" And then five officers died "


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
No they dint,you lying POS.Name the five officers who died
because of January 6th.Which wasn't an Insurrection,by any
stretch.That crapola was what Biden once said.This basically
ALL the Democrats have.The January 6th Hoax and Abortion.
In an ad where a retired police Captain { George Silverwood }
is being used to enhance the lie Joe Biden used.
Biden even lying about Capitol officer Brian Sicknick who
was NOT Killed on January 6th but more than a day later
due to 2 strokes.Then somewhat awarded a State Funeral.
Yes, 5 died due to January 6th where not one Firearm was used
or collected but the one fired at Ashli Babbett,in the neck,as she
was caught up in a mob that rushed into the capitol.The officer
who w/o any warning killed Ashli Babbett.Officers also opened
the Capitol doors to allow Protesters in.
I want the Name of the five officers who died.There were a total
of five Protestors who died.NOT OFFICERS.You POS.
The American electorate has had ENOUGH.This ad now uses
the infamous Democrat Talking Point of " Peaceful Protests "
as Senator Ron Johnson's excuse.The Ad meant to bum-rush the
the polling Ron Johnson is receiving.He's Up.
How many Officers DID Die due to the Democrats " peaceful protests "
Throughout the Summer of Love { 2020 }.
This is Gaslighting 101.Transference.The opposite of Reality
but the choreographed Democrat Playbook of Projection.
Americans are " sick of it ". Fed up.
This is what the Democrats do.Lie,Lie,Lie and Project their guilt
onto their opposition.That is how Stalinism was plied.Same doggone
way.Like a 30 second ad is gonna fool ... We the People.
The Country wasn't built around a foundation of Fools.
But Hard work,Rugged Individualism and Integrity.
These Democrats act like they are auditioning for a role
in a new Three Stooges short.
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Democrats can't hold a candle to the 3 Stooges. :D
If the Three Stooges were able to send us their wishes
from Heaven,I doubt anyone with half a brain would be
surprised at their take.They would be pulling out their hair
{ curly included } in frustration and dismay.
That this is what their vaunted United States has turned into.
Luckily the Three Stooges were about as Political as guppies are
when playing the tuba.But even the Stooges had a melting point.
I believe 3 officers committed suicide right after 1/6 who participated in it..... I guess many believe the 3 suicides would not have immediately taken place if it were not for the stress from the 1/6 insurrection attempt....the riot????
I believe 3 officers committed suicide right after 1/6 who participated in it..... I guess many believe the 3 suicides would not have immediately taken place if it were not for the stress from the 1/6 insurrection attempt....the riot????
Kindly give the names of those 3 capitol officers and the dates
of their death.
Or are you partially Woke.Just enough to buy ... Hook,line and
sinker what * Peter Strzok managed to tell little MSNBC witch
Nicolle Wallace the udder day.
" It is Nothing compared to January 6th "
What is Nothing ? ... How abouts 9/11 . Fer starters.

* An FBI accomplice in trying to take down Donald Trump
with the bullcrap known as the Steel Dossier.
Then getting caught with snarky correspondence on what
he and his Lover thought of Donald Trump.
Of course he no longer is In the FBI./
Kindly give the names of those 3 capitol officers and the dates
of their death.
Or are you partially Woke.Just enough to buy ... Hook,line and
sinker what * Peter Strzok managed to tell little MSNBC witch
Nicolle Wallace the udder day.
" It is Nothing compared to January 6th "
What is Nothing ? ... How abouts 9/11 . Fer starters.

* An FBI accomplice in trying to take down Donald Trump
with the bullcrap known as the Steel Dossier.
Then getting caught with snarky correspondence on what
he and his Lover thought of Donald Trump.
Of course he no longer is In the FBI./
why are u changing the topic of the thread?

Btw, he and his lover, didn't like Hillary for president either....

Let me do a search in to the alleged suicides....And come back to post.
Kindly give the names of those 3 capitol officers and the dates
of their death.
Or are you partially Woke.Just enough to buy ... Hook,line and
sinker what * Peter Strzok managed to tell little MSNBC witch
Nicolle Wallace the udder day.
" It is Nothing compared to January 6th "
What is Nothing ? ... How abouts 9/11 . Fer starters.

* An FBI accomplice in trying to take down Donald Trump
with the bullcrap known as the Steel Dossier.
Then getting caught with snarky correspondence on what
he and his Lover thought of Donald Trump.
Of course he no longer is In the FBI./
Suicides of 4 policemen and Brian Sedgwick stroke equals 5.

Looks like old Joe, wasn't lying.

The reported suicide death of Metropolitan Police Department Officer Kyle DeFreytag on July 10 is the second suicide announced in just two days and brings the total number of officers who have taken their lives since defending the Capitol on January 6 to four.

The third officer to die was Gunther Hashida, who was found dead in his home Thursday. He also died from suicide, according to an emailed statement from the police to the Hill.

“We are grieving as a Department as our thoughts and prayers are with Officer Hashida’s family and friends,” the department wrote in the statement.

Hashida, who joined the department in May 2003, worked with the department’s Emergency Response Team.

The local CBS affiliate in D.C. reported on the high number of suicides:

According to his obituary, posted by the Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home in Dale City, Virginia, Hashida would have turned 44 this Thursday.
In January, U.S. Capitol Police announced 51-year-old Officer Howard “Howie” Liebengood, took his own life. Liebengood was a 15-year veteran of the USCP and the son of former Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Howard Liebengood Sr.
Weeks later, a second officer who responded to the Capitol, MPD Officer Jeffrey Smith, died by suicide. Smith’s death was announced by Chief Contee while addressing a closed session of the House Appropriations Committee.
“I am writing to share tragic news that Officer Kyle DeFreytag of the 5th District was found deceased last evening,” MPD Police Chief Robert J. Contee III wrote in mid-July. “This is incredibly hard news for us all, and for those that knew him best.”

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who also was on duty on the Capitol on January 6, died from an unrelated series of strokes shortly after the protest.

Follow Penny Starr on Twitter or send news tips to [email protected].
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why are u changing the topic of the thread?

Btw, he and his lover, didn't like Hillary for president either....

Let me do a search in to the alleged suicides....And come back to post.
Biden said once upon a time not too yore ago that
5 Officers were killed.Obvously a major faux pas.Then he
said Officer Sicknick was killed.Biden was wrong in the extreme
both times.And he's ... The President.
Now we have this Eric Swalwell California Congressman
releasing an Ad making the false claim that woman who have
abortions are or can be arrested.No Woman has Ever Been arrested
in the U.S. for having an Abortion.But that dint stop the Swalwell
AD from running.Same with the Lies connecting the Ad attacking
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and his excuse of " peaceful protests "
as some defense for January 6th.
Utter and complete ... Reversal of Fortune.
As if We the People are in some comatose state.
It's them Democrats who live in some convoluted comatose state.
Where Reality is like some - Wizard of Oz - flick.
Biden said once upon a time not too yore ago that
5 Officers were killed.Obvously a major faux pas.Then he
said Officer Sicknick was killed.Biden was wrong in the extreme
both times.And he's ... The President.
Now we have this Eric Swalwell California Congressman
releasing an Ad making the false claim that woman who have
abortions are or can be arrested.No Woman has Ever Been arrested
in the U.S. for having an Abortion.But that dint stop the Swalwell
AD from running.Same with the Lies connecting the Ad attacking
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and his excuse of " peaceful protests "
as some defense for January 6th.
Utter and complete ... Reversal of Fortune.
As if We the People are in some comatose state.
It's them Democrats who live in some convoluted comatose state.
Where Reality is like some - Wizard of Oz - flick.
That's precisely what we believe about Trumpers...that you are living in some comatose state!

Guess when we go to Heaven, we'll find out which one of us was right, or that somehow we both were wrong, or that somehow, we both were right....

That's precisely what we believe about Trumpers...that you are living in some comatose state!

Guess when we go to Heaven, we'll find out which one of us was right, or that somehow we both were wrong, or that somehow, we both were right....

Gives a whole new meaning {how bout slant } to the phrase
{ passes muster }. I mean,if some lazy lug,trust-fund brat who
never worked a day in his life is just A-OK for Democrats in Pennsylvania
then there is No muster to pass.
Just an entire party enabled by Lying,incompetence and the blame game.
Like being comatose is a new normal and worth trying out.
Like changing ones gender.Like aborting a fetus right up till birth.
As if No one the wiser.
No one with a brain,maybe.Trumpers have a firm grasp on Americana
and what the United States is founded upon.
Democrats are not just broken but sickening out of order.
I believe 3 officers committed suicide right after 1/6 who participated in it..... I guess many believe the 3 suicides would not have immediately taken place if it were not for the stress from the 1/6 insurrection attempt....the riot????
Your party says repeatedly that five cops died on Jan 6... why don't we know their names?... why don't we hold memorials for each of them like we do the victims of 9-11... no bell tolls no names read no flowers and trumpets just the claim that five cops died ON THAT DAY... who were they?... isn't this evidence that you are being conned?.... and what kind of people would sit and let you be lied to and misled about something like this?....
You are on the side of pure evil....

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