Amid media spin, Joe Biden's polling indicators are crumbling


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Amid spin, Joe Biden's polling indicators are crumbling
26 Apr 2021 ~~ By Monica Showalter

The short answer to all this gushing is that the press is biased and spinning for Biden.
The innards of these polls actually show a lot of trouble.
For one thing, independent support for Biden is falling. RedState points out that the big weak spot for Biden among independents is his atrocious handling of the border. The Fox News poll's question about whether security is better or worse or the same at the border showed that 46% of voters felt that border security in 2021 is worse than two years ago, a sharp spike from the 17% who said that in 2018. Independents accounted for much of that fall.

These pollsters are oversampling Democrats. Factor in Quisling media fraud and Biden gets 70% of the vote.
What I want know now is, what do the 52% of pollsters approve of?
<< Higher taxes? Higher gas prices?
<< The fact that immunizations were actually lower than Trump’s projected immunizations was?
<< Chyna Joe Biden has had to walk back claim after claim?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden is flooding the country with covid infected illegal invaders while he demands that every legal citizen be locked down and masked up despite nearly reaching herd immunity?​
<< That Biden is threatening to cancel 4th of July if Americans don’t obey him?​
<<That Biden is driving businesses overseas again after Trump did the hard work of enticing them back here?<< That Biden is putting 10’s of thousand’s out of work?​
<< That Biden is not letting millions of folks go back to work?​
<< That Biden embarrasses the US by wearing a mask on a VIDEO CONFERENCE CALL?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden has created a crisis at the border?
<< That Biden sends his giggling Vice President to do a job and have her not do it?​
<< That Biden is keeping kids in cages?​
I could go on and on and on, but this should be enough to show one or more of the following:
Fifty-two percent (52%) of Americans haven’t got a clue, or are simply lying when asked, or the polls are flat out lying! There is no way Biden has higher approval than Trump had. Everything biden has done to date has been a disaster for this country, and is driving America into inflation and it’s gonna get worse, as his anti-American policies begin to really start being felt and hurting the country.
Meanwhile the Quisling Media continues to tell us....
** Biden is doing a great job!​
** The Constitution is no longer relevant!​
** Whites are all inherently racist!​
** China is America’s best friend!​
** Because humans exist, the earth is dying.​
Morning Joe had Bi-Dung's approval rating at 99% this morning. It has really shot up!
He must be giving a big speech this week or sumthin'.
If a real fairly performed poll was done Joe would be at it is at 52% he is still trailing almost every first year president in history....and his individual job performance has tanked...32% on immigration 34% on tax policy and 42% on foreign policy and all of those numbers are under what Trump was "reported" to have....if Joe can still read and comprehend he must be having a very bad day....
Amid spin, Joe Biden's polling indicators are crumbling
26 Apr 2021 ~~ By Monica Showalter

The short answer to all this gushing is that the press is biased and spinning for Biden.
The innards of these polls actually show a lot of trouble.
For one thing, independent support for Biden is falling. RedState points out that the big weak spot for Biden among independents is his atrocious handling of the border. The Fox News poll's question about whether security is better or worse or the same at the border showed that 46% of voters felt that border security in 2021 is worse than two years ago, a sharp spike from the 17% who said that in 2018. Independents accounted for much of that fall.

These pollsters are oversampling Democrats. Factor in Quisling media fraud and Biden gets 70% of the vote.
What I want know now is, what do the 52% of pollsters approve of?​
<< Higher taxes? Higher gas prices?​
<< The fact that immunizations were actually lower than Trump’s projected immunizations was?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden has had to walk back claim after claim?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden is flooding the country with covid infected illegal invaders while he demands that every legal citizen be locked down and masked up despite nearly reaching herd immunity?​
<< That Biden is threatening to cancel 4th of July if Americans don’t obey him?​
<<That Biden is driving businesses overseas again after Trump did the hard work of enticing them back here?<< That Biden is putting 10’s of thousand’s out of work?​
<< That Biden is not letting millions of folks go back to work?​
<< That Biden embarrasses the US by wearing a mask on a VIDEO CONFERENCE CALL?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden has created a crisis at the border?​
<< That Biden sends his giggling Vice President to do a job and have her not do it?​
<< That Biden is keeping kids in cages?​
I could go on and on and on, but this should be enough to show one or more of the following:
Fifty-two percent (52%) of Americans haven’t got a clue, or are simply lying when asked, or the polls are flat out lying! There is no way Biden has higher approval than Trump had. Everything biden has done to date has been a disaster for this country, and is driving America into inflation and it’s gonna get worse, as his anti-American policies begin to really start being felt and hurting the country.
Meanwhile the Quisling Media continues to tell us....
** Biden is doing a great job!​
** The Constitution is no longer relevant!​
** Whites are all inherently racist!​
** China is America’s best friend!​
** Because humans exist, the earth is dying.​

I don't even pay attention to the polls because they are all bullshit.

You had a President give us the best economy in 50 years, new record for median household income, the lowest unemployment numbers for women and minorities since records were kept, got us out of Iraq, secured the border and greatly reduced immigrants, pushed to get a vaccine in a record amount of time, and made deals with 8 potential companies that the US comes first when the vaccines come out, had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries during the pandemic, and he only touched 50% approval ratings.

Now we have this clown with dementia that was instrumental in increasing our gasoline costs by over 30%, opened the border, spread untested illegals across the country from coast to coast, pissed off the military, pissed off an American Indian tribe, closed down the Keystone causing thousands to lose their job with a potential of tens of thousands of new jobs in the future, pissed off parents who have daughters in school sports, stopped the wall from being built, pissed off ICE, pissed off our border patrol, and is now planning to ship some of our vaccines that Americans need to India, and he has good approval numbers?

Sorry, I was born at night but it wasn't last night.
If a real fairly performed poll was done Joe would be at it is at 52% he is still trailing almost every first year president in history....and his individual job performance has tanked...32% on immigration 34% on tax policy and 42% on foreign policy and all of those numbers are under what Trump was "reported" to have....if Joe can still read and comprehend he must be having a very bad day....
"almost trailing every first year president" except you left out the fact that your King that you like to hump, named trump had the worst rating of any first year president in US History. He NEVER reached 50% approval rating....he was a president of the minority of Americans...mostly the white supremacist and nutcases....
And the "Former Guy" would have killed for a 50% approval rating...which he never attained. he was NEVER supported by the majority of the people in this country. That has to burn in his soul...
Doc7505 do you have trouble with facts? How can you disagree with facts and truth....Oh right, you are a trump humper.
The only reason Biden ever got any favorable ratings from anyone is a testament to our failed education system and our crooked MSM. Good Biden is an illusion that is only believed by the simple minded, low intelligence liberal lemmings. Sooner or later even the dumbest of the dumb will get wise to Biden. So I guess that's what's happening now,
Amid spin, Joe Biden's polling indicators are crumbling
26 Apr 2021 ~~ By Monica Showalter

The short answer to all this gushing is that the press is biased and spinning for Biden.
The innards of these polls actually show a lot of trouble.
For one thing, independent support for Biden is falling. RedState points out that the big weak spot for Biden among independents is his atrocious handling of the border. The Fox News poll's question about whether security is better or worse or the same at the border showed that 46% of voters felt that border security in 2021 is worse than two years ago, a sharp spike from the 17% who said that in 2018. Independents accounted for much of that fall.

These pollsters are oversampling Democrats. Factor in Quisling media fraud and Biden gets 70% of the vote.
What I want know now is, what do the 52% of pollsters approve of?​
<< Higher taxes? Higher gas prices?​
<< The fact that immunizations were actually lower than Trump’s projected immunizations was?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden has had to walk back claim after claim?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden is flooding the country with covid infected illegal invaders while he demands that every legal citizen be locked down and masked up despite nearly reaching herd immunity?​
<< That Biden is threatening to cancel 4th of July if Americans don’t obey him?​
<<That Biden is driving businesses overseas again after Trump did the hard work of enticing them back here?<< That Biden is putting 10’s of thousand’s out of work?​
<< That Biden is not letting millions of folks go back to work?​
<< That Biden embarrasses the US by wearing a mask on a VIDEO CONFERENCE CALL?​
<< Chyna Joe Biden has created a crisis at the border?​
<< That Biden sends his giggling Vice President to do a job and have her not do it?​
<< That Biden is keeping kids in cages?​
I could go on and on and on, but this should be enough to show one or more of the following:
Fifty-two percent (52%) of Americans haven’t got a clue, or are simply lying when asked, or the polls are flat out lying! There is no way Biden has higher approval than Trump had. Everything biden has done to date has been a disaster for this country, and is driving America into inflation and it’s gonna get worse, as his anti-American policies begin to really start being felt and hurting the country.
Meanwhile the Quisling Media continues to tell us....
** Biden is doing a great job!​
** The Constitution is no longer relevant!​
** Whites are all inherently racist!​
** China is America’s best friend!​
** Because humans exist, the earth is dying.​

I don't even pay attention to the polls because they are all bullshit.

You had a President give us the best economy in 50 years, new record for median household income, the lowest unemployment numbers for women and minorities since records were kept, got us out of Iraq, secured the border and greatly reduced immigrants, pushed to get a vaccine in a record amount of time, and made deals with 8 potential companies that the US comes first when the vaccines come out, had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries during the pandemic, and he only touched 50% approval ratings.

Now we have this clown with dementia that was instrumental in increasing our gasoline costs by over 30%, opened the border, spread untested illegals across the country from coast to coast, pissed off the military, pissed off an American Indian tribe, closed down the Keystone causing thousands to lose their job with a potential of tens of thousands of new jobs in the future, pissed off parents who have daughters in school sports, stopped the wall from being built, pissed off ICE, pissed off our border patrol, and is now planning to ship some of our vaccines that Americans need to India, and he has good approval numbers?

Sorry, I was born at night but it wasn't last night.
Looks like he's doing fine.
View attachment 484192

Well in all fairness, the internet allows anyone to find any answer they want for anything at any time.

If you look hard enough you can find somewhere on the internet with a graph or a chart to disprove pretty much anything.

Besides people are stupid. I mean just look at this.

The only reason Biden ever got any favorable ratings from anyone is a testament to our failed education system and our crooked MSM. Good Biden is an illusion that is only believed by the simple minded, low intelligence liberal lemmings. Sooner or later even the dumbest of the dumb will get wise to Biden. So I guess that's what's happening now,

You have to consider the extra federal government unemployment along with another stimulus check. The voters in this country don't know what goes on behind all these supposed good deeds. You are stopping people from working when there are plenty of jobs around, you are buying votes with taxpayer money and putting us further in the hole, you are destroying our country with all these foreigners and the Covid they bring with them during our attempted recovery. Thanks Joe. This is what Americans approve of over the great job Trump did for our country?

I have a friend who owns a limo company. She had a standing ad out in the paper for drivers that never even inquired about the position the last two months. The day after our Governor announced he was stopping all federal unemployment checks from reaching our citizens, she had 18 applicants the next day.
And the "Former Guy" would have killed for a 50% approval rating...which he never attained. he was NEVER supported by the majority of the people in this country. That has to burn in his soul...
Because only you wacko Dims, sitting at home in your basements wearing your facediapers, are the only ones who fake these polls. Real Americans are at work.
And the "Former Guy" would have killed for a 50% approval rating...which he never attained. he was NEVER supported by the majority of the people in this country. That has to burn in his soul...
Doc7505 do you have trouble with facts? How can you disagree with facts and truth....Oh right, you are a trump humper.
Do you still send Trumpy loveletters Dimmer???
If a real fairly performed poll was done Joe would be at it is at 52% he is still trailing almost every first year president in history....and his individual job performance has tanked...32% on immigration 34% on tax policy and 42% on foreign policy and all of those numbers are under what Trump was "reported" to have....if Joe can still read and comprehend he must be having a very bad day....
"almost trailing every first year president" except you left out the fact that your King that you like to hump, named trump had the worst rating of any first year president in US History. He NEVER reached 50% approval rating....he was a president of the minority of Americans...mostly the white supremacist and nutcases....
Sure he did. Rasmussen had him at 50% multiple times...
Doc7505 do you have trouble with facts? How can you disagree with facts and truth....Oh right, you are a trump humper.

THe truth is hard for you to swallow.....


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