Animated Austrian movie by the famous Austrian Caricaturist Deix: "Rotzbub".


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I live somewhere in rural Austria European Union
Rotzbub is a austrian boy growing up in a austrian town on the countryside in the 1960s, it is conservative. Some Gypsies appear, they camp in the woods outside the town. They come to the town on the trade market sell things etc. Some nazis (and even the local policeman) want to set their camp on fire, they make handmade bombs, but Rotzbub helps them, he falls in love with a young gypsy girl, too, and he helps the gypsies along with a few other "cool hippie" types who smoke weed and listen to jazz music (not everyone did in the 60s in a village in austria). The movie ends with the nazis being defeated and Rotzbub kissing the gypsy girl.


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