Ammon Bundy recounts the events leading to his arrest in Idaho


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
One wouldn't recognize Idaho as a bulwark of liberty today when reading what happened there while citizens used their right to be present at a legislative meeting. This came out in a group that is attempting to restore liberty from what they believe is a tyrannical out of control governor.

This is just an excerpt from the end Ammon's statement which can be read in full at the FB link;

Who is more dangerous—a citizen with a cell phone camera filming a public event in a public building paid for by citizen’s tax dollars, or an abusive and angry police officer who will grab that same innocent woman by the neck, and violently throw her into a room in order to arrest her for doing no wrong?

What is more dangerous—a man trying to open the door to a legislative session, or an unconstitutional police officer trying to slam that door in the faces of other citizens who are trying to enter the building that they have the legal right to enter?

What is more dangerous—a citizen journalist without a pre-approved brown badge sitting at a table “reserved for the press” or a corrupt Chairman using these journalists lack of “pre-approved credentials” as a pretext to call in a small army of police officers, arrest citizens, physically harm others, and ultimately shut citizens out of the committee hearing so that they can’t voice their opposition to their immoral bills?

People need to learn what is really going on. People need to call a spade a spade. Believe it or not, I personally want to support law enforcement. I want the rule of law to exist in our society. I want my children and family to have a respectful relationship with those that wear a badge.

But please tell me how the actions of the Idaho State Police, and by many of our legislators and political leadership deserve our respect? Tell me why I should allow tyrants to trample on our rights? Why should we allow the police to violate our own laws?

At this moment in time, it is evident that our own government and our own law enforcement agencies are truly the greatest threat to our freedom. They must be reformed. They must be stopped from abusing the people.

And I humbly ask each and every one of you to ask yourself, where is your line? What is the line that you say they cannot cross before you say “no more?”


Ammon Bundy

This should be passed around and it should be asked, "Is you governor on the Pompeo "very friendly to China" list"? If so you may want to consider and look into how they think of you. Do they consider you as yours as free citizens or a mere subjects that belong to the state.

Govs China considers very friendly.PNG

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