And now for some actual News....

Will this postpone indefinitely the DNC impeachment hoaxes?

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You all realize that you plan to hold yourselves up as righteous no matter what happens here, don't you?

If there are crimes uncovered, you will jump for joy and declare that the deep state has been compromised and that your hero Trump is responsible for exposing the truth. He put the right, honest people in place to bring justice!!

If no crimes are uncovered, you will be outraged and blame the impenetrable wall protecting the deep state. It must be a cover up!! They are all just out to get Trump!

Try harder. Morons.
"If there are crime uncovered?"

BECAUSE crimes HAVE been found is WHY Durham's investigation has turned CRIMINAL.

Wise up, idiot.

Oh! Now investigations being started means that crimes have been found? That's fucking awesome. Really awesome.
How STUPID are you?

Durham HAS BEEN "investigating" ALL ALONG. It didn't JUST START.

What the hell are you smoking?

Dumb shit. The CRIMINAL investigation was just begun. You think that means that crimes have been uncovered. That's a really stupid thing for a person to say. Especially a Trump ass kisser.
You PATHETIC little IGNORANT TWAT... you said NOTHING about CRIMINAL. You said, and I QUOTE...

Now investigations being started

You're BUSTED.

The "INVESTIGATION," as YOU said, has been going on for MONTHS. It didn't JUST START. However, it has turned into a criminal investigation. That does NOT MEAN it's a NEW investigation. It simply means the EXISTING investigation has now been RECLASSIFIED as a CRIMINAL investigation.

Please wise up, you STUPID little ass fuck.

We were talking about CRIMES. Thus, criminal investigations.

Why are you so stupid?
"If there are crime uncovered?"

BECAUSE crimes HAVE been found is WHY Durham's investigation has turned CRIMINAL.

Wise up, idiot.

Oh! Now investigations being started means that crimes have been found? That's fucking awesome. Really awesome.
How STUPID are you?

Durham HAS BEEN "investigating" ALL ALONG. It didn't JUST START. You democrats are ALL ALIKE... shysters.

What the hell are you smoking?

Dumb shit. The CRIMINAL investigation was just begun. You think that means that crimes have been uncovered. That's a really stupid thing for a person to say. Especially a Trump ass kisser.
You PATHETIC little IGNORANT TWAT... you said NOTHING about CRIMINAL. You said, and I QUOTE...

Now investigations being started

You're BUSTED.

The "INVESTIGATION," as YOU said, has been going on for MONTHS. It didn't JUST START. However, it has turned into a criminal investigation. That does NOT MEAN it's a NEW investigation. It simply means the EXISTING investigation has now been RECLASSIFIED as a CRIMINAL investigation.

Please wise up, you STUPID little ass fuck.

We were talking about CRIMES. Thus, criminal investigations.

Why are you so stupid?
Oh now that I exposed your mistake, you want to MOVE THE GOAL POST.

Find someone else to play your pathetic games, troll.
It's in all the headlines, how is that a secret investigation?
It's being conducted in a SCIF, Einstien.

Do you know what that is and why its used?

It's a secure room that doesn't permit transmissions in or out.

Its normally used to keep military and national security information away from the enemy.

In this case it's being used to keep facts from the American people. Specifically that this latest Coup attempt is based on another Mueller sized hoax.

USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.
Oh! Now investigations being started means that crimes have been found? That's fucking awesome. Really awesome.
How STUPID are you?

Durham HAS BEEN "investigating" ALL ALONG. It didn't JUST START. You democrats are ALL ALIKE... shysters.

What the hell are you smoking?

Dumb shit. The CRIMINAL investigation was just begun. You think that means that crimes have been uncovered. That's a really stupid thing for a person to say. Especially a Trump ass kisser.
You PATHETIC little IGNORANT TWAT... you said NOTHING about CRIMINAL. You said, and I QUOTE...

Now investigations being started

You're BUSTED.

The "INVESTIGATION," as YOU said, has been going on for MONTHS. It didn't JUST START. However, it has turned into a criminal investigation. That does NOT MEAN it's a NEW investigation. It simply means the EXISTING investigation has now been RECLASSIFIED as a CRIMINAL investigation.

Please wise up, you STUPID little ass fuck.

We were talking about CRIMES. Thus, criminal investigations.

Why are you so stupid?
Oh now that I exposed your mistake, you want to MOVE THE GOAL POST.

Find someone else to play your pathetic games, troll.

You might want to reread the discussion. You seem confused.


Were crimes committed by those investigating Russian interference in our 2016 election and the subsequent obstruction of justice investigation?

You said that there were and that is borne out by the fact that there is an ongoing investigation.

Do you believe that to be the case or were you just temporarily retarded?
Yeah that's not going to fly either. Durham has VAST bipartisan support and is known as truly independent.

But REST ASSURED, by tomorrow morning, he'll be a MAGA hat wearing Trump puppet on CNN and MSDNC.

There is no bi-partisan support for this investigation. This is an attempt to undermine the Justice Department, by the Justice Department. In other words, it's Chinatown, Jake.

Bipartisanship has nothing to do with this investigation. It's the DOJ, not Congress. When you break the law, it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican.

When the President of the United States has the Attorney General going around the world to find dirt on his political opponents, and to manufacture evidence to prove his favourite conspiracy theories, instead of dealing with real crime at home, this is a totally partisan. The Justice Department is investigating the Justice Department.

This is insanity. Trump wants to give Putin his ultimate gift - lift the sanctions against Russia. As long as Russia hacked your election, he can't lift sanctions. As long as Russia is at war with the Ukraine, he can't lift sanctions. This is why Putin wanted Trump elected - to get rid of the sanctions. That's why the Russia Investigation has to be found to be a hoax. Otherwise, he can't lift sanctions.
Honestly woman, you really do sound like you're retarded, seriously, I'm not joking.
007, they can't face the truth. Part of Trump Derangement Syndrome is self-lying that seems like truth to them. The swamp water is dark, and they cannot see since they've been swimming under its waters for three years now. Their training session attempts under the blanket of secrecy has already been recorded in the book of life they will be forced to see for the first time. The truth comes out , and eventually is here.

I love it when the members of the 1000 posts a month club start calling people "retarded" or "crazy". Especially people who call themselves "Beautress", which isn't even a word in the English language. Such people get REALLY upset about any mention of Putin's agenda with the west.

Congress and the Senate passed a veto-proof law which says that Donald Trump cannot lift Russian sanctions without the consent of Congress. Putin and his oligarchs cannot access their stolen billions in the west as long as the Magnitsky Act sanctions remain in place. Trump has announced a lot of sanctions against Russia, but he hasn't actually implemented them. Just like he announced sanctions against Turkey but never implemented them.

Velnetskaya's talk about "Russian orphans" is really about the Magnitsky Act. In retaliation for the Magnitsky Act, Putin banned American families from adopting Russian orphans. She's been charactizing her work on behalf of "Russian orphans", but that's a smokescreen for the criminality and brutality which lead to the Magnitsky Act. It's hard to giin up sympathy for murderous criminals.

This is why Trump is so anxious to manufacture evidence that Russia didn't hack the election. It's why Trump is now pressuring to Zelensky to "talk to Putin" and end the Ukrainian/Russian conflict. He cannot make a case to Congress to lift the sanctions if Russia is guilty of election interference, but if the Ukraine did it, when he can both cut off aid to the Ukraine, he can make a case for lifting the sanctions against Russia.

Your campaign of lies and disinformation isn't working. Once you pull back the curtain and see that the great and powerful Oz is just a lying conman, you can't unsee it.
Trump said Obama wiretapped him Nixon style two and half years ago. What the hell do you have to show for it?

A Criminal investigation finally...

You got nothing.

You have no idea what "criminal investigation" is even about exactly or if it has anything to do with what Trump claimed about Obama wiretapping him.

You are the one who mentioned a wiretap & Nixon peckerbreath… And you are right I don't know exactly what or where the Criminal Investigation will lead, but it seems to scare the shit out of you and your ilk...
Trump said Obama wiretapped him Nixon style two and half years ago. What the hell do you have to show for it?

A Criminal investigation finally...

You got nothing.

You have no idea what "criminal investigation" is even about exactly or if it has anything to do with what Trump claimed about Obama wiretapping him.

You are the one who mentioned a wiretap & Nixon peckerbreath… And you are right I don't know exactly what or where the Criminal Investigation will lead, but it seems to scare the shit out of you and your ilk...

?? That made ZERO sense.

If you don't know what the fuck investigation is even about how can you possibly say you have SOMETHING on Obama wiretapping Trump?

Nothing but wild speculations at this point, so you Trumpsters can go back into your crazy cave until you have something.
It's in all the headlines, how is that a secret investigation?
It's being conducted in a SCIF, Einstien.

Do you know what that is and why its used?

It's a secure room that doesn't permit transmissions in or out.

Its normally used to keep military and national security information away from the enemy.

In this case it's being used to keep facts from the American people. Specifically that this latest Coup attempt is based on another Mueller sized hoax.
There are almost as many republicans as Democrats on the committees. They have equal time to ask questions, they get to hear all the evidence.

If you talking about the general public, ask yourself this: .are grand jury hearings held in public?
A break from Main Stream Propaganda....
CIA 'rattled' by Bill Barr's inquiry into origins of Russia probe: Report

CIA ‘rattled’ by Bill Barr’s inquiry into origins of Russia probe: Report

There is a growing sense of unease within the CIA stemming from Bill Barr’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, according to a reporter from NBC News.

Analysts at the intelligence agency are lawyering up amid uncertainty about whether or not Barr’s review has morphed into a criminal investigation, the Washington Examiner reports. Barr’s probe is expanding to encompass events beyond President Trump’s inauguration, and U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is overseeing the process, has plans to speak with the agency’s former chief, Trump foe John Brennan.

Barr’s probe expands
It has evidently come as an unpleasant surprise to Brennan and officials at his former agency that Barr’s probe into the Russia hoax is expanding, rather than losing momentum. NBC reported that the Justice Department has been seeking testimony and files from CIA analysts involved in the intelligence community’s assessment of Russian interference during the 2016 campaign — which included the infamous dirty Russia dossier, at Brennan’s behest, according to a 2016 email chain from James Comey.

“It’s really not clear where he’s going with this, but a lot of people are very rattled. Those CIA analysts I mentioned had to hire their own lawyers because no one’s even sure whether this is a criminal investigation or not. And if it is a criminal investigation, what is the allegation of wrongdoing? No one I talked to can answer that,” NBC reporter Ken Dilanian told MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Durham reportedly plans to interview Brennan as well as James Clapper, the former head of the intelligence community under President Obama. Trump has long accused the two men of conspiring with James Comey and other top Obama administration officials to spy on his campaign and subvert his presidency in an illegal “coup.”

Brennan, along with Democrats and the media, attacked Barr’s review as an attempt to discredit the Mueller investigation. The former CIA chief responded to reports that Barr’s probe was pushing beyond Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 by calling the review “bizarre” and questioning its merit, although the DOJ told NBC that Durham had found something “significant.”

“I don’t know what the legal basis for this is,” Brennan said.

Brennan under microscope
Although Durham’s review did not begin as a criminal investigation, there is uncertainty about whether that has changed. Durham’s prosecutors have reportedly interviewed some two dozen FBI officials to determine if there was anti-Trump bias at the bureau during the 2016 campaign, a move that was described by the New York Times as a possible prelude to interviews with Comey, Peter Strzok and other consequential players in the Russia hoax.

Barr has faced renewed hostility for seeking help from Italy, the United Kingdom, Australia and Ukraine in his probe of political “corruption” in the 2016 election by actors friendly to Hillary Clinton. Brennan told MSNBC earlier in October that Barr’s review “really makes me think that the hand of politics and of Trump are now being used to massage what this ongoing review, quasi-investigation is. So I am concerned.”

Brennan has been accused by allies of the president of pushing the salacious, discredited Christopher Steele dossier, which ultimately became the basis of the Russia collusion hoax after James Comey briefed Trump on the document in January of 2017, and that briefing was leaked to the media.

Former Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy has claimed to have seen classified records which show that Comey told subordinates in an e-mail chain that Brennan had insisted on the dossier’s inclusion in the Intelligence Community Assessment.

It seems to be no accident that Barr’s investigation is zeroing in on the CIA’s actions under Brennan. Barr’s review is also reportedly probing whether Josef Mifsud, a mysterious Maltese academic who played a key role in sparking the Trump-Russia investigation, was sent by the CIA to entrap ex-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos.
Obama chose Brennen to be his CIA director because he is a anti American far left extremist like he is also
Brennen should go to prison for his crimes against our democracy because multitudes of decent Americans have died defending our democracy

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