American Communist deplatforming will lead to a better Internet! No More Free Stuff!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Big Tech CCP Allies have done us a tremendous favor in pointing out the Massive Fatal Flaw in the current Internet and why it will fall taking Facebook, Google and other down with it.

I've had a Gmail account since 2007. Forget that I just cancelled several of the services I had with Google. Their model was: We will give you "free Email" and in turn you will give us ALL you economic and personal information. What a great deal - for them! Same with The FaceBookBurning. They were supposed to be a platform where you could keep in touch with your family and friends, like a modern phone company. Instead they've morphed into "we OWN your online profile and correspondence and fuck you if you don't like it!"

What's coming next is a new "upside down" Internet where first your personal information is secured behind an encrypted key. You decide who gets what. The days of the CCP Big Tech Companies getting your Information will end. You will still go online to do commerce, to communicate with your friend and family, get your news feeds and information, but there will no longer be a CCP Big Tech Company as your gate keeper.

George Gilder wrote about this in "Life After Google" and now this...

"He Created the Web. Now He’s Out to Remake the Digital World.

Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data. He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?"

It's from the NYTimes, fuck them I'm not linking to it.

The Free Market will take care of the CCP Big Tech Internet and they have 85MM instant US customers in actual voters for Donald Trump
The left do whatever they can to impose their Agenda and punish anyone that dissents.


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