Angela Merkel practices social distancing by staying 21 million feet away from Trump!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

BERLIN (The Borowitz Report)—In an effort to practice social distancing, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is staying four thousand miles away from Donald Trump, Merkel has confirmed.​
Merkel’s decision to decline Trump’s invitation to a possible meeting of the G-7 in Washington was based “entirely on science,” Merkel told reporters.​
“Epidemiologists have recommended that, in order to be safe, one should social-distance by six feet,” she said. “It only stands to reason that I will be even safer if I social-distance by twenty-one million feet.”​
Merkel said that she was taking the extremely cautious social-distancing measures regarding Trump because of “the danger posed by being in proximity to someone who speaks so loudly and incessantly.”​
“His mouth is like a firehose of droplets,” she said, shuddering.​
Asked whether she would reconsider a White House visit if Trump agreed to wear a mask, she said, “Donald Trump with a mask is clearly a big improvement over Donald Trump without a mask, but no.”​
The German leader added that she could envision making a trip to the Oval Office if “events on the ground change,” most likely in January of 2021.​

Good. The German k*nt and her European counterparts should not be welcome here to begin with.

Well cool, Donnie hates our allies anyway. He'd rather have murderous autocrats like Putin, Erdogan, Baby Kim & Duterte show up.
The German people suffered from 1914 to after WW 2. And East Germany until the late 1980's. Then this woman comes to power. And she has set the stage for more suffering of the people.
The only allies we have are those with their hands out. The minute we refuse to hand out money on our credit card they move as far away as possible.
Did you pluck that butt nugget from deep inside the old anal cavity?

Not at all. It’s based on a simple definition of an ally...

An ally is someone who sees you about to go pick a fight with the biggest bully on the block and demands to come along with you, even if they know you’re both going to get butchered.
Sorry this is a duplicate.
I didn’t see it the first time.
It got “merged.”
Worth rereading though!
Gotta laugh!

By Andy Borowitz
May 30, 2020

BERLIN (The Borowitz Report)—In an effort to practice social distancing, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is staying four thousand miles away from Donald Trump, Merkel has confirmed.

Merkel’s decision to decline Trump’s invitation to a possible meeting of the G-7 in Washington was based “entirely on science,” Merkel told reporters.

“Epidemiologists have recommended that, in order to be safe, one should social-distance by six feet,” she said. “It only stands to reason that I will be even safer if I social-distance by twenty-one million feet.”

Merkel said that she was taking the extremely cautious social-distancing measures regarding Trump because of “the danger posed by being in proximity to someone who speaks so loudly and incessantly.”

“His mouth is like a firehose of droplets,” she said, shuddering.

Asked whether she would reconsider a White House visit if Trump agreed to wear a mask, she said, “Donald Trump with a mask is clearly a big improvement over Donald Trump without a mask, but no.”

The German leader added that she could envision making a trip to the Oval Office if “events on the ground change,” most likely in January of 2021.
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Hellokitty writes:
“Weird how no one has an issue with Merkel’s close relationship with Putin...”

Merkel has a very clear understanding of what Putin is, and Putin knows she is no pushover. She grew up in East Germany, and Putin speaks fluent German, so they have long taken each other’s measure. Putin fears both united Germany and the expanding borders of NATO. The Trump administration and the U.S. generally has had little respect for German interests in recent years, and would have done well to listen to more German advice, for example when it warned against invading Iraq and supporting Islamic extremists seeking to overthrow Assad. Of course the resulting refugee problems were mainly born by countries like Turkey and Germany. Also, the Trump Administration bullies Germany on trade, using secondary sanctions to prevent its businessmen from trading with countries the U.S. opposes, sabotaging the Northstream2 pipeline from Russia to Germany, etc.
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Hellokitty writes:
“Weird how no one has an issue with Merkel’s close relationship with Putin...”

Merkel has a very clear understanding of what Putin is, and Putin knows she is no pushover. She grew up in East Germany, and Putin speaks fluent German, so they have long taken each other’s measure. Putin fears both united Germany and the expanding borders of NATO. The Trump administration and the U.S. generally has had little respect for German interests in recent years, and would have done well to listen to more German advice, for example when it warned against invading Iraq and supporting Islamic extremists seeking to overthrow Assad. Of course the resulting refugee problems were mainly born by countries like Turkey and Germany. Also, the Trump Administration bullies Germany on trade, using secondary sanctions to prevent its businessmen from trading with countries the U.S. opposes, sabotaging the Northstream2 pipeline from Russia to Germany, etc.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ^ Thank you! :)

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