Americans are NoT made of


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Cotton Candy. Said the great man { Winston Churchill }.
Who also pointed out ... " We have to combat the wolf
of Socialism,and we shall be able to to it far more effectively as a
pack of hounds than as a flock of sheep. "
That is what Trump and Maga stand for.
Anti-Fascism.With nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears
and sweat." '.
Dig Daddios.
All this HITLER bidness has been done before.With even great
Americans like Ronald Reagan and Even Richard Nixon.
Where both men managed massive Presidential Victories.
Donald Trump is a Real Estate developer and manager of
ventures.Not as much as a Misdemeanor until the Marxist
Democrats pulled their Strings and played the Fascist's.
Pulled what Fasicst like Benito Mussolini did.
Used Journalism and Journalist as - Avanti! - Socialist Party organ
" Journalism is not a profession but a mission.Our newspaper
is out party,our ideal,our soul,and our banner which will lead
us to victory.
Same pap,drool used each weekday hour by MSNBC { The place
to hovel for being the Real Fascist lurking in plain sight }
This is 2024. Park your toxic masculinity, especially during times of war!


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