Animated Avatars


Active Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Federal Way WA, USA
I have a few that work. However, there have been a few really cool ones that I have come across. When I right click and "save as...", it gets saved to my specified location but will no longer animate. The ones that I do have that work, I obtained the same way.

What gives anyone?
I have a few that work. However, there have been a few really cool ones that I have come across. When I right click and "save as...", it gets saved to my specified location but will no longer animate. The ones that I do have that work, I obtained the same way.

What gives anyone?

Hotlink em from the site you find em at. Try that.
freeandfun1 said:
Hotlink em from the site you find em at. Try that.
Yeah, I'll try that/ Just weird that a few I ahve on my computer animate and some don't. But with the 150X150 limit, allot of them I resize, maybe that is the problem :dunno:
make sure when you save them, they save as a .gif file. :)

Then, view them in Internet Explorer - viewed in most other programs, they won't annimate.
Try this one

I have a few that work. However, there have been a few really cool ones that I have come across. When I right click and "save as...", it gets saved to my specified location but will no longer animate. The ones that I do have that work, I obtained the same way.

What gives anyone?

Make sure they are being saved as .gif files and not .bmp files. For some odd reason, when IE's cache is full, it stops saving images properly. If that's the case, try clearing your cache and temp files.
jimnyc said:
Make sure they are being saved as .gif files and not .bmp files. For some odd reason, when IE's cache is full, it stops saving images properly. If that's the case, try clearing your cache and temp files.
hmmm...that must be it, for some reason, my machine offers the.bmp extension by default. I will try changing it to the .gif next time around.

Thanks ya'll.
OK - tried to "save as...". When I do, the default option offered is .bmp and the dialogue box will not let me change it to .gif, even though the image I am trying to capture is a .gif image. HELP!
try this -

right click, and email photo...then, Outlook will open, you'll see the attachment as a gif. Right click on that again, and save..or, send to yourself :)
OK - tried to "save as...". When I do, the default option offered is .bmp and the dialogue box will not let me change it to .gif, even though the image I am trying to capture is a .gif image. HELP!

Delete your cache and temporary internet files! I had this exact problem once before.
jimnyc said:
Delete your cache and temporary internet files! I had this exact problem once before.
I'll be damned. That worked. Thanks Jim and -=d=-. Not sure why it makes that distinction. Weird.
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