Anglos Saxon Roots versus African Roots


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Let's not be judgemental. Throughout Europe over many centuries poor people were forced to work on farms for rich landlords as serfs. The landlord would come by once in a while and take his share of the crops produced. The rest was kept by the serfs to be used for their own benefit. There was no community available to draw resources. The landlords were going to get their share. If you failed to produce enough then your family would starve and die. If you produced any excess then your family would live a winter of luxury and abundance. Hundreds of years of this type of conditioning has developed a tradition of rugged individualism of people of European descent. It is no accident that individual liberty and even a flat tax are favored by people with an European heritage. Communal living and a strong government are a threat to the white man's psyche that has been developed through centuries of conditioning. Let's not be judgemental.

Let's not be judgemental. Throughout Africa over many centuries poor people have lived under tribal leadership and in communal conditions. At one point in history many Africans were captured and sold as slaves. A good many of those slaves were sold in the United States. Even though these persons lost everything they had including their dignity they didn't lose their identity. Their desire for tribal unity and a desire for strong communities thrived under dire circumstances when that was all they had. It is no accident that individual liberty and even a flat tax are a threat to people of African descent. Rugged individualism and a small government are a threat to the black man's psyche that has been developed through millenia. Let's not be judgemental.

Both races have a tendency to lean in the direction of their heritage. Educated individuals can rise above our heritage and see that 21st century living conditions are not a part of either extreme. We do not live on large farms distant farms where we rarely interact with other human beings. We do not live in strong tribal communities where food sharing is a daily activity.

Let's not be judgemental. Instead let's embrace the heritage of both groups and cherry pick what is useful in our present world and discard that which is dangerous to our present world.

For example: White people should drop the hard line approach to taxation and welfare. If you lived miles away from the nearest individual then poor people weren't your problem. In a society where you may have 1 or more neighbors living within walking distance then poor people are very much your problem too. Poor people do desperate things in order to survive. We can't ignore the poor or it can get very ugly.

For example: Black people should drop the us versus them mentality. We don't live in small tribes anymore. The tribe is humongous and includes every single citizen living in the United States. Disloyalty to the tribe is still punishable but the tribe includes us white folks too. The tribal leaders still need to be respected even if they have white skin.

Let's not be judgemental. We are different but that doesn't mean we have to be self-destructive.
Ya know, I never understood how racist the yanks were until I frequented US populated forums. Still, like the South Africans I guess legal apartheid will leave its mark.
Truly, eclecticism is the only viable approach progress.

Of course. That's only a practical way to live life. Unfortunately eclecticism as a philosophy can encourage complacency. Rigid ideas are unattainable but does create opportunity for constant societal improvement.

Realistic ideologies have no place in philosophy. Philosophy is supposed to offer the unattainable ideal as a principle. Principles should guide us into a better direction. Realistic ideas have no guiding principles. That's the only drawback. You are thinking but you stopped thinking too soon. There is much more to discover in the world of philosophy.

When developing political strategy eclecticism should be highly encouraged and frequently practiced but the ideas should be higher than what eclecticism offers.

Some people in today's political structure confuse principles as absolutes. This is especially true with the Tea Party crowd.
Just so long as the government keeps its mitts off Medicare, eh?

The Tea Party mantra. Cut the government services for him but not for me.

"Get your government hands off my social security." lol

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