Ann Coulter's Answer to Canada!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"The provost of the University of Ottawa, average student IQ: 0, wrote to me—widely disseminating his letter to at least a half-dozen intermediaries before it reached me—in advance of my visit in order to recommend that I familiarize myself with Canada's criminal laws regarding hate speech.

What other speakers get a warning not to promote hatred? Did Francois A. Houle send a similarly worded letter to Israel-hater Omar Barghouti before he spoke last year at U of Ottawa? ("Ottawa": Indian for "Land of the Bed-Wetters.")

How about Angela Davis, Communist Party member and former Black Panther who spoke at the University of Zero just last month?

Or do only conservatives get letters admonishing them to be civil? Or—my suspicion—is it only conservative women who fuel Francois' rage?

I'm sure Canada's Human Rights Commission will get to the bottom of Francois' strange warning to me, inasmuch as I will be filing a complaint with that august body, so I expect they will be reviewing every letter the university has sent to other speakers prior to their speeches to see if any of them were threatened with criminal prosecution.

Curiously, however, there was no evidence that either the cartoons or the column did, in fact, incite hatred toward Muslims—nor was there the remotest possibility that they would.

By contrast, conservative speakers are regularly subjected to violent attacks on college campuses. Bill Kristol, Pat Buchanan, David Horowitz and I have all been the targets of infamous campus attacks.

At the risk of violating anyone's positive space, what happened to Canada? How did the country that gave us Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Dan Aykroyd and Catherine O'Hara suddenly become a bunch of whining crybabies? "
Conservative News: Coulter - University of Ottawa, Parliament condemn speech as "hate speech" - HUMAN EVENTS
clearly a cry for attention it s not like some government official warned her about hate laws one leftist dean from one university did and no one banned her from speaking...but its a way better story to run away because of a body guards unsubstainated claims than to give her boring speech and get little attention beyond a letter and some lefty protest..universties all across America are full of such people and such incidents there is no real story here

The kids in Ottawa made me sad!!!
Bilderberg-bound filmmaker held at airport

Canadian authorities detained an American activist filmmaker at the Ottawa airport late Wednesday night, confiscating his passport, camera equipment and most of his belongings.Citizenship and Immigration Canada agents stopped Alex Jones, whose films include Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State, and questioned him for nearly four hours before letting him go with only one change of clothes and telling him to return Thursday morning.“It’s really chilling, like a police state,” said Mr. Jones of his detention

Bilderberg-bound filmmaker held at airport
"The provost of the University of Ottawa, average student IQ: 0, wrote to me—widely disseminating his letter to at least a half-dozen intermediaries before it reached me—in advance of my visit in order to recommend that I familiarize myself with Canada's criminal laws regarding hate speech.

What other speakers get a warning not to promote hatred? Did Francois A. Houle send a similarly worded letter to Israel-hater Omar Barghouti before he spoke last year at U of Ottawa? ("Ottawa": Indian for "Land of the Bed-Wetters.")

How about Angela Davis, Communist Party member and former Black Panther who spoke at the University of Zero just last month?

Or do only conservatives get letters admonishing them to be civil? Or—my suspicion—is it only conservative women who fuel Francois' rage?

I'm sure Canada's Human Rights Commission will get to the bottom of Francois' strange warning to me, inasmuch as I will be filing a complaint with that august body, so I expect they will be reviewing every letter the university has sent to other speakers prior to their speeches to see if any of them were threatened with criminal prosecution.

Curiously, however, there was no evidence that either the cartoons or the column did, in fact, incite hatred toward Muslims—nor was there the remotest possibility that they would.

By contrast, conservative speakers are regularly subjected to violent attacks on college campuses. Bill Kristol, Pat Buchanan, David Horowitz and I have all been the targets of infamous campus attacks.

At the risk of violating anyone's positive space, what happened to Canada? How did the country that gave us Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Dan Aykroyd and Catherine O'Hara suddenly become a bunch of whining crybabies? "
Conservative News: Coulter - University of Ottawa, Parliament condemn speech as "hate speech" - HUMAN EVENTS

LOL... I think it's the pot... too beaucoup... and the radical nature of Leftism in general; and its entirely possible that we're looking at a toxic combo...
How can Coltface pick on anyone for talking mean?

I try to remember that some of our members require spoon-feeding of ideas, so forgive me for simply posting the Ann Coulter column.

Here is the breakdown so that you can understand, as " talking mean" actually has nothing
to do with the OP.

1. Ms. Coulter was invited to speak to students at the University.

2. Left wing 'scholars' looked into their well-worn compendium on civil discourse, and 'market place of ideas' strategies, and shouted and rioted so that Ms. Coulter could not deliver here talk.

3. No one was force to join the assembly who wished to hear ideas with which they might or might not agree.

Still with me?

4. Canada represents ersatz-EU, in that free speech means only if the left agrees with your speech content.

5. Those of us who honor the first amendment of the US Constitution, see it as a higher level of social evolution than censorship, would champion Ms. Coulter's right to speak, and critique Canadian culture in this regard.

5a. Consider the this quote, attributed to Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Have someone explain it to you.
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How can Coltface pick on anyone for talking mean?

I try to remember that some of our members require spoon-feeding of ideas, so forgive me for simply posting the Ann Coulter column.

Here is the breakdown so that you can understand, as " talking mean" actually has nothing
to do with the OP.

1. Ms. Coulter was invited to speak to students at the University.

2. Left wing 'scholars' looked into their well-worn compendium on civil discourse, and 'market place of ideas' strategies, and shouted and rioted so that Ms. Coulter could not deliver here talk.

3. No one was force to join the assembly who wished to hear ideas with which they might or might not agree.

Still with me?

4. Canada represents ersatz-EU, in that free speech means only if the left agrees with your speech content.

5. Those of us who honor the first amendment of the US Constitution, as see it as a higher level of social evolution than censorship, would champion Ms. Coulter's right to speak, and critique Canadian culture in this regard.

5a. Consider the this quote, attributed to Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Have someone explain it to you.

she chose not to speak on the advice of her is bullshit...there were no reported threats the university security or police expressed no concerns over her is making something out of nothing
Coulter is a funny guy. It would have been funny if she went there and got arrested for her hatefull crap.

Funny dude.
How can Coltface pick on anyone for talking mean?

I try to remember that some of our members require spoon-feeding of ideas, so forgive me for simply posting the Ann Coulter column.

Here is the breakdown so that you can understand, as " talking mean" actually has nothing
to do with the OP.

1. Ms. Coulter was invited to speak to students at the University.

2. Left wing 'scholars' looked into their well-worn compendium on civil discourse, and 'market place of ideas' strategies, and shouted and rioted so that Ms. Coulter could not deliver here talk.

3. No one was force to join the assembly who wished to hear ideas with which they might or might not agree.

Still with me?

4. Canada represents ersatz-EU, in that free speech means only if the left agrees with your speech content.

5. Those of us who honor the first amendment of the US Constitution, as see it as a higher level of social evolution than censorship, would champion Ms. Coulter's right to speak, and critique Canadian culture in this regard.

5a. Consider the this quote, attributed to Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Have someone explain it to you.

she chose not to speak on the advice of her is bullshit...there were no reported threats the university security or police expressed no concerns over her is making something out of nothing

Well the Left's notorious for violence against their political opposition...

Need we remind ya that the ideological Left Murdered 150 MILLION people, IN PEACE TIME... in the 20th Century alone...

Hells bells... there's a list of over 100 'untimely deaths' surrounding just the Clinton Administration... And the current President of the US comes out of CHICAGO!... Surely we don't have to run down the headlines of opposition who found themselves sleepin' with the fishes.

And let's be honest, Coulter's been attacked on campus several times... and I don't blame her for not wanting to risk it with the Canukistanis... I mean how is SHE suppose to know if everyone has enough pot?

All it would take is for her to show up a couple of days after the stash dried up and ANYTHING could happen. It's just not worth the risk.
Tom Petty?

btw my apologies to the Equine breed for my previous post.

The apology should be to the five teachers who the grades of schooling that you completed.

I did only go to 11 years of regular public school.
I was double promoted and did not have to attend one grade.
How about you?

Can't you tell how smart I am from my avatar?

Same thing happened to me. They didnt call it double promoting, it was called getting skipped a grade when they bounced me from the 6th to the 8th grade. I would not allow them to do anything like that to my daughter though. I never really fit in to any class I was in all during high school. In my mind.
How can Coltface pick on anyone for talking mean?

I try to remember that some of our members require spoon-feeding of ideas, so forgive me for simply posting the Ann Coulter column.

Here is the breakdown so that you can understand, as " talking mean" actually has nothing
to do with the OP.

1. Ms. Coulter was invited to speak to students at the University.

2. Left wing 'scholars' looked into their well-worn compendium on civil discourse, and 'market place of ideas' strategies, and shouted and rioted so that Ms. Coulter could not deliver here talk.

3. No one was force to join the assembly who wished to hear ideas with which they might or might not agree.

Still with me?

4. Canada represents ersatz-EU, in that free speech means only if the left agrees with your speech content.

5. Those of us who honor the first amendment of the US Constitution, as see it as a higher level of social evolution than censorship, would champion Ms. Coulter's right to speak, and critique Canadian culture in this regard.

5a. Consider the this quote, attributed to Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Have someone explain it to you.

she chose not to speak on the advice of her is bullshit...there were no reported threats the university security or police expressed no concerns over her is making something out of nothing

So, if I understand your point, such as it is, Ms. Coulter would have cancelled her speech to gain publicity, riot or no riot.


Thanks for participating, and contributing a difference without a distinction.

"OTTAWA, March 24, 2010 ( - American conservative firebrand Ann Coulter was forced to cancel her talk at the University of Ottawa on Tuesday night after hundreds of shouting student protesters showed up threatening disruption and violence if she was allowed to speak.

“The University of Ottawa is really easy to get into, isn’t it?” Coulter said in a Washington Times interview after the cancelled event. “I never get any trouble at the Ivy League schools. It’s always the bush league schools.”

“This has never, ever, ever happened before — even at the stupidest American university,” she said.

Coulter's security team told her they believed it would have been dangerous for her to appear to give her speech, according to the Ottawa Citizen."

U of Ottawa Student Rioters Shut Down Ann Coulter Talk
The apology should be to the five teachers who the grades of schooling that you completed.

I did only go to 11 years of regular public school.
I was double promoted and did not have to attend one grade.
How about you?

Can't you tell how smart I am from my avatar?

Same thing happened to me. They didnt call it double promoting, it was called getting skipped a grade when they bounced me from the 6th to the 8th grade. I would not allow them to do anything like that to my daughter though. I never really fit in to any class I was in all during high school. In my mind.

Yes the way the system is structured it is not a good thing and I would not recommend it.

I think you are the only other person I have met that has skipped a grade.
Guess this Coulter guy never met Dale Hunter or Claude Lemieux...


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