And Here's How The Passenger Pigeon Met Its End....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Time for a tidbit from the world of reality.....and a warning.

1. Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.

2. "20 million college grads living with their parents, courtesy of Obama ...reflects how dismal the economy still is today. Today we have college grads — along with working moms and 60-somethings — flipping burgers at Wendy’s and stocking the aisles at Walmart. Left-wing groups and union leaders are now demanding “a living wage” for jobs that were never intended to be held by heads of households. Who’s against higher wages for American workers? But wasn’t this what Obamanomics was supposed to deliver?

Seven years ago, Barack Obama promised a progressive workers paradise — a recovery from recession that would leave no one behind. Hope and Change would deliver high employment and rising wages. No one bought into this idyllic vision more than college kids.

President Obama and his supporters proclaim that he has saved America from the second Great Depression — a message we will hear again over and over in the months ahead. But even his own voters don’t believe him anymore ..." 20 million college grads living with their parents, courtesy of Obama | NewBostonPost
Just one more failure by this tin-pot dictator, the titular head of the LGBT movement, to impose policies that will injure the American people.

Look around....and remember those who put this man in office.

3. "OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction


What would Einstein say about this:

4. "Hillary: I'll Fix Obama's Lousy Economy By Applying More Of His Failed Policies
If you want to know how bankrupt the Democratic Party is today of pro-growth ideas, check out Hillary Clinton's latest speech on the economy. She has absolutely nothing new to offer that President Obama hasn't already tried."
Hillary: I'll Fix Obama's Lousy Economy By Applying More Of His Failed Policies

Yet, there are still robots around claiming that they'll vote Democrat.
the Passenger Pigeon met is end at the fanged teeth of a ravenous horde of adopted Koreans

This OP, please, mods, belongs in the badlands.
Republicans gave him EVERYTHING he wanted (except Obamacare. Not a one voted for it). To oppose Obama would be "RAAAAACIST!"
the Passenger Pigeon met is end at the fanged teeth of a ravenous horde of adopted Koreans

This OP, please, mods, belongs in the badlands.

Begging the mods ain't going to get you named one, Jakey....maybe you should demand this thread NOT be sent to know, reverse-psychology.
the Passenger Pigeon met is end at the fanged teeth of a ravenous horde of adopted Koreans

This OP, please, mods, belongs in the badlands.

20 million college grads living with their parents......courtesy of our "job creators"
I have to admit PC is one of the looniest posters on USMB, all of her threads belong in the conspiracy history section. She is fun to watch, sorta like your crazy Aunt who sits on the porch telling you about a world she has never experienced, but knows all about it cause she read it in the National Enquirer. One thing the Internet has done is give voice to voices coming from the asylum.

"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." Albert Ellis

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