An eye for an eye?

Apparently we are dealing with an evil as evil as we had during WW2 in Nazi Germany. So what do we do?

It is obvious they are using their religion as grounds for what they are doing. Maybe what they are doing is not in line with their religion but that is not what apparently they believe OR HAVE BEEN TAUGHT.

Apparently there are some who think what we should do is present Islam in the best light possible. Point us to the great things that have been done in the name of Islam, even if those things were done 2 centuries ago. There at those who want to tell us that Islam is peaceful as witnessed by the majority of Muslims. But to me that is like saying that the kool aid at Jonestown was mostly water.

And worse I am not sure I understand their bitch with the US. Through the development of their ONE resource, oil, we have made their countries pretty much fantastically wealthy. Or should I say their ruling class wealthy. Why it is our problem that THEIR Muslim leaders wish to keep them in abstract poverty is anyone's guess.
The call for action is growing louder by the hour. Michael Schurer was on this morning outlining the cluelessness of this administration...from Afghanistan to the Mexican border. Obabble doesn't hear the calls...the noise hasn't quite reached the 16th hole.
What I think we need do is unite the major powers against this evil. Whether predicated by the teaching of Islam or not those who are beheading people believe they are acting in conformance to Islamic teachings.

China, Russia and the US should send in troops to act together and wipe ISIS from the map. Take the fight through Syria and Libya if required. Leave no stone unturned for these evil bastards to hide under. Until the world unites against this evil it will continue. As long as one major power supplies one side and another the other it will continue. I am not great on conspiracy theories but apparently if there is a new world order this conflict is something they want. There really isn't a better explanation as to why the world puts up with such hate.
The call for action is growing louder by the hour. Michael Schurer was on this morning outlining the cluelessness of this administration...from Afghanistan to the Mexican border. Obabble doesn't hear the calls...the noise hasn't quite reached the 16th hole.

I really think Obama takes his orders from on high, whomever that may be. Soros? Most likely. Nothing else explains what he is not doing. Yes, being detached is one explanation. Being a sociopath is another. But things have gotten so bad one would think if he really didn't want this to happen he would do something, ANYTHING. But all we see is him give speech and off the to golf course he goes. Give him a fiddle and we could call him Nero.
Apparently we are dealing with an evil as evil as we had during WW2 in Nazi Germany. So what do we do?

It is obvious they are using their religion as grounds for what they are doing. Maybe what they are doing is not in line with their religion but that is not what apparently they believe OR HAVE BEEN TAUGHT.

Apparently there are some who think what we should do is present Islam in the best light possible. Point us to the great things that have been done in the name of Islam, even if those things were done 2 centuries ago. There at those who want to tell us that Islam is peaceful as witnessed by the majority of Muslims. But to me that is like saying that the kool aid at Jonestown was mostly water.

And worse I am not sure I understand their bitch with the US. Through the development of their ONE resource, oil, we have made their countries pretty much fantastically wealthy. Or should I say their ruling class wealthy. Why it is our problem that THEIR Muslim leaders wish to keep them in abstract poverty is anyone's guess.
A deadly combination of money, fanaticism, religion, frustration, sense of inferiority, clinging to ancient ways, fratricide, jealousy, shame and competition for power...the only solution is extermination of those who refuse to join civilization.
The call for action is growing louder by the hour. Michael Schurer was on this morning outlining the cluelessness of this administration...from Afghanistan to the Mexican border. Obabble doesn't hear the calls...the noise hasn't quite reached the 16th hole.

I really think Obama takes his orders from on high, whomever that may be. Soros? Most likely. Nothing else explains what he is not doing. Yes, being detached is one explanation. Being a sociopath is another. But things have gotten so bad one would think if he really didn't want this to happen he would do something, ANYTHING. But all we see is him give speech and off the to golf course he goes. Give him a fiddle and we could call him Nero.
Obabble needs to be told what to do...on his own he is clueless about everything.
How about a nuke for a head? Isn't it about time we sent the Message we are done working around the edges and go directly for the throat of Islamic terrorism? Will obama take this seriously or will he just shuffle on to the next hole?

'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in horrific video, as a warning to Obama | Mail Online

muslime Obozo.., is saying to himself, "way to go bro"
I can't go the nuclear option as it is the most horrific weapon on earth. No problem with carpet bombing their sorry butts though. It will have the same effect. Radical Islam is spreading across the globe. It's only a matter of time before we have got to take the gloves off.

the only way to deal with the most horrific muslime beheaders is using the most horrific weapon in our arsenal, Mecca comes to mind when all those goat rapers are gathered. kill'em all !!
Reading some of the responses it appears that most agree that this situation, what ever caused it, can not be solved with half measures. We need a Reagan, we got Carter reborn. Unfortunately I don't see us going Biblical on anyone. We are doomed to a future of where we placate criminals. It doesn't have to be that way, it just is going to be that way, in my opinion.
@Wildman, I see that you disagreed with me just asking a question about the difference between carpet bombing and the effect of nuclear bombs. Just curious on how one disagrees with a question. Just asking.

Dreseden was carpet bombed at the end of the war for no seeable reason, Between 22,700 and 25,000 people were killed and the city destroyed.

90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima while a much larger number killed was virtually the whole city just like in Dresden. The effects were the same.
Obabble is great at describing a problem ...and sometimes saying what needs to be done...but he never DOES it.

Off to the gym for a while....
What needs to happen, and never will, is for Obama, Putin, Cameron, the leader of china, and the leaders of the rest of the civilized world to declare that they will join forces to eradicate radical islam------------and then do it.

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