife explained that Mormon missions were like military service in that “you’re going outside of yourself, you’re working and you’re helping others. And it changes you. And are we so grateful in this country for those people — men and women — that are volunteering, they’re sacrificing their life for us, and we cannot forget that or we have to acknowledge that always.”

“So, when you’re facing these mothers whose children have not come back, how will you explain to them that your sons haven’t gone?” Goldberg pressed. “Will you talk about the missions they’ve gone on?”

What a joke! Morman missionaries aren't serving their countries. They are serving and promoting their religion. There is no problem with that but there is also NO COMPARISON whatsoever to serving in the military.

And some people really do want this family in the WH? So privileged and totally out of touch? There is also nothing wrong with that except that they should not attempt to lead this country or tell the "peons" what they should do, etc.

( emphasis added)

Obama and Biden never served but the can tell the 'peons' what to do?
Mormons serve humanity during their missions.

Which makes them objects of derision as far as lefties are concerned.
About 2% of the US population are serving in the military at any given time.

I would imagine that "No sons in the military" is a pretty common 'affliction'.

Find something worth bitching about or STFU.
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Let's see, it's not okay the Obama and Biden didn't serve (Biden's son did) but it is okay for Ann Romney to say Mormons serve their country like the military does AND for her 5 sons to not serve in the military as well as Mitt himself not to serve. I get it. Double standards!

The point I was making is that this family is out of touch. How would it go down if Obama said I served my country as a community organizer which is another way of serving besides being in the military?

And I said, nothing bad about Morman missionaries except that the comparison to serving in the military and losing your life and loved ones is not at all the same! She shouldn't have compared the 2.
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About 2% of the US population are serving in the military at any given time.

I would imagine that "No sons in the military" is a pretty common 'affliction'.

Find something worth bitching about or STFU.

Facts have no value to you?
Just bitchin?
She didn't say Mormons serve LIKE the military. In fact, she said pretty much the opposite. She said it was a DIFFERENT way of serving.

Get it? Different? Get it?
Cripes the degree of stupidity that blasts across these threads is amazing.
Here's Obama in uniform

Let's see, it's not okay the Obama and Biden didn't server (Biden's son did) but it is okay for Ann Romney to say Mormons serve their country like the military does AND for her 5 sons to not serve in the military as well as Mitt himself not to serve. I get it. Double standards!

The point I was making is that this family is out of touch. How would it go down if Obama said I served my country as a community organizer which is another way of serving besides being in the military?

And I said, nothing bad about Morman missionaries except that the comparison to serving in the military and losing your life and loved ones is not at all the same! She shouldn't have compared the 2.
Because community agitators don't serve the people and communities they inhabit, as do LDS missionaries.

And she said "it's another way of serving", not "the same thing as".

Once again, your haughty piety and faux indignation can't move the give-a-fuck-o-meter.

Ann Romney making excuses for her sons not serving in the military.

Ann Romney: Mormon missions and U.S. military are ‘different ways of serving’

The candidate’s wife explained that Mormon missions were like military service in that “you’re going outside of yourself, you’re working and you’re helping others. And it changes you. And are we so grateful in this country for those people — men and women — that are volunteering, they’re sacrificing their life for us, and we cannot forget that or we have to acknowledge that always.”

“So, when you’re facing these mothers whose children have not come back, how will you explain to them that your sons haven’t gone?” Goldberg pressed. “Will you talk about the missions they’ve gone on?”

What a joke! Morman missionaries aren't serving their countries. They are serving and promoting their religion. There is no problem with that but there is also NO COMPARISON whatsoever to serving in the military.

And some people really do want this family in the WH? So privileged and totally out of touch? There is also nothing wrong with that except that they should not attempt to lead this country or tell the "peons" what they should do, etc.

, I served a Mormon mission to Australia, Came home and was drafted into the US Army during Vietnam.
I looked at myself many times as setting a good example for my country as well as my religion.
Geeez dude give it a break.
What a pathetic thread. Don't know why anyone would want to bash Ann Romney, what kind of person gets satisfaction out of that?

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