An Illustration


Mar 11, 2016
I was asked by my Caseworker, what kind of an Environment is best suited for me, in terms of my safety, other people's safety from me, and what I need in order get along in the world because my father has liver cancer.
She asked me to provide a very descriptive, photographic illustration that cannot be misinterpreted.

This is what I provided her with.

PicPaste - Right_and_Wrong_Environments-LbxvfFMb.png

Check it out.
Its about the ideal conditions for myself with Asperger, to live in that reduces the odds greatly for conflict with scumbags and having me get into trouble for knocking them on their asses.

The differences are clear.
The ones with the Green next to it, are much more structured, more exclusive, better protected, and more populated with better quality people, with better staff and serves safety much better.

The ones with the red next to it, are far less structured, far more public, far less well staffed or even not at all... much more prone to the crime element, and caters to much more objectionable activities that draws a crowd of cheap and shallow souled scumbags and provide more dangerous environments that are prone to conflict.

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