Amnesty Supporters Bite the Dust > AGAIN!!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This is a partial reprint of a letter from NumbersUSA President Roy Beck. Anyone interested in the immigration invasion of America will find this to be maybe the most interesting thing about the Comprehensive Immigration Reform (AKA "amnesty") movement, that they have heard this year (or anytime).

The inevitable amnesty of 2013 THAT DID NOT HAPPEN!

"5.6 million. That is how many faxes you wrote and we at NumbersUSA sent to elected officials to thwart the amnesty that was proclaimed virtually inevitable by nearly every pundit, politician and power broker who made a prediction earlier this year.

And that really is just the tip of the iceberg of the myriad ways we mobilized individual citizens into a critical political mass capable of persuading enough Members of Congress to block a massive increase in immigration. Phone calls, visits to home offices, attending town halls, letters to the editor, comments on news websites, and much more.

THE RESULT: Congress is on its way out of town until next year without sending any immigration bill to the White House.


Warm and cheer yourself over the holidays with knowledge of what you have accomplished as an engaged citizen. You fought the most powerful people and institutions of America who spared no expense attempting to give out 33 million new lifetime work permits to citizens of foreign nations over the next decade.

Know during this Christmas season that your activism this year has given a wonderful gift to the 20 million Americans who want a full-time job but cant find one, and to the millions more with wages too low to keep their families out of poverty.

But for your efforts, their chances for a job or for a raise would be greatly diminished by the flood of new foreign labor desired by both the greedy and the reckless of the land. The uncertainty, fear and privation around millions of trees on Christmas morning would be so much worse, if not for what you have accomplished this year.


Remember how discouraging it was the first half of 2013 to read and hear on a nearly daily basis that the 12-year record of mobilized citizens defeating amnesties annually was about to end. Lets draw hope from reading some of that “conventional wisdom” and knowing that we proved it wrong:

From November 14, 2012: “It now appears that 2013 will be the year that Congress passes real immigration reform.” -- Frank Sharry, Americas Voice

From January 30, 2013: “Comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for immigrants who came here illegally will likely pass Congress this year with broad bipartisan majorities."-- Mark Salter, Real Clear Politics

From April 10, 2013: “. . . advocates of reform are saying it now looks inevitable that the U.S. immigration system will be overhauled."-- Financial Times

From January 31, 2013: “This will be the year that Congress finally gets some common-sense immigration reform across the finish line”-- Sen. Chuck Schumer, CBS News

From March 20, 2013: “The good news is that we really do think that . . . on the immigration issue, that we will, before summer have comprehensive immigration reform.”-- Rep. Nancy Pelosi, The Hill

From March 28, 2013: “I'm confident we can get it done certainly before the end of summer.” -- Pres. Barack Obama, USA Today

From June 11, 2013: “I think by the end of the year, we could have a bill.” -- Speaker John Boehner, ABCs Good Morning America


Phone calls:

We bought hundreds of toll-free lines and estimate that our members tripled their number of calls into Congress over 2007 during that successful defeat of amnesty. This year in June alone, we handled 347,914 phone calls.

Email education:

We spread information about the details of legislation and the day-to-day dangers in the congressional process through 180 million emails.

Email/website activists:

Our traditional activist army grew from 1.38 million to 1.59 million. Our website routinely rates in the top 10 of all advocacy websites on any issue in terms of number of people educated through visits and time spent.

Facebook fans:

We began 2013 with 35,000 Facebook followers. By November, our NumbersUSA and Stop Amnesty pages had more than 1.7 million followers. These appear to be largely a different kind of citizen than those we have traditionally reached through the email system. So, we have just this year built a second army of citizens who happen to get their information mostly through Facebook rather than regular websites and email. We have 5 times more followers than Facebook founder Mark Zuckerbergs FWD.US pro-amnesty page, and considerably more than the DNCs 650,000 and the RNCs 1.2 million.

Facebook engagement:

Facebook carefully tracks an “engagement rate” that measures the level of activism among each organizations fans each week. The industry standard for highly successful pages is a 6% engagement rate. We are extremely proud that in most weeks our engagement rate is 30-50%, far above that of pro-amnesty organizations.


A different approach.

In recent months, I have been asked repeatedly by journalists why the House of Representatives would block “comprehensive immigration reform” when the pro-CIR forces dominated the mainstream news with rallies, protests, fasts, pray-ins, street-shut-downs and all other manner of political theatre while our side didnt seem to show up at all.

It's really no mystery. They have money, but we have real followers. Our side basically avoided theatre and concentrated on connecting individual Americans with their public officials in civil engagement. While their side was putting on a show for the cameras and talking to themselves, we got voters talking to Congress. Hardly any of this is visible to a news camera, yet when it happens thousands, tens of thousands and even millions of times, it has a huge effect.

Our side was also delivering the superior message: Americans oppose considering giving any illegal aliens work permits before all new immigration security and enforcement is implemented. And they oppose doubling the flow of foreign workers, as the Senate bill would do.

That's why we won in 2012. And in 2010. And in 2007. And every other year that Congress has debated amnesty. And it's why we'll win next year, and we'll keep on winning."
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More people are against amnesty than were against obamacare. Fat chance with that happening.
OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.
OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

I would propose the following:

We should give Carlos Slim and all the rest of his plutocrat rat pack 3 months to break up the monopolies, and initiate reforms that would open Mexico's economy to Mexican small business entrepreneurs, who then could hire millions of Mexicans to good jobs. This would also create some badly needed respect for Mexican authority, and help to spur public cooperation in stamping out the drug gangs.

This would have to be backed up by a stern warning that non-cooperation would result in US military action against Mexico which would likely result in the complete conquest of Mexico, and establishment of it as a US territory or state, under full US control. A buildup of US military along the Mexican border including fleets of US warships along both Mexican coasts would be in order as well, to give teeth to the demand.

On the US side, the 14th amendment should be revised to abolish birth citizenship. The Mexican border double fence (mandated by the 2006 Secure Fence Act) should be fully built, as it was supposed to have been done by now. And President Obama's joking remark about adding a moat filled with alligators, wouldn't be a bad idea either.
In addition full enforcement of IRCA, with jail time for the offenders, as well as for illegal aliens entering without inspection, and jails would need to be nasty ones since for these poor souls, even prison might be an improvement over what they've had.

I'd also raise taxes on the super rich to pay for construction of new immigration courts and jails, and the hiring of thousands more ICE agents, CBP officers, judges, prosecutors, prison guards, etc

I would also be for all the things on this list of Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode >>>
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OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

In that regard, I would CHANGE THE LAW to stop issuing so many work visas to foreigners (when millions of American are without jobs). Many of these visas are for skilled workers who employers pretend there is a shortage of. Really they just want the foreigners because they can get away with paying them very sub-standard wages.
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OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

In that regard, I would CHANGE THE LAW to stop issuing so many work visas to foreigners (when millions of American are without jobs). Many of these visas are for skilled workers who employers pretend there is a shortage of. Really they just want the foreigners because they can get away with paying them very sub-standard wages.

the work visas issued for those foreigners are for the jobs Americans either don't want or don't qualify. There is a lot of unfilled jobs in America.
So the amount of visas is not going to change, actually it is increased

And please, stop the BS about substandard wages. They are absolutely the same no matter your immigration status.
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OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

Current law requires that persons who are in the U.S. illegally must return to their home countries and wait 10 years before applying for a visa. Since this is an impractical solution for many families who have lived here for decades, why not allow them to "serve out their time" by staying here, paying taxes and providing for their own self support?

After 10 years of paying taxes without accruing any eligibility for welfare or social security benefits, why not grant them permanent visas? (Those who commit crimes should be deported, and illegal return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a felony.)
following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

In that regard, I would CHANGE THE LAW to stop issuing so many work visas to foreigners (when millions of American are without jobs). Many of these visas are for skilled workers who employers pretend there is a shortage of. Really they just want the foreigners because they can get away with paying them very sub-standard wages.

the work visas issued for those foreigners are for the jobs Americans either don't want or don't qualify. There is a lot of unfilled jobs in America.
So the amount of visas is not going to change, actually it is increased

And please, stop the BS about substandard wages. They are absolutely the same no matter your immigration status.

Where did you get the idea that wages are the same no matter your immigration status ? What's this ? The latest poppycock from MSNBC ? (click the link at the bottom of this post)

Of course wages are lower for immigrants, and it's been that way for decades. Why do you think businesses want these people ? You think Americans don't want or can't qualify for these visa jobs. HOGWASH! Don't qualify > why not ? Because the Americans are expecting to be paid a PROPER, decent wage, and the foreigner "qualifies" by being willing to work for much less, right ? And jobs unfilled, huh ? Well that's called labor shortage.

Big hole in that theory though. As the director of the National Society of Black Engineers said on the Lou Dobbs TV show recently, when there's a labor shortage, you have high wages. But wages aren't high. They're lower than ever. Sure, because those are precisely the low wages they pay to foreign visa workers, who are willing to work at those levels.

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data | Center for Immigration Studies
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OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

Current law requires that persons who are in the U.S. illegally must return to their home countries and wait 10 years before applying for a visa. Since this is an impractical solution for many families who have lived here for decades, why not allow them to "serve out their time" by staying here, paying taxes and providing for their own self support?

After 10 years of paying taxes without accruing any eligibility for welfare or social security benefits, why not grant them permanent visas? (Those who commit crimes should be deported, and illegal return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a felony.)

"Why not" ? HERE'S why not >>>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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OK, so you are AGAINST "amnesty." What, exactly, are you FOR?

following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

Current law requires that persons who are in the U.S. illegally must return to their home countries and wait 10 years before applying for a visa. Since this is an impractical solution for many families who have lived here for decades, why not allow them to "serve out their time" by staying here, paying taxes and providing for their own self support?

After 10 years of paying taxes without accruing any eligibility for welfare or social security benefits, why not grant them permanent visas? (Those who commit crimes should be deported, and illegal return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a felony.)

Not true. Current law demands nothing of the sort under certain conditions.

And there have been"mini-amnesties" since the law was passed.

If the issue won't be hysterically politicized - people would legalize as they have been doing before and after and even now.

On the other hand there will always be people who won't bother - the fmous obama "uncle" who has been in the US more than 50 years and there were countless possibilities for him, includin the real Reagan amnesty - and he still did not do it.

Just leave the issue alone - everyone.

Generally you have reasonable approach, however, for all involved the best course of action would be to forget about interfering with current law
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In that regard, I would CHANGE THE LAW to stop issuing so many work visas to foreigners (when millions of American are without jobs). Many of these visas are for skilled workers who employers pretend there is a shortage of. Really they just want the foreigners because they can get away with paying them very sub-standard wages.

the work visas issued for those foreigners are for the jobs Americans either don't want or don't qualify. There is a lot of unfilled jobs in America.
So the amount of visas is not going to change, actually it is increased

And please, stop the BS about substandard wages. They are absolutely the same no matter your immigration status.

Where did you get the idea that wages are the same no matter your immigration status ? What's this ? The latest poppycock from MSNBC ? (click the link at the bottom of this post)

Of course wages are lower for immigrants, and it's been that way for decades. Why do you think businesses want these people ? You think Americans don't want or can't qualify for these visa jobs. HOGWASH! Don't qualify > why not ? Because the Americans are expecting to be paid a PROPER, decent wage, and the foreigner "qualifies" by being willing to work for much less, right ? And jobs unfilled, huh ? Well that's called labor shortage.

Big hole in that theory though. As the director of the National Society of Black Engineers said on the Lou Dobbs TV show recently, when there's a labor shortage, you have high wages. But wages aren't high. They're lower than ever. Sure, because those are precisely the low wages they pay to foreign visa workers, who are willing to work at those levels.

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data | Center for Immigration Studies

GOP Pushing More Low-Paying Guestworker Visas | The Economic Populist

Bullshit. If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up no matter immigration status. Those legends are just legends. Does not mean it is not happening time to time but a worker can sue if the wage is substandard, plus get his green card in expedited fashion exactly because of the employer's abuse.

There is a LOT of protection for the immigrant LEGAL worker
following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

Current law requires that persons who are in the U.S. illegally must return to their home countries and wait 10 years before applying for a visa. Since this is an impractical solution for many families who have lived here for decades, why not allow them to "serve out their time" by staying here, paying taxes and providing for their own self support?

After 10 years of paying taxes without accruing any eligibility for welfare or social security benefits, why not grant them permanent visas? (Those who commit crimes should be deported, and illegal return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a felony.)

Not true. Current law demands nothing of the sort under certain conditions.

And there have been"mini-amnesties" since the law was passed.

If the issue won't be hysterically politicized - people would legalize as they have been doing before and after and even now.

On the other hand there will always be people who won't bother - the fmous obama "uncle" who has been in the US more than 50 years and there were countless possibilities for him, includin the real Reagan amnesty - and he still did not do it.

Just leave the issue alone - everyone.

Generally you have reasonable approach, however, for all involved the best course of action would be to forget about interfering with current law

Well that would be very nice if we didn't have a sizable number of members of the US Congress who are hell bent on "interfering with current law", and changing it, to give amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens.

Purpose of this thread/OP is to show that despite their zealous efforts and big money theatrics, the American people have exercised their power and have prevailed. Until these people stop their endorsement of Mexican (et al) imperialism of the US, we will have no choice but to not leave the issue alone, and must be relentless in opposing them.
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the work visas issued for those foreigners are for the jobs Americans either don't want or don't qualify. There is a lot of unfilled jobs in America.
So the amount of visas is not going to change, actually it is increased

And please, stop the BS about substandard wages. They are absolutely the same no matter your immigration status.

Where did you get the idea that wages are the same no matter your immigration status ? What's this ? The latest poppycock from MSNBC ? (click the link at the bottom of this post)

Of course wages are lower for immigrants, and it's been that way for decades. Why do you think businesses want these people ? You think Americans don't want or can't qualify for these visa jobs. HOGWASH! Don't qualify > why not ? Because the Americans are expecting to be paid a PROPER, decent wage, and the foreigner "qualifies" by being willing to work for much less, right ? And jobs unfilled, huh ? Well that's called labor shortage.

Big hole in that theory though. As the director of the National Society of Black Engineers said on the Lou Dobbs TV show recently, when there's a labor shortage, you have high wages. But wages aren't high. They're lower than ever. Sure, because those are precisely the low wages they pay to foreign visa workers, who are willing to work at those levels.

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data | Center for Immigration Studies

GOP Pushing More Low-Paying Guestworker Visas | The Economic Populist

Bullshit. If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up no matter immigration status. Those legends are just legends. Does not mean it is not happening time to time but a worker can sue if the wage is substandard, plus get his green card in expedited fashion exactly because of the employer's abuse.

There is a LOT of protection for the immigrant LEGAL worker

What are you talking about ? First you say "Bullshit". Then you say the same thing I just said. Yes, If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up. But they're not up. They're down. And we all know why. To say that no matter your immigration status, wages are the same, is to identify yourself as a laughingstock in this forum.
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following the current law. It provides a perfect road to legal status if one wants to pursue it.
Millions have become US citizens by that law and millions can in the future.

Oh, and it does not matter are you illegal or on a legal visa - CURRENT law provides possibilities to both.

Just follow the law.

Current law requires that persons who are in the U.S. illegally must return to their home countries and wait 10 years before applying for a visa. Since this is an impractical solution for many families who have lived here for decades, why not allow them to "serve out their time" by staying here, paying taxes and providing for their own self support?

After 10 years of paying taxes without accruing any eligibility for welfare or social security benefits, why not grant them permanent visas? (Those who commit crimes should be deported, and illegal return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a felony.)

Not true. Current law demands nothing of the sort under certain conditions.

FindLawCorporate CounselLaw LibraryShort Summary of the New Immigration LawPublished: 2008-03-26
Short Summary of the New Immigration Law
7 948

By Ronald J Tasoff of Tasoff & Tasoff, PC
On the last day of September, 1996, President Clinton signed into law legislation which drastically changes the immigration laws of the U.S.. Many of these changes will effect the ability of aliens now in the U.S. to change their status to other nonimmigrant categories (such as H-1 "working " visas, student visas, treaty trader and investor status, etc.) or obtain lawful permanent residence ("green card" status). Also the rights of people both legally and illegally in the US to defend themselves in deportation proceedings or to re-enter the U.S. after a trip abroad have been drastically curtailed. The new law is over 200 pages long and contains many provisions increasing the funding and staffing of the Border Patrol, the investigations branch of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and other areas of immigration law enforcement. It also raises civil and criminal penalties for immigration law violations. Legislation passed earlier this year (Welfare Reform Act) also makes both illegal and legal immigrants ineligible to receive most forms of federal assistance including many types of Social Security benefits as well as federally insured student loans. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in becoming a lawful permanent resident or a US citizen apply immediately.
A few of the important changes that will affect all people who are not US citizens include:
(1) New Grounds of Inadmissibility

This provision will make persons who remain illegally in the U.S. for certain periods of time ineligible for lawful permanent residency ("green card" status) and other types of non-immigrant visas (such as H-1B "working" visas, F-1 "student" visas, B1/2 "tourist/business" visas). The new grounds include a 10 year bar to admission for those unlawfully present in the U.S. for an aggregate period of 12 months; and a 3 year bar for those here unlawfully for 180 days; both with limited waivers. Time in unlawful status to begins 6 months after date of enactment (e.g., April 1, 1997). Permanent ban on reentry for aggravated felons.
This means that if an alien overstays a tourist visa (or any other type of non-immigrant stay) or enters the U.S. illegally, and remain in the U.S. for more than 180 days in total after April 1, 1997, the person cannot return to the U.S. for three years.
People who overstay or enter illegally and remain in the U.S. for over one year in total, cannot return to the U.S. for 10 years.

- See more at: Short Summary of the New Immigration Law - FindLaw
Where did you get the idea that wages are the same no matter your immigration status ? What's this ? The latest poppycock from MSNBC ? (click the link at the bottom of this post)

Of course wages are lower for immigrants, and it's been that way for decades. Why do you think businesses want these people ? You think Americans don't want or can't qualify for these visa jobs. HOGWASH! Don't qualify > why not ? Because the Americans are expecting to be paid a PROPER, decent wage, and the foreigner "qualifies" by being willing to work for much less, right ? And jobs unfilled, huh ? Well that's called labor shortage.

Big hole in that theory though. As the director of the National Society of Black Engineers said on the Lou Dobbs TV show recently, when there's a labor shortage, you have high wages. But wages aren't high. They're lower than ever. Sure, because those are precisely the low wages they pay to foreign visa workers, who are willing to work at those levels.

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data | Center for Immigration Studies

GOP Pushing More Low-Paying Guestworker Visas | The Economic Populist

Bullshit. If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up no matter immigration status. Those legends are just legends. Does not mean it is not happening time to time but a worker can sue if the wage is substandard, plus get his green card in expedited fashion exactly because of the employer's abuse.

There is a LOT of protection for the immigrant LEGAL worker

What are you talking about ? First you say "Bullshit". Then you say the same thing I just said. Yes, If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up. But they're not up. They're down. And we all know why. To say that no matter your immigration status, wages are the same, is to identify yourself as a laughingstock in this forum.

How H-1B Visas Are Screwing Tech Workers | Mother Jones

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data | Center for Immigration Studies

GOP Pushing More Low-Paying Guestworker Visas | The Economic Populist

you seriously consider motherjones to be a reliable source?

I am talking about many provisions in the immigration law which make it possible in the case of ABUSE to proceed to adjustment of status despite the abusive sponsor ( does not matter which route is chosen).

If your wage is below the standard one you can SUE your employer - and that lawsuit would be basis for the immigration waiver :D

Do not consider immigrants to be uneducated and stupid - all those fairy tales in the media about low wages or poor abused immigrants are just fairy tales.
are there stupid people? sure. is there abuse of different kind. of course.
but there is also a lot of legal ways to counteract it and people are doing it.
Current law requires that persons who are in the U.S. illegally must return to their home countries and wait 10 years before applying for a visa. Since this is an impractical solution for many families who have lived here for decades, why not allow them to "serve out their time" by staying here, paying taxes and providing for their own self support?

After 10 years of paying taxes without accruing any eligibility for welfare or social security benefits, why not grant them permanent visas? (Those who commit crimes should be deported, and illegal return to the U.S. after deportation should be made a felony.)

Not true. Current law demands nothing of the sort under certain conditions.

FindLawCorporate CounselLaw LibraryShort Summary of the New Immigration LawPublished: 2008-03-26
Short Summary of the New Immigration Law
7 948

By Ronald J Tasoff of Tasoff & Tasoff, PC
On the last day of September, 1996, President Clinton signed into law legislation which drastically changes the immigration laws of the U.S.. Many of these changes will effect the ability of aliens now in the U.S. to change their status to other nonimmigrant categories (such as H-1 "working " visas, student visas, treaty trader and investor status, etc.) or obtain lawful permanent residence ("green card" status). Also the rights of people both legally and illegally in the US to defend themselves in deportation proceedings or to re-enter the U.S. after a trip abroad have been drastically curtailed. The new law is over 200 pages long and contains many provisions increasing the funding and staffing of the Border Patrol, the investigations branch of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and other areas of immigration law enforcement. It also raises civil and criminal penalties for immigration law violations. Legislation passed earlier this year (Welfare Reform Act) also makes both illegal and legal immigrants ineligible to receive most forms of federal assistance including many types of Social Security benefits as well as federally insured student loans. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in becoming a lawful permanent resident or a US citizen apply immediately.
A few of the important changes that will affect all people who are not US citizens include:
(1) New Grounds of Inadmissibility

This provision will make persons who remain illegally in the U.S. for certain periods of time ineligible for lawful permanent residency ("green card" status) and other types of non-immigrant visas (such as H-1B "working" visas, F-1 "student" visas, B1/2 "tourist/business" visas). The new grounds include a 10 year bar to admission for those unlawfully present in the U.S. for an aggregate period of 12 months; and a 3 year bar for those here unlawfully for 180 days; both with limited waivers. Time in unlawful status to begins 6 months after date of enactment (e.g., April 1, 1997). Permanent ban on reentry for aggravated felons.
This means that if an alien overstays a tourist visa (or any other type of non-immigrant stay) or enters the U.S. illegally, and remain in the U.S. for more than 180 days in total after April 1, 1997, the person cannot return to the U.S. for three years.
People who overstay or enter illegally and remain in the U.S. for over one year in total, cannot return to the U.S. for 10 years.

- See more at: Short Summary of the New Immigration Law - FindLaw

and? have you ever heard of the combination of words ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS and CHANGING OF STATUS?

there is no requirement to leave the US if one is already here for the adjustment of status, so the above provision of the law simply does not apply to those which are in question.

p.s. since you provide the section of inadmissibility as a "proof" of impossibility of changing the status inside the country, I assume you simply do not understand what is the difference :D
and it is huge.
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Bullshit. If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up no matter immigration status. Those legends are just legends. Does not mean it is not happening time to time but a worker can sue if the wage is substandard, plus get his green card in expedited fashion exactly because of the employer's abuse.

There is a LOT of protection for the immigrant LEGAL worker

What are you talking about ? First you say "Bullshit". Then you say the same thing I just said. Yes, If there is a shortage of workers - wages go up. But they're not up. They're down. And we all know why. To say that no matter your immigration status, wages are the same, is to identify yourself as a laughingstock in this forum.

How H-1B Visas Are Screwing Tech Workers | Mother Jones

H1B Wages Not Based on BLS Data | Center for Immigration Studies

GOP Pushing More Low-Paying Guestworker Visas | The Economic Populist

you seriously consider motherjones to be a reliable source?

I am talking about many provisions in the immigration law which make it possible in the case of ABUSE to proceed to adjustment of status despite the abusive sponsor ( does not matter which route is chosen).

If your wage is below the standard one you can SUE your employer - and that lawsuit would be basis for the immigration waiver :D

Do not consider immigrants to be uneducated and stupid - all those fairy tales in the media about low wages or poor abused immigrants are just fairy tales.
are there stupid people? sure. is there abuse of different kind. of course.
but there is also a lot of legal ways to counteract it and people are doing it.

"Standard one" ? :lol: You mean the minimum wage set by govt ? What exactly is this "standard wage" you speak of ?

Be advised, no matter what you put in here, you're not going to get away with the notion that immigrants don't get paid a lot less than Americans (unless you don't mind being labeled a damn fool)

PS - what's the answer to the Post # 16 question ?
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