American hero: Joe Horn

Well, there is this:


§ 9.21. PUBLIC DUTY. (a) Except as qualified by
Subsections (b) and (c), conduct is justified if the actor
reasonably believes the conduct is required or authorized by law,
by the judgment or order of a competent court or other governmental
tribunal, or in the execution of legal process.
(b) The other sections of this chapter control when force is
used against a person to protect persons (Subchapter C), to protect
property (Subchapter D), for law enforcement (Subchapter E), or by
virtue of a special relationship (Subchapter F).

(c) The use of deadly force is not justified under this
section unless the actor reasonably believes the deadly force is
specifically required by statute or unless it occurs in the lawful
conduct of war. If deadly force is so justified, there is no duty to
retreat before using it.
(d) The justification afforded by this section is available
if the actor reasonably believes:
(1) the court or governmental tribunal has
jurisdiction or the process is lawful, even though the court or
governmental tribunal lacks jurisdiction or the process is
unlawful; or
(2) his conduct is required or authorized to assist a
public servant in the performance of his official duty, even though
the servant exceeds his lawful authority.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974.
Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, § 1.01, eff. Sept. 1,

§ 9.22. NECESSITY. Conduct is justified if:
(1) the actor reasonably believes the conduct is
immediately necessary to avoid imminent harm;

(2) the desirability and urgency of avoiding the harm
clearly outweigh, according to ordinary standards of
reasonableness, the harm sought to be prevented by the law
proscribing the conduct; and
(3) a legislative purpose to exclude the justification
claimed for the conduct does not otherwise plainly appear.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974.
Amended by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, § 1.01, eff. Sept. 1,

I don't see mr horn meeting any of this....

And reasonable is defined by the texas congress as something that any NORMAL person would do the majority of the time....

MAYBE NORMAL, REASONABLE people in texas would normally be defiant of the police, and maybe NORMAL people in texas would KILL PEOPLE BY SHOOTING THEM IN THE BACK FOR NO APPARENT THREAT OF THEIR LIFE?
You make a good case to tell the American people that their service on the Grand Jury is not part of the legal process and should be eliminated from the legal system.
naaa.. I've already posted my evidence. Me and the Grand Jury will be over here laughing at your tears while making just the slightest attempt to educate yourself.


JUST AS I THOUGHT, you have NOTHING on this.... typical bitch! :)

clearly, you haven't put as much effort into diving into the evidence as you could. Dont be lazy, rav.. it's not the worlds job to convince you or educate you. purposefully dragging your feet isn't impressive then or now.

So there is no police report that you linked, only speculation in the press. That doesn't surprise me.
What's this GARBAGE? NONE OF IT has anything to do with mr Horn...his house was NOT ENTERED, his house was not burglarized, the men were no threat to him....

you can't kill someone under ANY OF THESE CASTLE LAWS, unless the life of the Actor was threatened by Force....

learn to comprehend what you post and read.

Indeed, it does. YOU can't come to terms with the fact of Joe Horn's actions and lack of indictment. IM telling you which states to avoid so that you can avoid the, uh, big bad west or something. His actions were not prosicuted. States like mine do not roll over and just WAIT for criminals to have their way. WE arm the citizens. Feel free to avoid each of these states.

and yes, we CAN kill someone given a value of threat. YOU may not agree with that VALUE of threat, much like you'd assume two thugs rushing at Horn were just wanting a hug, but your opinion is not standard anywhere but your own head.

And, I comprehend it pretty damn well given my right to carry. Im not required to run and hide like a little (this ones for ravi) BITCH in my state. Cry all you want but these, along with Joe Horn's FREEDOM, are the facts.

You make a good case to tell the American people that their service on the Grand Jury is not part of the legal process and should be eliminated from the legal system.
the grand jury is a TOOL of the prosecutor's.....if this case went to trial, all hell would have broken loose on the texas castle laws....and maybe would have made it to the supreme court...texas could NOT ALLOW this to happen, thus the prosecutors manipulation with picking the grand jury and getting the results THEY NEEDED.....

A grand jury is SIMPLY THE TOOL of the prosecutor.... they are not a jury of peers, they only get info on what the prosecutors want them to get and see, UNLIKE A FAIR JURY TRIAL.....

if you seem to think otherwise, then you are MISTAKEN.
that's funny! :rofl: you telling me to take a deep breath... :rofl:

i don't think joe horn is any kind of hero, so you get over it. :eusa_whistle:

Good for you and your opinion.

Joe Horn is still a free man AND is a neighborhood hero. Wanna see some Youtube Videos?

So there is no police report that you linked, only speculation in the press. That doesn't surprise me.


I told you. Im not doing your homework for you. Dig it up yourself or don't. I really dont care.
the grand jury is a TOOL of the prosecutor's.....if this case went to trial, all hell would have broken loose on the texas castle laws....and maybe would have made it to the supreme court...texas could NOT ALLOW this to happen, thus the prosecutors manipulation with picking the grand jury and getting the results THEY NEEDED.....

A grand jury is SIMPLY THE TOOL of the prosecutor.... they are not a jury of peers, they only get info on what the prosecutors want them to get and see, UNLIKE A FAIR JURY TRIAL.....

if you seem to think otherwise, then you are MISTAKEN.

and STILL more relevant than your opinon!

You anti-gun and anti-civil rights guys are proposing that the legal system be changed to try Joe Horn in a criminal trial.
Nice little Commies.
Indeed, it does. YOU can't come to terms with the fact of Joe Horn's actions and lack of indictment. IM telling you which states to avoid so that you can avoid the, uh, big bad west or something. His actions were not prosicuted. States like mine do not roll over and just WAIT for criminals to have their way. WE arm the citizens. Feel free to avoid each of these states.

and yes, we CAN kill someone given a value of threat. YOU may not agree with that VALUE of threat, much like you'd assume two thugs rushing at Horn were just wanting a hug, but your opinion is not standard anywhere but your own head.

And, I comprehend it pretty damn well given my right to carry. Im not required to run and hide like a little (this ones for ravi) BITCH in my state. Cry all you want but these, along with Joe Horn's FREEDOM, are the facts.


NO ONE RUSHED MR HORN, you have shown NO PROOF that either of them rushed mr horn let alone BOTH of them....

until you show proof, i stand by what i have said so horn's life WAS NOT THREATENED by harm or by force....


so until you show some proof that mr horn's life was threatened by both of these dudes, i stick by my words....

this case SHOULD have gone to trial, with all of the nuances and controversy involved.....

IF IT WERE TRUELY SELF DEFENSE, this would have come out in the trial with the full disclosure of such and mr horn would get a not guilty verdict.
You anti-gun and anti-civil rights guys are proposing that the legal system be changed to try Joe Horn in a criminal trial.
Nice little Commies.
I AM NOT anti gun, I am anti MURDER, I am anti KILLING unless in true self defense....I AM anti shooting any human IN THE BACK....unless they have physically seriously harmed another human.
The physics involved prove that they rushed him. THE TESTIMONY OF THE COPS prove that there was a threat. I really don't care if you think otherwise. Again, at the end of this day, Joe Horn is a free man and there is nothing you can do about it besides cry like a little bitch on the internet.


Of course not. Actually seeing HIS NEIGHBORHOOD drive off cockface idiots screaming racism would tarnish your goofy arguement.

but.. hey, since im the only one posting evidence anyway..

the grand jury is a TOOL of the prosecutor's.....if this case went to trial, all hell would have broken loose on the texas castle laws....and maybe would have made it to the supreme court...texas could NOT ALLOW this to happen, thus the prosecutors manipulation with picking the grand jury and getting the results THEY NEEDED.....

A grand jury is SIMPLY THE TOOL of the prosecutor.... they are not a jury of peers, they only get info on what the prosecutors want them to get and see, UNLIKE A FAIR JURY TRIAL.....

if you seem to think otherwise, then you are MISTAKEN.

Ahh so now you are claiming the prosecutor brought charges and then made sure they went no where. I see. I take a pill for my paranoia, perhaps you need one?

wrong answer. If your kid was shot in the process of robbing a house and threatening a neighbor you'd have to deal with it just like the families of both of these dead criminals. YOUR OPINION, strong or not, doesn't usurp texas law. Your opinon of morality means little. Again, go face the FACT of texas castle doctrine.

The actor's belief that the force was
immediately necessary as described by this subsection is presumed
to be reasonable if the actor knew or had reason to believe that the
person against whom the force was used:

(3) was committing or attempting to commit aggravated
kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault,
robbery, or aggravated robbery.

(e) A person who has a right to be present at the location
where the force is used, who has not provoked the person against
whom the force is used, and who is not engaged in criminal activity
at the time the force is used is not required to retreat before
using force as described by this section.

80(R) SB 378 - Introduced version - Bill Text

you realize that FORCE is NOT the same as DEADLY FORCE don't you?

There are two separate laws regarding the use of FORCE and the use of DEADLY FORCE .

btw, i am still surfing through the 4 PAGES of this thread for this "proof" YOU SUPPOSEDLY posted....

thanks for the help finding it, bitch! :)

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