American Nightmare: Netflix


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Watched last night, three episodes and worth the watch

Vallejo CA……Young couple is asleep when intruders break in, tie up the boyfriend and abduct the woman. Because he was warned he was being watched and drugged, the BF delays reporting and comes to police with a wild story of what had happened.

The police immediately suspect he murdered her and interview him for 16 hours trying to break him down.They give him a polygraph and tell him he failed miserably

What happens next is an amazing depiction of the American Justice system and the media
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Tangent alert: I failed a polygraph once, with humorous results.

While I was attending college after the army I wanted to get a job as a "night watchman," figuring that I could earn a small salary, but have a lot of time to do school work while on the job. (That worked out great).

Security guard jobs were very easy to get in those days, so I chose the one that was paying a little bit over MW and applied. Being a Veteran, it was just a matter of a few formalities for me to be on the payroll, so...

One of the formalities was a lie detector test. It was explained to me that the questions would be structured so that all answers were to be "No," and I just had to truthfully answer the questions to go forward with the job. The questions would include, for example, "Have you ever stolen from your employer," "Have you ever missed work due to drunkenness," and so on. They gave me a little while alone in a room to ponder the questions while they got ready, then they set me up with the electrodes and whatnot and asked me the questions.

While I was mentally preparing for the test a few things began popping into my mind. For example, I had used Army paper and envelopes to write and send letters home for three years; is that "stealing"? Well, yeah. Once, after a rare night of binge drinking at Fort Lee, VA, I had called off sick the following morning. Was that "missing work due to drunkenness"? Well, yeah.

Anyway the Dude came in and asked me the questions and I answered all of them, "No," as required. The technician, of course showed no reaction to my answers, and I was hired.

At the time, I had a major issue with my Wisdom Teeth. All of them required extraction, and it would cost a lot of money, but I had no health insurance. So my plan was to work this Security job until the health insurance kicked in, then get the oral surgery...which is exactly what happened. But there were complications with the surgery (EKG was "funny") and I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. On day #2, I called the office and told them that I could not work because I was in the hospital - the doctors thought I had had a heart attack.

My employer, unknown to me, immediately FIRED ME for not coming to work, and sent a Rep to my house to get my "service revolver" from my dad. A weird thing all around. I didn't really care about the job - I got another one forthwith - but the point is, they had assumed that since I was a pathological liar, I was lying about being in the hospital, so they need to get rid of me. Their view on my veracity was because of the FAILED lie detector test!
Mine as well... we are watching The Last of Us right now with only the last episode left.
Plan on watching this next.
Watched the first 2 episodes, prolly watch the final one later tonight or tomorrow. (Bonzi and I take turns picking show, so she may not pick this one)
Anyway... on seeing just the first 2, I am sure the final episode ties it all together, you can't really blame the police a whole lot. I mean the story is fantastical to the nth degree. If I was a cop, I probably would have tried to break the kid thinking he has killed her too.
Then she returns... I would also be VERY - WTF??
How often do kidnappers just return them, unharmed, without getting any ransom??
And then how many kidnappers come to the defense of the person they kidnapped to the police??
This whole story is a series of fantastic events that no one would believe at first
Watched the first 2 episodes, prolly watch the final one later tonight or tomorrow. (Bonzi and I take turns picking show, so she may not pick this one)
Anyway... on seeing just the first 2, I am sure the final episode ties it all together, you can't really blame the police a whole lot. I mean the story is fantastical to the nth degree. If I was a cop, I probably would have tried to break the kid thinking he has killed her too.
Then she returns... I would also be VERY - WTF??
How often do kidnappers just return them, unharmed, without getting any ransom??
And then how many kidnappers come to the defense of the person they kidnapped to the police??
This whole story is a series of fantastic events that no one would believe at first
The final episode blows your socks off
A real…WTF?
Watched last night, three episodes and worth the watch

Vallejo CA……Young couple is asleep when intruders break in, tie up the boyfriend and abduct the woman. Because he was warned he was being watched and drugged, the BF delays reporting and comes to police with a wild story of what had happened.

The police immediately suspect he murdered her and interview him for 16 hours trying to break him down.They give him a polygraph and tell him he failed miserably

What happens next is an amazing depiction of the American Justice system and the media

In California? No!
The final episode blows your socks off
A real…WTF?
Wow - you were right.
Watched the last episode last night.

The Vallejo Police department had to be one of the worst ran police departments in America. Their Chief literally told his detectives in charge to not investigate the kidnapping - but instead burn her in the media. And even after the case blew wide open, and his unconscious poor decision making came to light - NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM. Even after the city had to pay the girl $2.5 million in a lawsuit - He remained Chief of Police!!! Holy Shit!!
But worse than that, IMO, is the media. They absolutely destroyed this woman. Called her a liar repeatedly with no information whatsoever that showed she was lying. And then when the case blew open - not one of them apologized to her. Not one.
Wow - you were right.
Watched the last episode last night.

The Vallejo Police department had to be one of the worst ran police departments in America. Their Chief literally told his detectives in charge to not investigate the kidnapping - but instead burn her in the media. And even after the case blew wide open, and his unconscious poor decision making came to light - NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM. Even after the city had to pay the girl $2.5 million in a lawsuit - He remained Chief of Police!!! Holy Shit!!
But worse than that, IMO, is the media. They absolutely destroyed this woman. Called her a liar repeatedly with no information whatsoever that showed she was lying. And then when the case blew open - not one of them apologized to her. Not one.

The media fell in love with their “Gone Girl” scenario and would not consider any other possibility
Vallejo police locked in to their initial conclusion and would not investigate anything else. Took them six years to formally apologize to the couple and even then, it was the new chief saying……This was not me, it was the other guy and we don’t do that anymore
The reason I watched in the first place was that the abduction took place at Mare Island outside of Vallejo.
My first job after college (late 70s) was at Mare Island Submarine Base outside of Vallejo.
I was surprised to see modern housing developments there today.

At the time, Vallejo Police were known for botching the Zodiac Killing investigation
Wow, just finished it, it is infuriating the conduct of the police and the FBI. Not only imcompetent but also criminally negligent (should be criminal negligence, but no one is policing the police)

I hope this leads to a great deal of embarrassment for the Vallejo PD.
Wow, just finished it, it is infuriating the conduct of the police and the FBI. Not only imcompetent but also criminally negligent (should be criminal negligence, but no one is policing the police)

I hope this leads to a great deal of embarrassment for the Vallejo PD.
What was infuriating was that a newly promoted Detective in a small police police department was able to crack the case with Google and a few phone calls.
When she called Vallejo police with what she had found, they showed no interest and told her to talk to the FBI
When she called the FBI, they showed little interest.
The one thing missing from the film is - let's be honest - is some people who are also to blame - girls/women who file false rape accusations. Rape/sexual assault is the highest false reported crime by far. Nothing else even comes close.
Studied are out there, and occasionally someone will say it out loud, but most media are silent on the harm created to REAL victims by the high-high numbers of false reporting.
This is not to excuse the absolute failure of the Vallejo police to even pretend to investigate, but it is one of the reasons they didn't.

Just sayin

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