American's fight back against "drag queen story hours" with small children

“The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure,” according to a poster on the group's Facebook page, the AP reported.

YEP! Brainwash them at a VERY young age and they grow up thinking this kind of filth is a normal lifestyle when in fact its a mental disease.
‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ sparks protests in rural, Southern towns

Sickening! I HIGHLY doubt that would EVER be allowed here and if it was there would be an uproar...the idiot that wrote that article obviously doesn't comprehend what a rural town is because Columbus,Ga and Lafayette,Louisiana are NOT rural towns lol.

Damn, and I thought today's USMB posting experience could be had in lighthearted tomfoolery with talk of ghost ships, Trump one liners and visions of caricatured commies out of history riding the hoods of American pick up trucks in place of whitetails. Then, the landscape had to go getting mudslide ugly again.

Well hell; of course decent Americans who love and want to protect their kids are going to protest such cultural atrocities. What we need here is a blowtorch (a big one), lots of defoliant pesticide and a shit ton of crosses and holy water. So long as the sun may set; in the words of Hemingway, Ernest: "The Sun Also Rises . . ."
“The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure,” according to a poster on the group's Facebook page, the AP reported.

YEP! Brainwash them at a VERY young age and they grow up thinking this kind of filth is a normal lifestyle when in fact its a mental disease.

No one is forcing these kids to attend; are they?

AFA the brain washing comment: religions do the same thing to very young kids.
“The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure,” according to a poster on the group's Facebook page, the AP reported.

YEP! Brainwash them at a VERY young age and they grow up thinking this kind of filth is a normal lifestyle when in fact its a mental disease.

No one is forcing these kids to attend; are they?

AFA the brain washing comment: religions do the same thing to very young kids.

You're fight..their parents should get their asses kicked for using their kids to placate perverts.
One of our most talented kid music directors, in fact pretty much the only kids music director/teacher outside of the schools, in my very small town is a drag queen.

I actually love him. We aren't super close...I can't stand most in his circle of friends and I have no interest in all things drag...but he absolutely doesn't engage in any idiocy like this. His work attire is gay but not drag, and he does not use his work as a way to initiate children into the creatures who are reading to children in full drag (and the parents of the children subjected to their insanity) are.

Nobody gives a shit if you want to dress up like a cheap old hooker and prance around with your buddies in bars and other adult venues. But leftist perverts are put on notice...stop recruiting.
No one is forcing these kids to attend; are they?

AFA the brain washing comment: religions do the same thing to very young kids.


Because religious faith, and the moral and ethical values that go with it; are exactly comparable to immoral sexual perversions.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
No one is forcing these kids to attend; are they?

AFA the brain washing comment: religions do the same thing to very young kids.


Because religious faith, and the moral and ethical values that go with it; are exactly comparable to immoral sexual perversions.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

"Truth is not truth" - Rudy Giuliani
No one is forcing these kids to attend; are they?

AFA the brain washing comment: religions do the same thing to very young kids.


Because religious faith, and the moral and ethical values that go with it; are exactly comparable to immoral sexual perversions.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
A leftist quoting the bible.....good lord I never thought I would see the day.
One of our most talented kid music directors, in fact pretty much the only kids music director/teacher outside of the schools, in my very small town is a drag queen.

I actually love him. We aren't super close...I can't stand most in his circle of friends and I have no interest in all things drag...but he absolutely doesn't engage in any idiocy like this. His work attire is gay but not drag, and he does not use his work as a way to initiate children into the creatures who are reading to children in full drag (and the parents of the children subjected to their insanity) are.

Nobody gives a shit if you want to dress up like a cheap old hooker and prance around with your buddies in bars and other adult venues. But leftist perverts are put on notice...stop recruiting.
Stop recruiting? But that would mean kids are able to be tampered with at impressionable ages. Then “born that way” would be exposed as a sham. Oh. Wait a minute. :popcorn:
No one is forcing these kids to attend; are they?

AFA the brain washing comment: religions do the same thing to very young kids.


Because religious faith, and the moral and ethical values that go with it; are exactly comparable to immoral sexual perversions.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
A leftist quoting the bible.....good lord I never thought I would see the day.
And they take it out of context and lie about it in just the same manner they do our president or anything else that tries to stand against their bigoted, evil ideology.
“The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure,” according to a poster on the group's Facebook page, the AP reported.

YEP! Brainwash them at a VERY young age and they grow up thinking this kind of filth is a normal lifestyle when in fact its a mental disease.

This is EXACTLY what is going on.
But again, it's a lost cause because there are no good men left (as there were in the 1700's), who are brave enough to step up and say NO !!!
“The program is designed to purposely target children so as to make sexual perversion acceptable through repeated exposure,” according to a poster on the group's Facebook page, the AP reported.

A poster on their Facebook page believes that .. and you bought in --- or did YOU post that? :laughing0301:

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