Analyst: Crowd rallies don't correlate with voting success (Elizabeth Warren vs. Biden; Romney's small crowds when he won GOP primary)


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
As you may recall Mitt Romney won Republican primaries while drawing smaller crowds than the crazies.
Similarly, Elizabeth Warren won nothing during the last primaries while drawing huge crowds. Biden beat her and big-crowd Bernie.
This is not good for those believing that Trump will defeat Biden because of crowd sizes, although a significant portion of these people are only pretending that crowd sizes matter.
I don't accept this premise. All it means if a person can't fill the stands, is that Big Donors are filling his coffers and he's getting active media support/malfeasance, ballot harvesting and the like. The amount of free media endorsement Bidens gets is worth billions. Just as Obama did, as the U.S economy stagnated, wages were lost.

Biden is the Establishment Candidate. 47 Years as a politician. How much more "Status Quo" can one be? He's not going to fill the stands, the globe will go to bat for him.

Bernie had the largest crowds and enthusiasm in the Dem Party. This translated to support. His problem was the split of the vote early and then the dwindling down of the vote later on.

Let's not forget, Bernie is the anti-Establishment arm of the Dems. He's their Trump. He didn't get support from Pelosi or the rest of the Cali/NY politicians who control the Dems.

All of that, in an oddly controlled Primary process which now has "automatic delegates" as a new term for "Super Delegates". Even with the Party against him, he still received nearly 40% of the votes overall if I recall correctly.

In the end, if you aren't able to fill an arena then you aren't popular with the average citizen. You are popular with big corporations, Big "China First" Tech and Wall Street. You have ZERO connection with Main Street.
LOL! Denial from the Left takes all kinds of forms.

Those large crowds equate to to tremendous base enthusiasm from Trump supporters. That is what wins General Elections.

We saw it with Obama but we didn't see it with Crooked Hillary and we sure as hell don't see it with this Biden clown.
You better hope Biden win because if not the harsh reality for you and many of those like you is your life on these boards will be pure hell!

I voted for Biden while holding my damn nose but let me be clear I do not believe it is a sure thing and I believe Trump can pull off a Truman and have a surprise win...
With crowds like this in swing states only a stupid Moon Bat would claim it doesn't make a difference.

Crowds don't matter any more than polls do. The thing that matters is showing up at the polls and Trump followers will show up. 4 more years

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