Ann Coulter On Romney and Illegal Immigration

I skimmmed through the article and did not see the mention of the connection to the GOP.

Did I miss it ?

Meat processing & products: Background | OpenSecrets

"Individuals and political action committees associated with the meat industry contributed $1.6 million the candidates at the federal level during the 2008 campaign cycle, with nearly 70 percent going to Republicans. The industry is a strong supporter of the GOP, and has given the party more than three-quarters of the $10 million of its contributions made since the 1990 election cycle."

I am having a hard time getting worked up over 10 million dollars in donations over 20 years. And 70% of goes to the GOP, which means 30% goes where ?

I did read your article with some disgust. I've been close to plants before and they stink 100 feet outside the fence. I can't imagine what goes on inside.

What does that 10 million get them ?

I guess we will see......

Just so you know (it is not intended to be an apples to apples comparison....)the NEA gave out 65 million in 2006 alone....97% went to democrats.
I am having a hard time getting worked up over 10 million dollars in donations over 20 years. And 70% of goes to the GOP, which means 30% goes where ?

I did read your article with some disgust. I've been close to plants before and they stink 100 feet outside the fence. I can't imagine what goes on inside.

What does that 10 million get them ?

I guess we will see......

Just so you know (it is not intended to be an apples to apples comparison....)the NEA gave out 65 million in 2006 alone....97% went to democrats.

I don't think any group of corporations should be able to bribe our legislators to pass laws in their favor - and to harm consumers (and competitors) in the end... Like those companies fighting heritage pigs being raised in Massachusetts or wherever. I was merely pointing out the faux outrage of the right as their beloved corporations encourage the very thing they are "against", and under their very noses, to boot. That is my point.

Just so you know (it is not intended to be an apples to apples comparison....)the NEA gave out 65 million in 2006 alone....97% went to democrats.

Of course it went to democrats. Republicans, in general, are against public funding of the arts. They will however, give millions to industries that kill us and poison our air and water...
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Here's the problem with Romney. Once upon a time, he actually was kind of sensible. In that he admitted that deporting 11 million people was a logistical impossibility. Then he had to run for the Crazy Minuteman Vote, and could get to the right of McCain, and then Perry and Gingrich, by playing the Nativist Card.

Here's the reality. The people who really run the GOP want illegal immigration. They want you just scared enough someone can take your job for a little less that you'll take a little less. And they want to keep you mad about it instead of being mad at the people you should be mad at.

So when Romney slips up and blurts out something like "I can't have illegals, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake", he kind of gives up the game.

Except for you guys who are so self-deluded you pretend not to notice.

ol....gotta love it...

"heres the reality"...and then he offers a far left wing opinion.

Reality and Joey have yet to meet. That's the reality.

Joe sits so far out in left field that he can't see reality with a telescope.
Reality and Joey have yet to meet. That's the reality.

Actually, he's right. Who are the largest employers of illegals? The meat processors - and every single one of them are butt plugs tightly nestled into Republican candidates' arses. Did you know they ADVERTISE for workers down there? Did you know that some of them bus 'em up here and then try to dump them at homeless shelters? Corporatists want to drive wages DOWN and they don't care how they do it or who it hurts - even if it's the whole country - as long as they make a short term profit. Just like Wall St. bankers did with our economy.

Working conditions; Ilegal Immigrants

Last time I checked, the largest employer of illegals was the agricultural industry.

Here's the problem with Romney. Once upon a time, he actually was kind of sensible. In that he admitted that deporting 11 million people was a logistical impossibility. Then he had to run for the Crazy Minuteman Vote, and could get to the right of McCain, and then Perry and Gingrich, by playing the Nativist Card.

Here's the reality. The people who really run the GOP want illegal immigration. They want you just scared enough someone can take your job for a little less that you'll take a little less. And they want to keep you mad about it instead of being mad at the people you should be mad at.

So when Romney slips up and blurts out something like "I can't have illegals, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake", he kind of gives up the game.

Except for you guys who are so self-deluded you pretend not to notice.

ho hum....

libs are so deluded they think BO is handling the problem because illegals are starting to LEAVE.......

....they just pretend not to notice the real reason.....that the jobs just aren't there anymore.....

That and enforcement has tightened up quite a lot. But I know you all don't want to talk about the fact that forced deportations are up under Obama.

Here's the problem with Romney. Once upon a time, he actually was kind of sensible. In that he admitted that deporting 11 million people was a logistical impossibility. Then he had to run for the Crazy Minuteman Vote, and could get to the right of McCain, and then Perry and Gingrich, by playing the Nativist Card.

Here's the reality. The people who really run the GOP want illegal immigration. They want you just scared enough someone can take your job for a little less that you'll take a little less. And they want to keep you mad about it instead of being mad at the people you should be mad at.

So when Romney slips up and blurts out something like "I can't have illegals, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake", he kind of gives up the game.

Except for you guys who are so self-deluded you pretend not to notice.

ol....gotta love it...

"heres the reality"...and then he offers a far left wing opinion.

The reality is the reality, man.

The illegals wouldn't be here if they didn't have someone hiring them, knowing they are illegals.

Like my last boss. He had a bunch of illegals doing scrub work in the back of the plant, and he knew what they were. Of course, they worked for the "temp agency", so his hands were clean.

You could end the illegal problem in a month if you cracked down on the employers and villified them.

But no one ever seems to want to do that...
There isn't much you can do about stupidity, but you can fight ignorance.

Information is the antidote to ignorance.

I challenge everyone to look up the Unemployment rate before the recession. If you do so, it will become quickly evident that illegal immigrants do not steal jobs.

More information: pay Social Security tax, won't benefit

While many Americans believe illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, billions of dollars deducted from paychecks issued to undocumented workers flow to the Social Security Administration (SSA) every year. Those workers almost certainly will never see that money again.

Many illegal immigrants pay up at tax time

The Internal Revenue Service doesn't track a worker's immigration status, yet many illegal immigrants fearful of deportation won't risk the government attention that will come from filing a return even if they might qualify for a refund. Economist William Ford of Middle Tennessee State University says there are no firm figures on how many such taxpayers there are.

"The real question is how many of them pay more than they owe. There are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands of people in that situation," Ford said.

But some illegal immigrants choose to file taxes and write a check come April 15, using an alternative to the Social Security number offered by the IRS so it can collect income tax from foreign workers.

"It's a mistake to think that no illegal immigrants pay taxes. They definitely do," said Martha Pantoja, who has been helping Hispanic immigrants this tax season as an IRS-certified volunteer tax preparer for the non-profit Nashville Wealth Building Coalition.

Employers withhold income taxes, and entitlement taxes. Unlike you and me, illegal immigrants usually don't file taxes to get their refund, so they are paying a higher rate in taxes than you and me in such cases. They don't get that money back that a citizen would. No deductions, no credits. It's all gone. Plus, they don't get to use the entitlement benefits they are paying into. So you are getting a free ride on their contributions.

What Ann Coulter is doing is giving you a very carefully framed picture that leaves out some very significant aspects of the contributions illegal immigrants make to our treasury.

She wants you to focus just on their costs.

That is what is known as a "lie of omission", at which many pundits are very polished.


In the first place, it is doubtful they pay any federal income taxes.

Please provide evidence which refutes my evidence that they do. Otherwise you are just being willfull in your ignorance.

[ Next, they do take benefits from society as pointed out in the article. I realize they pay SS tax, but that is the point......the overall cost of having illegals in the supply chain isn't as low as some would like to think.

90.4 billion ain't that much when you consider how much we spend on entitlements and the percentage of illegals that get help. One visit to an ER can cost a whole lot of SS. Farmworkers of Florida ? Could you find a more biased source please.....

Can you cite an actual number of how much illegals cost in the ER?

I am willing to bet it is less than $25 billion.

And the article I quoted cites an economist, not farmworkers of Florida.
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Although there are no reliable data on unauthorized immigrants’ rate of compliance with tax laws, the IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year. Other researchers estimate that between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.

The SSA assumes that about half of unauthorized immigrants pay Social Security taxes

Several of the states whose estimates CBO reviewed used a model developed by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) to determine state and local taxes paid by unauthorized immigrants. ITEP assumes a 50 percent compliance rate for income and payroll taxes.

As part of a larger study on migration, the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California at San Diego conducted a survey of unauthorized immigrants and found that, in 2006, 75 percent had taxes withheld from their paychecks, filed tax returns, or both.

Congressional Budget Office.

If there is a disparity between how much a state collects from illegal residents in taxes and what those illegal residents use in services, I would submit that is probably because many states rely heavily on property taxes, and not as much on sales or income taxes. Illegals probably pay very little in property taxes, seeing as how they probably don't own much property.

Just another reason to look at a Flat Tax.
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Here is the overarching point I am trying to make:

1. An examination of the unemployment rate prior to the recession shows that illegal immigrants are not stealing jobs.

2. Item 1 shows there is a labor demand for all these people, and that our quota system does not adequately supply that demand.

3. Increasing the quota supply to meed the labor demand will bring more immigrants into our system legally, where they can then pay their full freight. Instead of 50 percent paying taxes, 100 percent will pay taxes.
Reality and Joey have yet to meet. That's the reality.

Actually, he's right. Who are the largest employers of illegals? The meat processors - and every single one of them are butt plugs tightly nestled into Republican candidates' arses. Did you know they ADVERTISE for workers down there? Did you know that some of them bus 'em up here and then try to dump them at homeless shelters? Corporatists want to drive wages DOWN and they don't care how they do it or who it hurts - even if it's the whole country - as long as they make a short term profit. Just like Wall St. bankers did with our economy.

Working conditions; Ilegal Immigrants

Last time I checked, the largest employer of illegals was the agricultural industry.

The Key word being industry. As in "rich people who don't want to pay a fair wage to an American".

Which is the problem, "for Pete's Sake".

If you jokers really wanted to end the "scourge" of illegal immigration, go after the people who hire them.

Instead, you let them think they want half your cookie while they gobble down the other 9.
Reality and Joey have yet to meet. That's the reality.

Actually, he's right. Who are the largest employers of illegals? The meat processors - and every single one of them are butt plugs tightly nestled into Republican candidates' arses. Did you know they ADVERTISE for workers down there? Did you know that some of them bus 'em up here and then try to dump them at homeless shelters? Corporatists want to drive wages DOWN and they don't care how they do it or who it hurts - even if it's the whole country - as long as they make a short term profit. Just like Wall St. bankers did with our economy.

Working conditions; Ilegal Immigrants

I love the line that the left gives for their argument for illegals. They work in the meat processing plants and pick fruit in the fields and Americans won't do them. You know why Americans won't do them, because they pay illegals $7K a year for 50 hour a week jobs! That is far less than minimum wage. Isn't that a crime against humanity? Then the illegals show no income, so they are and DO get on public assistance in the form of food stamps, Section 8, free medical care at the emergency room and YES many get on welfare!

and the rest of the liberal lie is Americans won't work there.
Only 3% work in the field picking fruit! THREE PERCENT!!! You know why, because like Americans they don't want to slave away on 50-60 hour work weeks with no benefits for $7K a year!!! Funny how the left screams for illegal rights, but exploiting them by paying them so far under minimum wage and getting away with that it is justified in their eyes.

33% work in the service industry: Restaurants, fast food joints, nannies and maids. Go to any fast food joint now and you will see many adults and college grads working there. Illegals make up many of the restaurants most important workers - CHEFS. Chefs tend to make more than the other staff and people usu go to school to be a chef. Nannies actually pay pretty good wages! I know with my house-keeper (who is 2nd generation Polish-American), I pay her and her sister $100 every two weeks and they clean roughly 3-4 homes a day. On the low end that's $6K a month, that's $3K btw the two of them! Not bad. American can and DO work in this industry.

These two industries are where the left says Americans won't work, YET they make up only 36% of the employment. The rest work in "construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business!" Many like sales, construction, production, management, business and repair are well paying industries. American can and do fight for these job. These REST make up 64% of the illegal employment!

Study counters beliefs about illegal immigrants (Only 3 percent work in agriculture)
Passel's report dismantled another widely held assumption: Only 3 percent of the undocumented immigrants work in agriculture. The greatest numbers, 33 percent, work in the service industry.

The rest work in construction, production, installation and repair, sales and administration, transportation and material moving, and management and business.
People want to demonize Ann as the Jew hater, but this Jew loves her!

You loving her has zero bearing on whether or not she hates you.

First, she doesn't hate Jew regardless of the myth. Second, she loves this country and preaches the truth about the liberal myths and that is what is most important to me. She fights that fight people are afraid to fight because of PC bullshit! I could careless about some insensitive things she has said about Jews. I care more about what she does to help America stay strong!
People want to demonize Ann as the Jew hater, but this Jew loves her!

You loving her has zero bearing on whether or not she hates you.

First, she doesn't hate Jew regardless of the myth. Second, she loves this country and preaches the truth about the liberal myths and that is what is most important to me. She fights that fight people are afraid to fight because of PC bullshit! I could careless about some insensitive things she has said about Jews. I care more about what she does to help America stay strong!

She does something to help America stay strong?

Well, she does make the Conservative movement look foolish, but I'm not sure that's a big help.
Romney is about to flip flop into the center on immigration. Latest news is that he is 'studying' Rubio's version of a Dream Act type bill, which is well to the left of Romney's recent and current hardline stances on immigration.


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