Angry left wing knuttjob John Oliver called Laura Ingraham a racist


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left wingers boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist than that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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Poor little angry trumpkins.

Perhaps you morons shouldn’t be trying to force the majority of the country to live with your deranged lunacy.
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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She is a racist! Proved it the other day when she lamented the loss of "white culture." Working for Faux News is prima facie guilt of racisim.
Say racist things, people call you a racist..what the fuck did she expect?

Please tell me how her quote was supposed to be construed as "racist"

“In some parts of the country it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they’re changes that none of us ever voted for . . . Much of this is related to both illegal and, in some cases, legal, immigration that — of course — progressives love.”

Was it the "immigrant" thing she spoke about? You do know that Hispanic is not really a "race", per se, right? There is no race called "Hispanics".

Unless you consider the extreme left-wing Hispanic group "La Raza", which translates to "The Race". But that's their own definition of themselves. There is no "Hispanic Race."
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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She is a racist! Proved it the other day when she lamented the loss of "white culture." Working for Faux News is prima facie guilt of racisim.

She *adopted* a Guatemalan orphan child. Are you so deranged to call her a White Supremacist?

If by "White culture" she's referring to being socially and culturally conservative, family-oriented, valuing hard work, educational and economic mobility, etc. then I'm with her.

And I'm not White.
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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i prefer to win my arguments.
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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She is a racist! Proved it the other day when she lamented the loss of "white culture." Working for Faux News is prima facie guilt of racisim.

She *adopted* a Guatemalan orphan child. Are you so deranged to call her a White Supremacist?

If by "White culture" she's referring to being socially and culturally conservative, family-oriented, valuing hard work, educational and economic mobility, etc. then I'm with her.

And I'm not White.

There ya go. Traditional American values, God, country, self-reliance, independence, liberty, less government intrusion, a strong military, secure borders, and the ability of anyone to make anything out of themselves is not a "white" thing. Those are things that anyone would want and those are things that anyone in this country can have if they want.

The Democrats have no right to tell any group of people that they are mere "victims" and by voting for them, they offer freedom. Any thinking person knows otherwise.
EVERYONE is a racist
EVERYTHING is racist
racists/racism EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we should do a thread on most used/popular words
race/racism/etc would be up there
Ingraham lamented the changing demographics in America and the crazy liberals went into a rage. “Wow,” Oliver said. “She just came right out and said it . . . You almost want to give her credit for honesty there, and then deduct twice as much credit, because she’s only just honest about how racist she is.”

For about the last 20 years I have been hearing the left winger boast about “changing demographics.” The Democrats are boasting that they are going to outbreed the Republicans. It doesn’t get much more racist that. The only other political party that had a breeding program was the Nazi Party. The crazy Liberals are the real racist demagogues, not Ingraham.

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A few typos in your title. Obviously meant to read: Angry right wing nut job Laura Ingraham rants racist stupidity. Righties jerk off ferociously in response
Say racist things, people call you a racist..what the fuck did she expect?

Please tell me how her quote was supposed to be construed as "racist"

“In some parts of the country it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they’re changes that none of us ever voted for . . . Much of this is related to both illegal and, in some cases, legal, immigration that — of course — progressives love.”

Was it the "immigrant" thing she spoke about? You do know that Hispanic is not really a "race", per se, right? There is no race called "Hispanics".

Unless you consider the extreme left-wing Hispanic group "La Raza", which translates to "The Race". But that's their own definition of themselves. There is no "Hispanic Race."

The "America that we know and love" refers to white America, that is what has changed. There are less white people and more people of differing skin tones. That is what she does not like.

You can put lipstick on it and call it whatever you wish, does not change what it is.
EVERYONE is a racist
EVERYTHING is racist
racists/racism EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we should do a thread on most used/popular words
race/racism/etc would be up there

Let me ask you. What would you consider as proof someone IS racist ? Even torch marchers don’t do it for you !!!

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