An Emergency for the G.O.P.

Talk about "partisan automatons", democrats voted to build the Wall before they voted against it during a republican administration. You gotta wonder how short sighted the radical left can be when Bill Clinton declared freaking war against a defenseless country in Europe. It makes the Wall look like kid stuff.
And now they are voting that we have enough wall and don’t need to spend $6 billion to fulfill a bogus Trump campaign promise
The Senate will vote it down. That's all you need to know.
I don't really care that much about the wall one way or another, but I don't think presidents should just be able to declare a "national emergency" whenever they don't get their way on something.

This is not about him 'not getting his way. its about protecting America from the continued cancerous invasion.


Why a wall, which most experts agree won't be very cost effective?
Most experts don't agree on that. Only partisan shills agree.
Every President declares NE's. Take a gander at this list? Good lord... and we have some who question an immigration issue as a lessor issue to some of these?


Here's a list of the 28 active national emergencies:
1. Blocking Iranian Government Property (Nov. 14, 1979)
2. Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Nov. 14, 1994)
3. Prohibiting Transactions with Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process (Jan. 23, 1995)
4. Prohibiting Certain Transactions with Respect to the Development of Iranian Petroleum Resources (Mar. 15, 1995)
5. Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers (Oct. 21, 1995)
6. Regulations of the Anchorage and Movement of Vessels with Respect to Cuba (Mar. 1, 1996)
7. Blocking Sudanese Government Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan (Nov. 3, 1997)
8. Blocking Property of Persons Who Threaten International Stabilization Efforts in the Western Balkans (Jun. 26, 2001)
9. Continuation of Export Control Regulations (Aug. 17, 2001)
10. Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks (Sept. 14, 2001)
11. Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism (Sept. 23, 2001)
12. Blocking Property of Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe (Mar. 6, 2003)
13. Protecting the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Property in Which Iraq has an Interest (May 22, 2003)
14. Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting the Export of Certain Goods to Syria (May 11, 2004)
15. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus (Jun. 16, 2006)
16. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Oct. 27, 2006)
17. Blocking Property of Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions (Aug. 1, 2007)
18. Continuing Certain Restrictions with Respect to North Korea and North Korean Nationals (Jun. 26, 2008)
19. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia (Apr. 12, 2010)
20. Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya (Feb. 25, 2011)
21. Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations (Jul. 25, 2011)
22. Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen (May 16, 2012)
23. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine (Mar. 6, 2014)
24. Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan (Apr. 3, 2014)
25. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic (May 12, 2014)
26. Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela (Mar. 9, 2015)
27. Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities (Apr. 1, 2015)
28. Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi (Nov. 23, 2015)
This is not about him 'not getting his way. its about protecting America from the continued cancerous invasion.

For the above and other fellow morons....(....."but, but, he heard it from Hannity..." LOL

Number of U.S. undocumented immigrants falls to lowest number in a ...

Number of undocumented immigrants in USA falls to 12-year low ...

Illegal immigrants in U.S. at lowest level since 2004: study | Reuters
Thanks for making POTUS case.. They are down because more are getting through escaping capture.

‘Once again, congressional Republicans are facing a gut-check moment, forced to choose between supporting and defending the Constitution or Donald J. Trump. It’s not looking good.

House Democrats introduced a joint resolution of disapproval on Friday aimed at canceling President Trump’s bogus national emergency at the southern border.


Once the resolution clears the House, the Senate is required to hold its own vote within 18 days — meaning the majority leader, Mitch McConnell, cannot do his usual stonewalling. Even so, with Republicans in control there, and loath to irk the president, the resolution is widely expected to die. At that point, it will be up to the courts, where multiple suits have already been filed, to grapple with this out-of-control executive.

It is not too late to stop this legislative cop-out. Critical principles are at stake — Congress’s power of the purse, the separation of powers — that transcend any one declaration or leader. Members of both parties need to make clear that a presidential pique is not the same thing as a national emergency, that a president who fails to persuade Congress to support his priorities can’t then simply pursue them by fiat. Lawmakers who cannot rally themselves to this cause should stop pretending that they’re anything more than partisan automatons; they will have declared themselves members of a second-class branch of government.

As has often been noted, there is no border emergency, aside from Mr. Trump’s desperation to make good on a rabble-rousing campaign slogan.’

Opinion | An Emergency for the G.O.P.

A perfect description of most Congressional Republicans: "partisan automatons.”

Sounds like a cheap attempt at damage control, given the hilarious and nonstop embarrassment Democrats been suffering through the last few weeks.

You guys and girls sure have a lot to worry about. :laughing0301:
‘Once again, congressional Republicans are facing a gut-check moment, forced to choose between supporting and defending the Constitution or Donald J. Trump. It’s not looking good.

House Democrats introduced a joint resolution of disapproval on Friday aimed at canceling President Trump’s bogus national emergency at the southern border.


Once the resolution clears the House, the Senate is required to hold its own vote within 18 days — meaning the majority leader, Mitch McConnell, cannot do his usual stonewalling. Even so, with Republicans in control there, and loath to irk the president, the resolution is widely expected to die. At that point, it will be up to the courts, where multiple suits have already been filed, to grapple with this out-of-control executive.

It is not too late to stop this legislative cop-out. Critical principles are at stake — Congress’s power of the purse, the separation of powers — that transcend any one declaration or leader. Members of both parties need to make clear that a presidential pique is not the same thing as a national emergency, that a president who fails to persuade Congress to support his priorities can’t then simply pursue them by fiat. Lawmakers who cannot rally themselves to this cause should stop pretending that they’re anything more than partisan automatons; they will have declared themselves members of a second-class branch of government.

As has often been noted, there is no border emergency, aside from Mr. Trump’s desperation to make good on a rabble-rousing campaign slogan.’

Opinion | An Emergency for the G.O.P.

A perfect description of most Congressional Republicans: "partisan automatons.”

"partisan automatons"

describes both sides of the aisle.
In case you hadn't noticed, C_Foghorn_Leghorn likes to project....A LOT! :auiqs.jpg:
and then run to another thread to do another drive-by...
‘Once again, congressional Republicans are facing a gut-check moment, forced to choose between supporting and defending the Constitution or Donald J. Trump. It’s not looking good.

House Democrats introduced a joint resolution of disapproval on Friday aimed at canceling President Trump’s bogus national emergency at the southern border.


Once the resolution clears the House, the Senate is required to hold its own vote within 18 days — meaning the majority leader, Mitch McConnell, cannot do his usual stonewalling. Even so, with Republicans in control there, and loath to irk the president, the resolution is widely expected to die. At that point, it will be up to the courts, where multiple suits have already been filed, to grapple with this out-of-control executive.

It is not too late to stop this legislative cop-out. Critical principles are at stake — Congress’s power of the purse, the separation of powers — that transcend any one declaration or leader. Members of both parties need to make clear that a presidential pique is not the same thing as a national emergency, that a president who fails to persuade Congress to support his priorities can’t then simply pursue them by fiat. Lawmakers who cannot rally themselves to this cause should stop pretending that they’re anything more than partisan automatons; they will have declared themselves members of a second-class branch of government.

As has often been noted, there is no border emergency, aside from Mr. Trump’s desperation to make good on a rabble-rousing campaign slogan.’

Opinion | An Emergency for the G.O.P.

A perfect description of most Congressional Republicans: "partisan automatons.”

There is nothing unConstitutional about what he wants to do......
Talk about "partisan automatons", democrats voted to build the Wall before they voted against it during a republican administration. You gotta wonder how short sighted the radical left can be when Bill Clinton declared freaking war against a defenseless country in Europe. It makes the Wall look like kid stuff.
Why aren't fair journalists showing the interviews of Democrats endorsing the border wall earlier? That would be great fodder for the GOP campaign.
‘Once again, congressional Republicans are facing a gut-check moment, forced to choose between supporting and defending the Constitution or Donald J. Trump. It’s not looking good.

House Democrats introduced a joint resolution of disapproval on Friday aimed at canceling President Trump’s bogus national emergency at the southern border.


Once the resolution clears the House, the Senate is required to hold its own vote within 18 days — meaning the majority leader, Mitch McConnell, cannot do his usual stonewalling. Even so, with Republicans in control there, and loath to irk the president, the resolution is widely expected to die. At that point, it will be up to the courts, where multiple suits have already been filed, to grapple with this out-of-control executive.

It is not too late to stop this legislative cop-out. Critical principles are at stake — Congress’s power of the purse, the separation of powers — that transcend any one declaration or leader. Members of both parties need to make clear that a presidential pique is not the same thing as a national emergency, that a president who fails to persuade Congress to support his priorities can’t then simply pursue them by fiat. Lawmakers who cannot rally themselves to this cause should stop pretending that they’re anything more than partisan automatons; they will have declared themselves members of a second-class branch of government.

As has often been noted, there is no border emergency, aside from Mr. Trump’s desperation to make good on a rabble-rousing campaign slogan.’

Opinion | An Emergency for the G.O.P.

A perfect description of most Congressional Republicans: "partisan automatons.”

After 8 years of Obama and you post this garbage? Separation of powers, power of the purse :21:

I seem not to recall your outrage then,,,,,,..............


So you support his actions, oppose or are you just out fer personal jabs?
whitehall, post: 21879846
Talk about "partisan automatons", democrats voted to build the Wall before they voted against it during a republican administration.

So it’s true, 2/3 of the wall (fence)Trumpo now wants is already built, so WTF was the campaign’s (wide open borders) bullshit (Mexico paying for it) bullshit all about?

Talk about partisan automatons flip flopping the lies in their hate filled heads. Now they bitch and moan that Democrats actual supported building their god damned 700 miles of fence.

Jesus H Keehrist, if all you racists wanted was a couple hundred more miles of fence why not just say so?

Of course that dog whistle isn’t high pitched enough to drive the white nationalists at the Trump rallies into a high state of resentment, anger and hysteria to get out the right wing votes.

It’s all on the record now thanks to your post.
Geaux4it, post: 21880128
After 8 years of Obama and you post this garbage?

What Trump is doing is unprecedented. Trumpo’s three hundred mile additional fence is a project that will involve the Federal Government seizure of private land. He is stealing funding from other approved projects to build a project he said Mexico wouid pay for In the campaign.

The intent of emergency funding is to use appropriated money not under contract for an emergency until Congress can move to appropriate it.

Obama did not do what Trumpo is doing.
Talk about "partisan automatons", democrats voted to build the Wall before they voted against it during a republican administration. You gotta wonder how short sighted the radical left can be when Bill Clinton declared freaking war against a defenseless country in Europe. It makes the Wall look like kid stuff.
It was for 700 miles of fence, not a wall.

Just protect our border with the same we use to protect our schools: thoughts and prayers.
Obama declared a national emergency regarding the Mexican border and liberals were silent.

I literally don't remember this happening.

Thanks, Obama: Here’s the Obama Executive Order Trump Is Using to Build the Wall

Interesting. It's not like I'm opposed to crushing illegal immigration or drug trafficking; quite the opposite. But I question the usefulness of a physical barrier (aka wall) in achieving that end.
I don't really care that much about the wall one way or another, but I don't think presidents should just be able to declare a "national emergency" whenever they don't get their way on something.

How do you feel when the opposing party (Democrats in Congress) refuse to do something logical and consistent with national security, like a build a wall to keep out the drug dealers and other criminals, just because they have a deranged hatred of the man who defeated their Presidential candidate?
I don't really care that much about the wall one way or another, but I don't think presidents should just be able to declare a "national emergency" whenever they don't get their way on something.

How do you feel when the opposing party (Democrats in Congress) refuse to do something logical and consistent with national security, like a build a wall to keep out the drug dealers and other criminals, just because they have a deranged hatred of the man who defeated their Presidential candidate?

I guess it depends on how you feel about the practicality of a wall and how much you question its (as of yet, potential) effectiveness.

Knowing what little I do about coyotes and cartels, I don't see how a wall could be effective unless you had constant maintenance and surveillance along the entire thing ... which is, of course, pretty impossible.

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