....'America's Mayor'---once was, now ain't....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
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This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".
This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".

The left has a long history of making unpersons out of those who go against progressive dogma

Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.

The only thing that keeps Biden from being the biggest joke in history is the high spot on the misery index he's put us all in.

And that guy isn't the past, he's the right now.
This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".
so the outlets that hate him didn't show him. And you ask how that's odd. more evidence your head is buried somewhere.

Did you expect he would have been discharged from the buildings?
This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".
10 to 1 you were watching left stream media just like all the other Liberal deniers. As hard as you might try, you and or the left can never take away Rudy's actions regarding 9/11.
This is merely an observation. On yesterday's 9/11 TV coverage.

Yesterday we had a long rainy day here so I spent the day at the desk catching up on paperwork and such......and all the while having the channels on coverage of 9/11. At least 3 channels ---NatGeo, History, CNN ---- maybe more?.....had coverage of that terrible day. And each had hours and hours of it. So it was easy to get one's fill of 9/11 yesterday.

But one thing I noticed in all of the coverage.....or more accurately 'didn't notice'.....was video of Rudy Giuliani.
Rudy's role and actions were 'no shows' in all those hours of video. He was MIA.

Which you gotta admit is a long long way to fall for Rudy G.
If you recall, 21 years ago Rudy was the most visible leader....more so than even George Jr. .....rallying and leading his city in the face of this incredible catastrophe. And his demeanor, words, decisiveness made him a treasured national hero. He parlayed that into a Presidential run in the GOP primaries. It also made him a multi-millionaire when he left public service and put his shingle out as a management consultant (despite no chops in business consultancy). Firms hired Rudy for his name and ability to now open doors with his sterling reputation. Firms in the shadow of scandal (ala' Purdue Pharma) hired him to burnish their image and gain leverage for better access to policy and law makers.

That was then. This is now.
Now Rudy G. is a punchline.
A discounted and ridiculed public figure.
And as I saw yesterday....a man now ignored for his most iconic, and his most needed and useful accomplishment -- real leadership in a time of great need.

The lesson?
Be careful who you lie with.....in either application of "lie".
YES he is. It is just now for his politics and the president he represented, He MUST. BE. DESTROYED, so that the democrats can hold onto their power..........which they won't in the long run.
"10 to 1 you were watching left stream media just like all the other Liberal deniers."

"10 to 1 you were watching left stream media..."
10 to 1... I shared with the forum the 3 channels I surfed between yesterday.
Was clearly transparent on that.
Go ahead, check it out. It is in post #1 of this thread.

As hard as you might try, you and or the left can never take away Rudy's actions regarding 9/11.

"As hard as you try".....???

Poster Paleman, perhaps if you went back and re-read the opening post you will better recognize that my avatar was merely reporting what was observed over several hours of watching TV programs about 9/11.
There was no attempt on my part to take away anything from anybody.
Was merely a neutral reporter.
And surely, there was no attempt to "try hard" to do so. After all, it was a lazy rainy Sunday afternoon.
Perhaps, Paleman you are trying too hard here.

And too, it is a sad misread by poster Paleman to believe I am the "left".
I ain't.
The left don't want me. I'm too conservative.
The right don't want me. I'm too liberal.

Accordingly, I label my political beliefs along the spectrum of a skeptical optimist.
I regret if that has confused you, poster.
"10 to 1 you were watching left stream media..."
10 to 1... I shared with the forum the 3 channels I surfed between yesterday.
Was clearly transparent on that.
Go ahead, check it out. It is in post #1 of this thread.
I just posted a video you said didn't exist. CBS in fact. why haven't you acknowledged that footage, liar.

Umm, CalypsoJ........perhaps you are trying too hard here.
As nobody else is trying to destroy Rudy.
After all, Rudy has done a pretty good job of that himself.

His new found wealth via 'Giuliani Partners' kinda sorta was a tell on his steadiness and judgment ---- ala 6 new homes, and 11 country club memberships.

And I ain't gonna post up that pic of Rudy with a dripping bead of excess Viagara running down his face (just kidding). Nor will post up the pics of Rudi fishing for votes inside his trousers while the blonde hotel hottie stood by. Nor will I post up his excellent judgment in choosing a witness...... in Melissa Carone.
Nor do we need to go into Rudy's clumsy and bizzare attempts to frame Joe Biden in a Ukraine scandal.

But Rudy's troubles over his catastrophic efforts to tamper with the 2020 presidential election could land him in jail.
Accordingly, no one on these internet gossipboards need try to destroy Rudy.
That job is in capable hands already.

I just posted a video you said didn't exist. CBS in fact. why haven't you acknowledged that footage, liar.

Well, first, let's just sidestep....ignore, really.......the assertion that my poor avatar is a "liar"....as sometimes those who are trying too hard simply get carried away with their emotions. We can move beyond poster 456's little indiscretion for the sake of comity and collegiality. Cool?

So, good poster jc456, please catch me and the forum up, if you will.
Remind us where and when and the context that, as you assert, my avatar claimed that some "posted video..... didn't exist".

Give us a little backgrounder so we can know for sure just what it is you are alleging.

Thanx in advance.
Donald Trump built buildings in NYC and paid a good wage to workers. Today they hate him for it. Rudy almost single handedly cleaned up New York City and turned Times Square into a safe tourist attraction. Today's democrat party would rather wallow in filth than credit a republican.
Opinions change.

The cult now embraces a CHENEY.

The guy who lied us into Iraq. Now the Cult loves him.
"10 to 1 you were watching left stream media..."
10 to 1... I shared with the forum the 3 channels I surfed between yesterday.
Was clearly transparent on that.
Go ahead, check it out. It is in post #1 of this thread.

"As hard as you try".....???

Poster Paleman, perhaps if you went back and re-read the opening post you will better recognize that my avatar was merely reporting what was observed over several hours of watching TV programs about 9/11.
There was no attempt on my part to take away anything from anybody.
Was merely a neutral reporter.
And surely, there was no attempt to "try hard" to do so. After all, it was a lazy rainy Sunday afternoon.
Perhaps, Paleman you are trying too hard here.

And too, it is a sad misread by poster Paleman to believe I am the "left".
I ain't.
The left don't want me. I'm too conservative.
The right don't want me. I'm too liberal.

Accordingly, I label my political beliefs along the spectrum of a skeptical optimist.
I regret if that has confused you, poster.
All three of the channels you watched are liberal biased. I will label you as confused unless you can explain how you can be judged as too liberal and too conservative at the same time.
"All three of the channels you watched are liberal biased."

So now, the History Channel, and National Geographic are verboten channels to watch in Q-World?

Who knew?


But back to Rudy, I saw this in one of my newsfeeds this afternoon:

"On the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack -- a day that Giuliani recently called "... the worst day of my life and in some ways, you know, the greatest day of my life," -- biographer Andrew Kirtzman, who wrote Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America’s Mayor,” claims that the former mayor is facing the "abyss" with his reputation in tatters.

According to Kirtzman, Giuliani's need for massive amounts of money and his desire to remain relevant which led him to work for Trump has been the key to his downfall.

Writing that he is trying to "reconcile" the "brilliant leader" from 9/11 with "the confused, widely ridiculed figure facing potential indictment for trying to subvert the 2020 election," Kitzman added, "Mr. Giuliani is virtually alone at this desperate hour. Supporters have abandoned him; once-friendly news organizations have banished him from their airwaves; and few have helped him fend off bankruptcy from numerous lawsuits and investigations.
At 78 years old, the man who helped to lead New York City and the nation out of some of our most horrible days is a shadow of his old self."

So now, the History Channel, and National Geographic are verboten channels to watch in Q-World?

Who knew?


But back to Rudy, I saw this in one of my newsfeeds this afternoon:

"On the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack -- a day that Giuliani recently called "... the worst day of my life and in some ways, you know, the greatest day of my life," -- biographer Andrew Kirtzman, who wrote Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America’s Mayor,” claims that the former mayor is facing the "abyss" with his reputation in tatters.

According to Kirtzman, Giuliani's need for massive amounts of money and his desire to remain relevant which led him to work for Trump has been the key to his downfall.

Writing that he is trying to "reconcile" the "brilliant leader" from 9/11 with "the confused, widely ridiculed figure facing potential indictment for trying to subvert the 2020 election," Kitzman added, "Mr. Giuliani is virtually alone at this desperate hour. Supporters have abandoned him; once-friendly news organizations have banished him from their airwaves; and few have helped him fend off bankruptcy from numerous lawsuits and investigations.
At 78 years old, the man who helped to lead New York City and the nation out of some of our most horrible days is a shadow of his old self."
I never said that you can't watch those channels, I just pointed out that you choose to get your news from liberal sources, and you do that because you support liberal causes. I suggest you come out of the closet like the queer Giuliani hater, that you choose to believe, Andrew Kirtsman. The link is from the ultra liberal New York Times.
The Libs have despised Mr. Giuliani since he took down the La Cosa Nostra which runs America's Labor Unions. Nothing really new to see here
like the queer Giuliani hater, that you choose to believe, Andrew Kirtsman.
The Libs have despised Mr. Giuliani since he took down the La Cosa Nostra which runs America's Labor Unions.

You be you, posters Paleman & Polish.

You can go ahead and fanboy for the bloke who went on TV with an overdose stream of Viagra running down the side of his face. The bloke who claims...and who wouldn't believe him?....that lying on the bed in a hotel room with a recently introduced blonde hottie standing beside him while he fished inside his pant's zipper .....well, who wouldn't believe that he was merely looking for more votes for his employer?

But you guys be you guys. Be for Rudy. He may run for Prez again.
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