And now on to the more serious question of immunity. . .

SCOTUS should rule a President has immunity in conduct of his office

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We, the People, Are the Only Law

The Constitution must be scrapped. The impeachment article is typical of its fear of and contempt for the American people, leaving everything up to incompetent and juvenile politicians, know-it-all nincompoops. So removal from office must only come from the people's right to recall, the same way it was done to California's governor.
The governor of California only represents the people of California and has no power over any other. The President of the United States represents all the people in all the states, DC, and the territories. The people can certainly petition the government for redress of grievances--that is a constitutional right. They can demand of their elected representatives to do something. And their 'recall' ability is called 'elections.'

There is no provision or any way the people can recall a President without working through their state governments, via the impeachment process, or via the general Presidential election.
What do you think they meant when they created the impeachment process?
They meant it as the way to remove a president from office who had committed high crimes and misdemeanors.
Fake News.
His own lawyers argued it in 2021.

For whatever reason, Congress has chosen not to indict (i.e. impeach) President Biden for criminal negligence that has resulted in great harm to the American people. He should be impeached for it, but for whatever reason, Congress has chosen not to impeach him for that at least so far.

And if Congress chooses not to impeach him and Trump wins in 2024, Trump's DOJ should be absolutely prohibited from going after him for a horrible border policy even though it caused great harm. If SCOTUS does not rule for immunity from such prosecution for the Office of President, no President will ever be able to do their job either brilliants or badly.
The time to go after him is now, not after he leaves office.

The fact is Mayorkus was hired because he was willing break the law.
Merrick Garland is also a corrupt lawyer who breaks the law.
Biden is a corrupt asshole that isn't doing his job and lets other people do it for him.
He's also taking bribes from China and giving aide and comfort to our enemies, Iran and China.
I don’t think it’s the intent here because he’s not even charged with insurrection.

You didnt say why they shouldnt be subject to prosecution. I find it a little weird to think that if you’re being prosecuted for committing crimes in office, all you have to do is run for office again and then you’re untouchable. That doesn’t seem right. Feels like an exploitable loophole with no discernible benefits to the country.
He was impeached the second time for inciting an insurrection. That is what Jack Smith is investigating now.

Congress can certainly prosecute Trump for 'crimes' he may have committed in office. But that is the ONLY body given power to do so. Congress has already acquitted him from inciting an insurrection.

The DOJ should be impeached for stepping outside the constitutional boundaries by charging him and/or trying to convict him for 'trying to overturn an election' when Congress did not charge him with that. No other person challenging election results, and their numbers are legion, has ever been charged with such a crime. It violates the rights of a private citizen, a former President, and the American people to be able to elect the candidate of their choice for no other reason than a militarized administration fears they will actually do that.
The time to go after him is now, not after he leaves office.

The fact is Mayorkus was hired because he was willing break the law.
Merrick Garland is also a corrupt lawyer who breaks the law.
Biden is a corrupt asshole that isn't doing his job and lets other people do it for him.
He's also taking bribes from China and giving aide and comfort to our enemies, Iran and China.
I agree. But the power to 'go after him' rests with Congress and no other.
What do you think they meant when they created the impeachment process?

Fake News.
They (the fanding fouthers) thought they had invented a substitute to the British system of 'Chop, Chop' for kings and queens!

And that's the reason why Foxfyre is doing his dance, my friend. The American Constitution is F'd up, to put in simple words for you, and everybody is afraid to go there!
He was impeached the second time for inciting an insurrection. That is what Jack Smith is investigating now.

Congress can certainly prosecute Trump for 'crimes' he may have committed in office. But that is the ONLY body given power to do so. Congress has already acquitted him from inciting an insurrection.

The DOJ should be impeached for stepping outside the constitutional boundaries by charging him and/or trying to convict him for 'trying to overturn an election' when Congress did not charge him with that. It violates the rights of a private citizen, a former President, and the American people to be able to elect the candidate of their choice for no other reason than a militarized administration fears they will actually do that.
And during his impeachment, Trump’s lawyers argued that he should be criminally investigated, not impeached, because he’s out of office. Some Republicans agreed. Now we have a 180.

It’s pretty rich to think that the DoJ should be “impeached”, whatever that means, for doing what Trump’s own lawyers argued to do in 2021. This is far from some clear cut principle that would support impeachment.

Congress is given the sole authority to impeach a president. The constitution says nothing about this supposed immunity. It’s entirely invented.

If Trump is convicted, you can still vote for him. This is not a violation of your rights.
I cannot fathom a single good reason why it’s bad thing that the president would fear legal repercussions of their actions.

Am I going to authorize this drone attack, or is the next administration going to indict me for war crimes?
Am I going to authorize this drone attack, or is the next administration going to indict me for war crimes?
Maybe. Don’t you think a president should think about the legal repercussions before ordering the deaths of people?
They (the fanding fouthers) thought they had invented a substitute to the British system of 'Chop, Chop' for kings and queens!

And that's the reason why Foxfyre is doing his dance, my friend. The American Constitution is F'd up, to put in simple words for you, and everybody is afraid to go there!
Did someone fart? I thought I smelled a commie Canadian duck fart.
For whatever reason, Congress has chosen not to indict (i.e. impeach) President Biden for criminal negligence that has resulted in great harm to the American people. He should be impeached for it, but for whatever reason, Congress has chosen not to impeach him for that at least so far.

And if Congress chooses not to impeach him and Trump wins in 2024, Trump's DOJ should be absolutely prohibited from going after him for a horrible border policy even though it caused great harm. If SCOTUS does not rule for immunity from such prosecution for the Office of President, no President will ever be able to do their job either brilliants or badly.

Congress has been derelict for years.

They tend to kick their delegated duty over to the courts these days.
Wrong. In this case Mayokas is breaking the law. It doesn't matter if Biden ordered him to do it or not. He doesn't have the right or authority to break immigration laws.

They're essentially granting amnesty to people who do not qualify for asylum.

You cannot file for asylum simply because you can't get a job in your home country. You must be a political refugee or escaping from a your home country because of political or religious persecution. He also doesn't have the right to redirect funds to pay for their upkeep and their transportation.
Not amnesty. Asylum. And generally it is the Attorney General given the power to determine who does and does not merit asylum. The law gets fuzzy when it states asylum seekers can be detained for only so long and the court system is so backed up, court hearings are now delayed for years.

Trump's remedy for that, given Congress's unwillingness to act, was 1. To stop the caravans from coming through Mexico requiring Asylum seekers to request asylum from the first country(ies) they come to, and

2. Those who made it to the border anyway were not admitted entry but required to stay in Mexico until their court hearing came up. (The vast majority just went back home.)

3. Deporting pretty much all who bypassed the system and made it into the USA illegally.

So Biden allowing them in may indeed be criminal--it should be criminal--but once here the law does say we have to consider their request for asylum. And since there are only like 66 immigration courts across the country and millions upon millions of invaders, it becomes iffy that he is committing a high crime and misdemeanor by turning them loose in the country. We believe it should be. The left does not. Who knows how most courts would rule on that?

At any rate, the power to deal with Biden over that lies with Congress alone for now and will lie with the people of the United States in the November election. And I think the SCOTUS ruling should affirm that.
Nope. He should think only about what is in the best interests of America and the American people. Period. Full stop.
whats the point of having laws then? The president isn’t even supposed to think about following them, according to you.
Congress has been derelict for years.

They tend to kick their delegated duty over to the courts these days.
No doubt but however good or bad Congress may be does not change the premise of the O.P. that Congress has the sole authority to convict a President of any form of malfeasance and, if the crime rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, remove him/her from office and/or prevent him/her from running for public office.

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