Americans stand deeply disheartened by the UK terrorist attack


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Although America has many allies and friends across this planet, I believe I speak for most when saying there are none held more dear than the Brits. When they experience tragedy it's just as gut wrenching as watching our own citizens going through the same.

No words can describe what those poor parents must be feeling who are totally heartbroken and for no good reason. Their lives forever changed by what some horrible despicable loathsome religious fanatics stripped away knowing full well the pain it would cause.

One thing's for sure, no just loving God would endorse such actions upon his creations and therefore these sub human despicable psychopaths will all be in for a rude awakening upon leaving this earth. Rather than kneeling to God in heaven, they'll no doubt be bowing before Satan in the bowels of hell.
Thank you, Just_Saying :smiliehug:

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced the terrorist threat level of the UK has been raised from severe to critical following the Manchester attack.
This means that another terrorist attack is expected "imminently".
The announcement was made from Downing Street, with the Prime Minister confirming authorities have been unable to establish whether the bomber Salman Abedi was working alone or was part of a terrorist cell.

City unites in defiance after suicide bomber kills 22 at concert - live updates
sure i sympathize but when are the Brits and euros and the USA and all the Western world going to stop the importation of their muslim murderers ?? The only ones that seem to have any brains are some eastern Europeans that are building walls , fences and actually guarding their border using MEN with GUNS !! See Viktor Orban and his little country for an example of inteligence JSaying !!

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